Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

Kejap je dah masuk tahun baru. Baru je few days ago kita celebrate Awal Muharram, now dah sambut New Year pulak. Rasa baru semalam aku hantar Iman masuk darjah 1, now she's gonna be in standard 4, and Iffah pulak will be in standard 3. Dah besar anak-anak mama.

What's my new year's resolution?? Aku rasa this year aku cuma ada 1 je resolution iaitu, untuk kuruskan badan! hehehe.. Since aku ada PCOS, the only way aku boleh conceive is to kuruskan badan. That's what my gynae cakap. Bila kurus, hopefully my PCOS will be manageable. Walaupun aku terpaksa berusaha 4 kali ganda lebih dari orang lain untuk kurus, aku kena buat jugak.

Once upon a time in Hobart, Tasmania

Boleh tak agaknya aku kurus macam tu balik? Masa tu BMI aku less than 20. Macam tak boleh je.. huhuhu..

Ni gambar sekarang.. huwaaaaaaaaaaaaa


I've been removed from an acquaintance, I shall named him Mr. NS, FB friend's list recently. When I first realised that he has removed me, I was confused, but now I'm happy! hehehe... the truth is, aku memang dah lama nak removed dia dari list FB friends' aku but aku tak sampai hati sebab dia kawan Hubby. Aku tak tahan baca his status update yang selalu menggambarkan that dia horny, horny, horny. Manjang horny, takde benda lain gamaknya dalam diari hidup dia. Before, aku hide his status update dalam news feed aku, so whatever yang dia tulis, takan appear on my news feed or live feed. Now that he's gone from my list, aku rasa sangat lega.

Sometimes aku pelik, kenapa ada orang macam tu. I know you're horny, so what?? Oh! maybe dia happy kot tengok ramai orang yang akan reply, dan akan buat macam2 offer yang menyambut kehorny-an dia. Yang paling aku berbulu, bila tengok reply from pompuan2 bertudung, yang sangat memualkan perut. Rasa tak lalu makan lepas baca apa yang ditulis. Eh! hello!! Dah pakai tudung tu, buat la cara macam perempuan yg pakai tudung ie, jaga adab depan orang etc. Kalau dah horny sangat, get a room please! I don't want to know if u're horny or you're in need to cum, or whatever!! Do private things in private la. PLEASE!

Besides Mr. NS, ada another acquaintance, aku shall named her as Miss JS. Ni pun sama jugak. I mean, come on la.. dah la pompuan, up status yang menggelikan macam tu, tak kesah ke kalau orang pandang rendah pada kita?? Tak malu ke? Kita ni pompuan, buat la perangai macam pompuan, sopan santun, cakap berhalus, jaga tutur kata. Bukannya update status such as "nak g sangria....hukhukhuk....dok umah asyik basahkan mata je...kalo dok kat sangria leh basahkan lain...termasuk *****...hmmm...sedap...:)". WHAT???? Bangang betul. Aku takmau ler chop or panggil orang dengan nama yg bukan2. But aku rasa, tu dah macam a bit too much.

ok, dah puas hati aku membebel! sorry ye :)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Time off

Aku will be taking time off from blogging for few days. Sakit kepala yang amat sakit, rasa macam nak pitam. Tak sanggup nak duduk depan pc lama2. Below gambar2 masa pegi Chili's Midvalley.

Monday, December 28, 2009

My version of Lasagna

Another lasagna day for the kids. They love is so much!

I posted this in one of my egroup.

my lasagna ada kaler hijau sikit, that's lasagna sheet yang i beli from tesco. i campur yg hijau with yg putih. ni nak perabis stock lasagna sheet yg ada kat rumah :D

minced meat sauce (sama dgn bologna sauce, except that i buat a bit pekat. kalau takmau guna minced meat, boleh guna seafood)

4-5 ulas bwg putih - crushed
1 large onion (diced)
1/2 kg minced meat
1 can of tomato puree
2-3 tomatoes (diced)
1-2 tbs mixed herbs
3 tbs sugar
1 1/2 tbs salt

1. panaskan few tbs of olive oil. saute onion and garlic dalam pan
2. masukkan mince meat, biarkan sampai kering air, masukkan diced tomatoes.
3. then add 1 can of tomato puree and 1 can of water.
4. add mixed herbs, sugar and salt. kalau suka, boleh add crushed black peppers.

white sauce (bechamel)
2 tbs butter
2 tbs flour
2 cups of fresh milk
cheddar cheese
salt, pepper.

2 tbs butter, panaskan, bila dah cair, masukkan 2 tbs flour, then goreng, remove from heat, masukkan 2 cups of fresh milk. then stir, pastu bring to boil, slow the heat, kacau til it's thick. add cheddar cheese (ikut suka byk mana), salt (about 1 tsp) and pepper. (the same recipe i guna untuk buat spaghetti carbonara, except for carbonara i add 1 cup of stock tu thin the sauce)

lasagna tu guna ready made lasagna sheet yang ada jual kat kedai. tak payah boil dulu, boleh guna straight from the box. i alternate the meat sauce and white sauce. last sekali, on top will be the white sauce, and sprinkle with some mozarella cheese. baked for approximately 45mins. voila! siap ur lasagna :D

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hari ini dalam Sejarah!

Things that happened today.
1. Iman had her ears pierced.
2. Iffah had her ears pierced too.

3. I cut my hair really short, guna mesin no. 4. Will upload the photo later. Now I look like one of the inmate kat Penjara Kajang.

Friday, December 25, 2009

A day at the library.

Nora commented that aku spend most of my time going out. Come to think about it, betul jugak. Dunno why, lately ni macam extra rajin pulak berjalan. Maybe sebab aku dah tak payah share my car with dear hubby coz he bought his in September. Before, memang ada 2 kete pun, but it's so uncomfortable driving kancil outside Melawati. Pastu hubby pulak jenis manjang outstation, so I was left with kancil only. Memang malas giler la nak berjalan. Now that I have full access on my car again, maka jadi panjang la langkah aku. Furthermore, bila dah tua ni, rasa best pulak keluar dengan kawan2. My hubby pun memang encourage me to go out more. Maybe sebab dia suka tengok aku balik dengan muka berseri-seri.

But Nora did ask, aku ada problem ke manjang keluar rumah.. hehehhe.. No Nora, aku takde problem. I'm happy!! Sometimes duduk dengan kawan over a cup of coffee pun dah cukup buat aku happy. Bila balik rumah, the positive vibes seem to spread over the whole household. Ye la, kalau aku happy, then less membebel on my part, and less naik angin sama.

Semalam I went to K.Mei's (hubby's eldest sister) house. The kids nak main dgn Zulaikha, their cousin. The initial plan was to pick up Zulaikha pastu head to Children's Library kat depan Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad in the middle of the city. Pastu bila pikir-pikir balik, takut jugak aku kalau stuck dalam jam, dah ler semalam ramai orang on the road, heading somewhere. We ended up at Perpustakaan Kanak2 DBKL, Wangsa Maju.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Seekor cicak yang menjadi mangsa

What is this cicak doing?? Nampak macam tengah panjat pintu kan? Look again!

Ni gambar dari depan. Urgh!! Aku rasa mcm nak muntah masa ambik gambar ni.. dah ler aku jenis penggeli giler. Tengok kepala cicak tu dah terkulai.

Wanna know what happened??? Iffah tersepit dia kat pintu. Kesian cicak ni. Iffah has a special way with binatang. She always seem to be able to kill it.. hehe.. Last time, masa Iman was about 5 years old, we bought a pair of hamsters for Iman. She was so happy, sayang sangat kat hamster dia, hari-hari dok belai. Then one day Iffah mintak nak pegang. Mula-mula Iman tak bagi, tapi dah adik dia asyik merengek je, last-last Iman bagi. Iffah dengan excitednya pegang hamster tu. Tak sampai 2 minit, tiba-tiba, hamster tu macam kaku. Bila check, tengok-tengok dah mati. Tak sure mcm mana hamster tu mati. Maybe sebab Iffah pegang kasar kot.

Menangis-nangis Iman bila hamster dia mati. We decided to replaced the dead hamster with a new one. Kita orang pun beli la hamster lagi sekor. Iman vowed never to let Iffah holds her hamster ever again. Ok la, hamster baru tu memang hidup lama la jugak. One day, entah macam mana, cage hamsters tu terjatuh. Hamsters yang dah lama duduk dalam cage tu were so excited, finally dapat keluar, lari menyorok. Cari punya cari, jumpa la sekor. Iman bersungguh-sungguh cari yang lagi sekor. Tiba-tiba Iffah cakap, "Kakak, adik terpijak hamster kakak yang lagi satu". Aduhai Iffah... nangis lagi Iman.. *sigh*.. macam tu la cerita Iffah dengan binatang. So far, kita orang memang tak pernah beli any pet for Iffah, takut tak tahan lama.. hehe

Monday, December 21, 2009

Fraser's Hill - part 2

It was an impromptu decision. Initially, K.Mei (hubby's eldest sister) ajak pegi Melaka. Semua orang dah agree nak pegi Melaka last weekend, tapi aku takmau pegi. Aku dah boleh imagine mcm mana traffic kat Melaka, plus the heavy traffic on NKVE nanti. Pastu sekarang pulak musim panas. Aku kan tak tahan panas, nanti kena migraine teruk. Since my family tak jadi pegi, K.Mei pun decided not to go too, yang lain pun tak jadi.

Pastu entah macam mana, tiba2 K.Mei called, tanya nak pegi Fraser's Hill tak. Aku tak pernah sampai ke Fraser's Hill. Dulu K.Mei pernah ajak, masa tu Iman and Iffah still kecik lagi, but kita orang tak pegi sebab Iman was hospitalised. This time, aku taknak la lepaskan peluang. For the first time lepas 5 tahun, hubby's family buat another get-together, and this time to Fraser's Hill. K.Mei managed to get Muar  Cottage. Somehow, takde pulak orang buat reservation untuk stay kat situ last weekend. Guess, tu rezeki we all. Tapi sebab there were 5 families, mana la muat nak sumbat semua kat Muar Cottage yang comel tu, 2 of the families kena stay kat Silver Park Apartment. We spent the whole day kat Muar Cottage, malam je masing2 balik Silver Park untuk tido.

I love the weather kat Fraser's Hill. According to Mr Leung (Muar Cottage's caretaker), this month je baru sejuk kat atas tu. Before, the weather lebih kurang macam kat Cameron Highland. Masa we all pegi, it was below 10 degree, foggy all the time, drizzle all the time too. Macam aku cakap earlier, the weather mcm kat Fork Town dalam Twilight. I was hoping that there will be sightings of Edward, but unfortunately, mimpi cuma tinggal mimpi.. *sigh*... If only Edward were to come, then it will be perfect! hehehe.. dah tua bangka pun still berangan lagi.

What did we do sepanjang 3 days kat Fraser's Hill? NOTHING! heheh.. exactly that, we did nothing. Just duduk lepak kat cottage tu, watched tv, aku sibuk dengan korean drama aku, the kids were busy with their activities, yang lain were busy playing deck cards. Somehow duduk kat Fraser's Hill reminded me of Tasmania. Rindu betul nak pegi Tassie. Muar Cottage is beautiful. According to Mr. Leung, some x-ministers stayed there before such as Daim and Musa Hitam. Aku angguk je la.. seronok jugak dengar cerita Mr Leung. His family came from China. Dia dah duduk kat Fraser's Hill more than 40 years. His parents were brought in from Mainland China in 1920's to work as the caretaker of Muar Cottage. Pastu dia took over. Mr Leung ni dah quite berumur, I think maybe dalam his early 60's.

I've already made some plan with K.Mei to visit Fraser's Hill soon.Tak sabar rasa nak pegi lagi sekali.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Fraser's Hill

Hehehe.. sorry ye, dah few days tak update blog. I was away from Friday, pegi Fraser's Hill, hubby's family's gathering. Aku upload gambar dulu, later kita bercerita. Letih giler sekarang sebab baru je sampai from Fraser's Hill. Iman called it Fraser's Highland. Why Fraser's Highland? Sebab dia mcm confused dengan Cameron Highland. Iman loves Fraser's Hill sebab dia ala-ala Fork Town dalam cite Twillight tu. Nasib baik la takde vampire yang duduk kat situ.

Muar Cottage

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Books! Books! Books!

Manjang asyik pegi books warehouse sale. These are some of the books yang aku beli during the sale. Rasanya yang ni beli masa Big Bad Wolf Books Warehouse sale kat Ampcorp Mall. Aku pegi second last day. Rasa menyesal giler pegi on that day, patut aku pegi masa last day, coz masa tu all books were selling at RM5. Argh!!! menyesal!!! We're talking about ALL BOOKS ok! Aku beli masa jual more than RM5 pun dah mcm nak giler pilih buku. Kalau pegi on the day yang dia orang buat clearance for RM5 tu, mau meroyan aku dibuatnya.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Muppets

Masa Iman & Iffah kecik2 dulu, aku tak pernah belikan dia orang The Muppets  series. It was always the soft-spoken purple dinosaur aka Barney series. Few days ago, hubby's American brother (ni abang masa dia pegi exhange student way back in 1986), Woofie, posted The Muppets : Bohemian Rhapsody on Iman's Wall in Facebook. It was an instant hit with the girls including Shariff. In fact tengahari tadi, Shariff slept di buai lagu Bohemian Rhapsody by The Muppets.


Monday, December 14, 2009

Krispy Kreme anyone??

I'm not a fan of doughnut, never was and never will until JCo came into the picture. I thought JCo was heavenly, until I tasted Krispy Kreme. Sedap giler Krispy Kreme tu.. Kebetulan hubby wanted to buy some protein for his exercise program, we went to Berjaya Time Square to GNC Warehouse Sale. Masa turun kereta tu nampak, ada Krispy Kreme kat entrance Berjaya Time Square. Mula-mula aku cuma nak beli their glaze doughnuts je. Pastu terpedaya pulak bila tengok doughnuts lain yang cukup menggoda. Terbang RM40.00.. huwaaaa...

On the way balik rumah, aku duduk berpikir, pasal ler aku tamak sangat sampai beli 24 biji doughnuts, sapa ler yang nak menghabiskan. Suprisingly, by pukul 10pm, aku tengok dah tinggah 4 bijik. Agaknya ada hantu doughnut kot yg tumpang sekaki makan doughnuts tu. Aku makan cuma 1/2 biji je. As I said, I'm not a fan of doughnuts. Separuh bijik tu kira dah bagus sangat-sangat.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ketam Sweet Sour with Thai Sauce

Ketam ni adalah ketam yang aku beli eons ago.. hehe.. Aku exaggerate je, takde la lama sampai mcm tu sekali. Ni ketam yang dibeli masa aku last balik kampung. Bila yek? Aku pun dah tak ingat. Yang pastinya, ketam ini adalah ketam nipah or mud crab. Aku suka ketam ni sebab isi tebal dan sangat sedap. According to adik aku, ketam nipah kalau ada kat pasar, it's quite expensive, about RM30-35 perkg. Aku bought these ketam for only RM11 perkg. Sure korang pelik, kat mana la aku beli ketam yang begitu murah. Ni ketam yang dibeli direct dari orang yang pasang perangkap ketam. Takde middle man, so barang memang murah la.

Ketam nipah dengan ketam bunga, rupa memang lain. Ketam bunga kurus sikit, muka less fierce, ketam nipah ni memang garang giler muka and very mischievous too. Manjang nak melarikan diri, ada je akal dia. Masa aku beli ketam2 tu, semua still hidup lagi. Nak ketuk dia sampai mati tak sampai hati, so adik aku, Abe, masukkan ketam yang hidup tu, dalam freezer. Aku rasa a bit tidak berperikebinatangan, but dah tu nak buat mcm mana, tak sampai hati nak ketuk or biarkan dia mati kat luar mcm tu je. Aku pretty sure, ketam2 tu mati sebab kesejukan. Kesian ketam.

This is actually a very simple dish. Masak macam ketam sweet and sour, but add thai sauce about 3 tbs. Rasa kick sikit :D. Err .. ketam nipah warna hitam, cuma lepas masak je tukar jadi kaler merah/orange gelap mcm ni.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Uninvited guest

Three days ago, someone/something decided to pay us a visit. Selama aku duduk Melawati over 20 years, ni la first time rumah aku ni dilawati species ni. I dunno why suddenly they decided to packed and moved  downhill. Maybe sebab uphill, dekat area rumah Datuk Yusop Selam (Haslam), dah banyak pokok-pokok yang kena tebang and di clearkan. Bukit kat tepi rumah mak aku, kat Fasa 6, dah ditoreh dan di cantas jadi separuh, and now jadi 20 Tree, beautiful houses built for the riches. Kesian segala makhluk yang dok menghuni tempat tu sebelum kedatangan 20 Tree tu.


The truth is, aku sebenarnya takut yg amat sangat dengan species beruk ni. One thing, beruk adalah beruk, perangai pun mcm beruk. A beruk can never be a monyet, ie, perangai beruk sangat la buruk. Err.. apa aku merapu ni? Back to this beruk. Aku rasa masa dia pindah, dia bawak sekali dengan sanak sedara dia. So ada la beberapa ekor beruk yang tidak dikenali berkeliaran di kawasan rumah aku. Bukan setakat duduk depan rumah, ada yang duduk atas kereta aku, masuk dalam area porch rumah aku dan melawat neighbour-neighbour berdekatan. Oleh kerana, beruk adalah beruk, maka aku terpaksa la panggil bomba untuk selesaikan masalah beruk ni. Bomba datang lepas beberapa jam beruk tu menghuni kawasan rumah aku.

But unfortunately, masa bomba sampai, beruk tu decided untuk menyembunyikan diri, ala-ala fugitive gitu. One of the bomba guy cakap, dia orang takde alatan untuk tangkap beruk, jadi next time beruk tu datang, aku kena panggil perhilitan. Aduhai!... perhilitan pulak! Aku tak tau yang kerja menangkap beruk ni bukan senang, kena ada special equipment lagi. Agaknya sebab beruk terlalu ganas kot. Tapi memang ganas pun, bila menyeringai, nampak taring yang panjang. Fuh! seram giler aku tengok. Kita orang dalam rumah dikenakan perintah berkurung oleh dear hubby. Stress tahap gaban aku duduk rumah. Luckily perintah berkurung tu tak lama.... just while the beruk was around.

Lunch @ Chili's KLCC

On Tuesday, aku pei lunch kat Chili's KLCC with Anne, Normi and Roger. Roger came a bit late sebab dia keje, so boleh keluar time lunch hour je la. Tu pun dia main touch and go je coz she had another function somewhere kat The Apartment. Bila Roger kata she's going to The Apartment, Anne tanya "Apartment mana?".. hehehe.. It was so funny, coz aku pun mcm tu jugak dulu. Bila orang cakap nak makan kat Apartment, aku dok wonder ye la.. apartment mana? Rupanya kat KLCC ada satu tempat makan nama The Apartment.

It was a great get together. Dah lama jugak tak jumpa Normi. Selalunya makcik tu sibuk manjang. Kalau buat apa2 gathering, dia jarang join. Maybe sebab maid takde, pastu ada 4 orang anak yang nak kena jaga. Pening jugak nak cari tempat nak park anak-anak, while mak pegi beronggeng. Normi took a day off just to be with us. Thank you Normi, aku happy betul. June was supposed to come, but she forgot! Argh!! macam mana June boleh lupa. Gayah pulak, tak dapat join sebab ada meeting. Takpe la, insyaAllah next time boleh join.

Balik from Chili's, aku duduk depan facebook. Then a friend masa kat Tasmania tegur dalam FB chat. She told me dia ada breast cancer stage 2. Terkejut giler aku coz she's still very young, 38 years old with no family history of cancer. Rasa mcm nak pengsan kejap. For this kakak, dugaan Allah tu sangat besar. Macam-macam that she had to go through before, and now fighting against cancer. Bila pikir about her life, aku rasa bersyukur sangat that Allah tak uji aku macam tu. Boleh ke aku terima kalau aku diuji seberat tu? Betul, Allah takan uji hamba dia yang tak mampu. But I dont want to be pushed to the edge, takut aku akan jadi bitter, salah sangka pada Allah. Aku hope she'll be strong. As strong as before masa dia brave through ujian Allah sebelum ni.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Telur Hancur Masak Pedas

Masa study kat seksyen 2, aku love the food there sebab murah and sedap. Antara favourite aku were kari telur, telur dadar, telur masak tomato dan telur-telur lain yang sewaktu dengannya.Why aku pilih lauk telur je? because telur murah and masa tu, aku memang tak suka makan ayam and daging. Lebih kurang macam vegetarian except for the telur and ikan part. Ikan pun aku jarang makan coz ikan pasar kan bau hanyir and rasa macam ubat hospital. So, telur memang menjadi makanan wajib aku.

Selalunya tengahari aku akan makan nasik campur, then petang, aku beli food from kedai-kedai tomyam yang ada kat situ. Aku teringat-ingat telur hancur yang aku makan kat one of the kedai tomyam yg ada kat situ.

Telur Hancur Masak Pedas

5 biji telur
2 tbs cili boh
4 biji bawang putih - crushed
2 senduk minyak
3 tbs oyster sauce
3 tbs chili sauce
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp sugar
daun sup - cincang
cili padi - potong nipis (optional)

1. Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang putih and cili boh sampai garing.
2. Pecahkan telur dan tuang semua dalam kuali, pastu kacau sampai telur garing.
3. Buang lebihan minyak, and add oyster sauce dgn sos cili, tambah garam, gula, daun sup dan cili padi (optional).

Aku buat this recipe kurang pedas sikit so that Iman and Iffah boleh makan. Mas cakap sedap sangat-sangat.. hehehe.. kembang kejap aku. Aku pun rasa sangat sedap and I think kalau tambah Lala or any shellfish, sure lagi sedap. Lagi satu yang aku suka about foodcourt kat seksyen 2 Shah Alam tu, dia org punya ABC. Instead of guna sirap je, dia orang letak melted chocolate. Peh!!! memang sedap giler!! Since aku blah from seksyen 2, tak pernah lagi aku jumpa ABC chocolate tu.. teringin sangat nak makan :(

Monday, December 7, 2009

Iffah making faces

Terkejut kejap tengok mata Iffah! There is nothing girlish about this!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Piano Lesson & Ikea

My SIL suruh hantar Iman and Iffah to her house for piano lessons. Bercinta jugak la aku nak pegi rumah dia, coz she lives in Kota Damansara and aku pulak duduk Melawati. Bila pikir nak kena lalu Kepong on weekends, malas giler! But with DUKE, the trip to Kota Damansara is no longer an issue. From Melawati, lalu DUKE, pastu ambik Penchala Link, make a U-turn kat tepi One Utama, voila! dah sampai.. senang kan? Aku rasa DUKE is one of the best highway yang government ever built.

Sausage roll & pasta salad for tea kat rumah Mina. Suprisingly, pomegranate and raisin makan with macaroni with eggs was quite delicious.

Aku sampai kat rumah Mina quite lambat coz aku pegi PC Fair kat KLCC Convention Center dengan my sister Ayu and dear hubby. Ayu wanted to buy a laptop sebab laptop hubby yang dia pinjam tu dah tersangat la slownya untuk dia buat keje. Instead of buying one laptop, I ended up with two, satu for Ayu and the other one for Abah. Abah has been wanting a laptop for quite a while, pastu kebetulan HP ada promotion. It was quite a good bargain. The truth is, aku takde la kesah sangat pasal specs sebab untuk Abah, yang penting, boleh main game. He's a gamer, you see, at the age of 66 (next year), he's an avid gamer. One day boleh spend masa more than 10 hours main game and it runs in the family... hehe.

Penduduk tetap rumah ni. We came back from PC Fair and found him sprawled on hubby's chair kat luar rumah. Buat macam kerusi sendiri pulak!


Inspired by Mama22beas, aku pun terus singgah kat Ikea lepas piano lesson kat rumah Mina and bought this. Little did I know, bukannya senang nak buat rumah ni. Aku ingatkan as simple as just tampal2 je. Rupanya nak kena buat glue made from sugar pastu buat icing, then kena beli the colourful candy. Nampaknya ni project untuk petang karang la sebab now takde mood nak buat sugar glue tu. Terlajak ke Ikea semalam, aku belikan cookies for hubby and aku let Iman and Iffah main kat Smalland. Punya la happy dia org berdua. Aku pun happy jugak sebab aku boleh window shopping dgn Sally. Plannya taknak spend more than RM50 termasuk dinner. But as usual, aku spent more than RM100.. *sigh*... this month aku memang betul-betul kopak.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Iman & Eclipse

Mula-mula, mama demam Eclipse. Lepas tu jangkit dengan Iman pulak. Luckily Aunty Nora kena duduk bertapa somewhere, and tak dapat mama nak menghantar buku Aunty Nora tu. Maka Iman pun apa lagi, Eclipse marathon la. For the past 3 days, Iman dok membaca Eclipse, she's almost done with Eclipse. I think it's quite impressive sebab tebal giler buku tu for a 9 year old to read. I like Eclipse sebab the story is about Edward, Bella and Jake. Kalau New Moon, just Jake and Bella, Twilight pulak, Edward and Bella.Kalau nak tau, kena baca sendiri! hehehe..

Iffah reading one of Iman's book.

 Iman so engrossed with Eclipse.

Above, gambar masa pegi visit Hubby kat Ampang Puteri semalam. Tak sempat nak pegi ward sebab the kids were so hungry, so aku ajak hubby jumpa kat Old Town White Coffee depan Ampang Puteri Hospital. Hubby was warded for 3 days sebab kena asthma. Ye la, mana tak kena asthma, dah tau ada history of asthma, still hisap rokok lagi. Geram betul. Luckily this time, hubby decided to quit smoking for good with the help of a medication called Champix. Aku hope boleh la dia berenti after 3 months. We will wait and see..

Lepas jumpa hubby kat Old Town, we went to Atria Shopping Center. Aku picked up Wan (my cousin) kat Asia Jaya LRT station, pastu pegi Atria sama-sama. Plannya nak check out Correlle nye warehouse sale. Buang masa je aku pegi sana, sebab takde la sale mana pun. Kalau teringin nak beli periuk pyrex, then worth it la, coz it was on 70% off. But Corelle or Corning Ware, takde sale pun. Cuma ada free gift je kalau beli set of 16 or 18 pcs. Dah la satu set Corelle, about RM550-600, depending on the design. Mahal giler!!! Memang rasa tertipu..

Lepas hantar Wan kat LRT station, aku bawak the kids to Summit USJ. We went to Popular warehouse sale. Hehehe... aku ni tak habis-habis pegi sale kan? I wanted to buy few books for the kids. Erm.. sebenarnya dah banyak buku aku beli, but I just couldn't resist the temptation. Being ulatbuku, book warehouse sales are hard to resist. Most of the books there were on 70% sale. I bought few books for the kids which were selling at 90% off, then beli buku for anak Rina and a self-helped book for dear hubby. The truth is, aku really dunno what books to buy for anak-anak Rina, tibai je la. Rina, kalau silap beli buku, jangan marah ye. It's a bit hard to buy books for boys. :)

Friday, December 4, 2009


I bought RM9 a tub Häagen-Dazs Pistachio at Jusco AU2. The selling price is RM32.90, but they slashed it down to just RM9 per tub.  I ended up with 3 tubs, 2 Pistachio and one Chocolate. Heavennya rasa, especially bila dapat beli ice cream mahal dengan harga yang murah.. hehehe..

Sometimes kat Jusco AU2, you get real bargain for grocery items. Aku memang dah tak pegi beli barang kat tempat lain. Kadang-kadang kalau takde kerja pun, aku akan lepak kat Jusco AU2, tak ramai orang, aku tak serabut. Sometimes nak beli barang, kalau ramai orang, malas nak membeli. Kat Jusco AU2 tu, aku suka makan takoyaki. Sedap!! Eh! talk about takoyaki, Anne belikan takoyaki pan untuk aku, but sampai sekarang tak guna lagi. I couldn't find tepung untuk buat takoyaki. Rasanya aku kena tanya adik aku Harun. Maybe ajak dia pegi isetan, and try to look kat Japanese section kat situ.

Pastu, now Jusco AU2 buat Jusco Fiesta every first friday of the month. Today aku pegi borong barang dapur kat situ. On Fiesta Day, selalu barang basic, akan murah giler2. For example, hari ni, Milo 2kg was selling at RM22.90. Pastu sabun basuh Tops 3kg pulak RM10.99, which aku rasa sangatla murahnya. Then for every RM100 you spend, you'll get RM5 voucher. Kira berbaloi sangat-sangat la beli barang hari ni. Aku dapat voucher RM25, so guess how much I spend today?? *sigh*....

JUSCO J Card Fiesta Day at JUSCO AU2 (Setiawangsa)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hubby & Eclipse

Today aku quite busy. Pagi tadi aku pegi bank, transfer duit, bayar mana-mana yang patut, pastu bayar car insurance and paid roadtax kat pejabat pos. Balik rumah aku plan nak buat sardine roll. Dah siap uli tepung, and letak the pastry dough dalam peti, kononnya nak kena sejukkan for an hour pastu aku masak sardine. But aku boleh terlupa yang aku simpan pastry dough dalam peti, maka, sardine roll aku tak terbuat la hari ni. hehehe.. Nora kata aku dah tua. Aku pun rasa macam tu jugak. Boleh aku biarkan dough dalam peti tak berusik. *sigh*... nampak gayanya, aku kena sambung esok je la ni.

Aku cam takde mood je nak masak hari ni. Dah keluarkan ikan, plannya konon nak buat ikan sweet sour. Erm.. tak jadi jugak. Lagipun hubby kena admit kat Ampang Puteri, lagila aku malas nak masak. Kalau masak penat-penat, nanti takde orang nak makan. The kids awal-awal lagi dah order meehoon soto hari ni.

For the past few weeks, hubby hasn't been feeling very well. Malam-malam bila tido, dia complain of chest pain, bila nafas, rasa macam tak lepas. But since dia a bit busy, as usual, bila end of the year, when the numbers tak memberangsangkan, bosses in the office bising la. Tu yang busy sepanjang november and disember ni. But aku cakap kat hubby, he needs to take a break. Get well first, pastu baru la sibuk pasal keje. So tadi dia pegi Ampang Puteri, and the doctor warded him coz he's wheezing. Dah tua pun still kena asthma. Aku rasa in hubby's case, self -induced asthma. Ye la, dah tau ada tendency to dapat asthma since dia suffer from childhood asthma before, tapi degil, taknak berenti rokok. For the past 5 years, mesti kena attack at least once a year. But as usual, he is still in a state of denial, taknak mengaku yg dia memang asthmatic. Tadi masa masuk hospital pun, dah tak sabar-sabar nak balik. Ampang Puteri penuh, so takde single bed or double bedded. He ended in 8-bedded room. Argh! aku pun stress masa pegi visit. Aku suruh dia sabar, stay until he's well then baru la mintak discharge. Tak tau la how long he'll be able to survive dalam ward tu.

On the way to Ampang Puteri, aku buat detour ke rumah Nora. Thank you nora sebab bagi aku pokok kaduk tu. Esok boleh la Makcik Ton memulakan activiti menanam pokok kaduk. Beside pokok kaduk, aku pinjam Eclipse Nora. Iman was so excited about it. Lepas je pinjam Eclipse, aku melencong ke Ampang Point pulak. Guess what I did? Aku beli Breaking Dawn. Argh!!! melayang2 duit aku sepanjang 2 hari ni. Semalam pegi Big Bad Wolf book warehouse sale. Hari ni beli buku lagi! Ni semua sebab Iman la.. mabuk sangat dengan Twilight series tu. But the truth is, Iman is in Team Jacob. Dia kata Jacob lagi handsome :D


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Steamed Chocolate Cake

Malas nak tulis panjang-panjang. Ni percubaan pertama buat steamed chocolate cake. K.lily from UKS posted the cake that she baked/steamed on facebook. Nampak sungguh menggiurkan. Aku pun apa lagi.. cepat-cepat beli barang and buat 6 biji kek dalam masa 2 hari.. hehehhe.. banyak kan?

It looks dark, gloomy and ultra delicious! hehehe.. 

Spotted on Facebook!


Hehehehe... walaupun engkau takde dalam facebook, gambar engkau masih dapat ku tatap dalam facebook tu. Sungguh sopan dan ayu kawan aku sorang ni dalam gambar ni (yes, dalam GAMBAR ni je tau.. muahahahaha)