Thursday, March 31, 2011

Kursus Kepimpinan

Kursus or khusus? That was the question posted by Iman earlier. Sebutan almost the same, tergeliat lidah mama dia nak explain. Iman tanya, what's kursus kepimpinan? Sorry ye kakak, mama tak penah pegi kursus kepimpinan. Masa mama sekolah dulu, manjang kena demerit dengan Aunty Sally. Every weekend, kita orang pelumba lari yang setia, mengelilingi padang hoki, padang rugby dan padang bola kat sekolah SMSS, KT tu especially masa form 3.

Jadi, memang sah2 la tak terpilih untuk jadi pengawas, pengawas pusat sumber, ajk persatuan, ajk asrama or apa2 lah jawatan yang ada. Dah la masa form 4 kena buang asrama, nasib baik dapat offer pegi SSP. Kalau tak, memang seksa la nak kena cari rumah sewa kat SMSS tu. Kalau nak tau, kena tanya Maklong yang forever jadi pengawas, pembimbing rakan sebaya, ajk persatuan, ajk asrama etc etc.

 Dipeluk abah tercinta.

Iman, one of 2 orang yang terpilih untuk jadi wakil Puteri Islam sekolah SKTM 2, pergi kursus kat SK Klang Gate on 26th March 2011.

Apple & Date Cake di

Previously, aku ada mentioned about my addiction to baking kan? Tapi, aku takde la boleh membaking sampai sehebat Rima, takat baking untuk makan je.. hehe.. and selalunya aku akan bake benda yg sempoi, that will not be time consuming. Bila belek peti semalam, aku ternampak granny smith apples yg dah berzaman kesejukan dalam peti tu. Kesian jugak aku kalau terus biarkan apple2 tu kesejukan.

So, aku pun start menggoogle recipe. I saw Jewish Apple Cake kat blog Tammy, nampak menyelerakan sungguh. Tapi, orange juice pulak takde. Malas betul aku nak keluar gi beli orange juice. Kete aku  tengah merehatkan diri ala2 spa kat bengkel sebab minyak gear box bocor. Malas nak mintak hubby tolong belikan sebab leceh. Dia akan buat benda lain dulu, baru dia pegi kedai beli. In the end, aku baked using Akak Nigella yang seksi tu punya recipe.

Mula2, risau gak sebab takut nanti the cake will taste macam sticky pudding. Tapi, suprisingly, the cake tasted wonderful. Aku suka sangat2. I think kalau add walnut sikit, it will be great! Thank you la ye akak Nigella for the recipe. Lain kali, boleh aku gi bertandang rumah dia lagi.. hehehe..

 Lekuk2 kek aku sebab aku tak berseni. Malas ler nak betulkan the parchment paper tu. 

 Can you see the mug behind the cake? That was a gift from hubby, he bought it in Stavanger. :)


Hubby took the photos in this entry. I was too sick to sit outside and snap photos. Mula2 aku ambik gambar kek yg aku masukkan dalam Nordic tea cake pan. Tapikan, punya la buruk sebab kek2 yg comel tu semua herot berot, cacat belaka. I had to tilt the pan untuk sumbat dalam oven coz the oven is a bit small for the huge pan. Last sekali, terpaksa ambik gambar balik. The cake is dusted with icing sugar, as suggested by Jeni.

Apple & Date Cake at
Recipe posted by aussiefi


  • 2 green apples, peeled, cored and cut into chunks
  • 1 cup chopped pitted dates
  • 1 teaspoon bicarbonate soda
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 125g butter
  • 3/4 cup caster sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 cups plain flour, sifted
TOPPING: (I omit this part, takut too sweet)
  • 60g butter
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
  • 1/2 cup shredded coconut
  • 2 tablespoons milk


  1. Place apples, dates and soda in a bowl. Pour over boiling water. Allow to stand until cool.
  2. Beat butter and sugar together in another bowl until thick and creamy. Blend in egg and vanilla. Fold flour and apple mixture (including all the juice) alternately into creamed mixture.
  3. Spread into a greased and lined 23cm springform tin.
  4. Bake in a moderate oven (180ÂșC) for 45 minutes.
  5. To prepare topping: place butter, sugar, coconut and milk in a small saucepan. heat, stirring, until butter is melted and sugar is dissolved
  6. Remove cake from oven. Spread topping evenly over the top of cake.
  7. Bake for a further 15 minutes or until topping is golden and a skewer inserted in the middle of the cake comes out clean. Allow to cool completely in the tin. Carefully remove sides of the tin. Transfer cake to a serving plate.
  8. When I line a springform tin, I just tear off a rectangle of baking paper, place it over the base and clip the sides to the tin, keeping it in place. Then when I come to put the cake onto a serving dish, I use the paper to ease it onto the plate- get one corner and fold under then keep removing paper as cake goes onto plate if you kind of know what I mean!
note : perasan tak, butter, flour & sugar measurement, sama dengan recipe CBBS

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Nasi Kerabu with Ayam Percik & Baking

I think I have been bugged by baking bug now. K.Lili!! I think kan, the new oven is creating a havoc in my life. For the past few days, it has been actively baking cakes. Argh! I need to stop coz I really dont want everyone to start gaining weight again. Tapikan, susahnya nak stop. Everyday, I wanna bake. Every morning, I'll search on the net, for simple recipes, yg lazat. Maybe I should throw the new oven away? Sayangnya.. huhuhu..

Aku rasa la kan, officemates adik aku, Mas tu, sure ingat Mas jual oven sebab rasanya, to date, dia dah beli 6 biji oven. Mula2, she bought for me and Nisa. Pastu for mok and my elder sister, Shima. Then now, for Ella and Faisal, kawan hubby yg duduk kat Sabah tu. Nasib baik la sale dah nak habis esok. Kalau tak, mau byk lagi Mas kena borong oven.. hehe.. Sorry ye Mas.

Anyway, yesterday, aku rotan both Iman and Iffah, for getting their BM karangan C. Sorang kena rotan 3 kali. The reason aku rotan was because, I asked them to buat diary, tulis dalam BM and English, but they refused, so, masa tu, aku dah bagi warning, dapat less than A, then I'll rotan them. Tapikan, sebenarnya, masa nak rotan tu, kecut perut rasa sebab aku jarang sgt2 rotan dia org. Setiap lash, aku baca "Bismillah" supaya, bila aku rotan, ia adalah untuk pengajaran, but sebaliknya. Menangis2 both of them, syahdu betul. Bila aku ingat balik, rasa nak nangis.. huhuhu.. takpe la sayang-sayang mama, lepas ni kena rajin belajar. Takleh malas2 dah.

What did I cook for Faisal on Monday? Nasi kerabu!!  Lama betul aku tak buat nasi kerabu. Since we started exercising, segala jenis nasi yang bakal menggoda, memang aku akan avoid from cooking. Tapi, oleh kerana kawan hubby nak datang, kena la masak something special. Sunday dah masakkan dia nasi kebuli, this time, kena masak nasi lain pulak.

 Abah loves my nasi kerabu so much.. rindu pulak kat abah.

 The best ayam percik is still ayam percik yang dibakar guna dapur arang. Dulu2, everytime puasa, aku akan hidupkan arang untuk bakar ayam for percik. I think I started making percik since I was form 4.

 Sambal tumis nasi kerabu tu, I learned from my aunt, CikNgoh kat Kota Bharu. Kalau duduk rumah dia, memang boleh jadi obese la sebab dia pandai giler masak.

The way mok masak sambal ikan for nasi kerabu is, once dah gaul, u'll have to fry it again. Kalau buat extra sambal ikan,  adding extra serai and nisang will turn it to sambal ikan nasi himpit. I'll make some tomorrow. :)

Nasi Kerabu Mok Dah (aku la tu.. hahahhaa.. memandai je bubuh nama)

Nasi putih
ulam - kacang panjang, kangkung, daun kemangi, daun kesum, bunga kantan

Ayam Percik
sekor ayam - potong 4 or just bakar sekor, tak kesah
1 1/2 kg santan
25 ulas bwg merah - blend with bwg putih and halia
5 ulas bwg putih
1 inci halia
1 tsp halba
1 keping asam gelugor
10 tbs cili giling/cili boh
3 tbs salt
7 tbs sugar
3 btg serai - ketuk

1. masukkan santan, cili giling, bwg yg dah blend dalam periuk
2. masak sampai naik minyak
3. masukkan asam gelugor, serai, halba, salt and sugar.

ayam yg dah dibersihkan, lumur a little bit of garam and kunyit, bakar, and baste with gravy yang dah siap tu.

Sambal Tumis

Bahan blend
15 ulas bwg merah
2 inci halia
2 batang serai

8 tbs cili giling
2 tbs salt
5 tbs sugar
½ kerek nisang

1kg santan – masak hingga keluar minyak

1.      1.  Scoop minyak dari santan yang dah dimasak. Tumis cili giling hingga garing.
2.      2.  Masukkan bahan blend, masak hingga garing. Pastu masukkan salt, sugar, nisang and santan yg dah masak tadi. Ada ¼ cup of water. Biarkan mendidih seketika sebelum dihidangkan.

For  Sambal Ikan
1 biji kelapa – goreng hingga kekuningan
6 ekor ikan sardine – rebus, buang tulang dan tumbuk lumat

Bahan blend
10 ulas bwg merah
1 tbs lada hitam
3 batang serai
Salt & sugar

1.      1.  Kelapa yang dah digoreng, di tumbuk lumat dan digaul dengan ikan dan bahan blend.
2.    2Kemudian, goreng balik for 5-10 minutes before dihidangkan

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Nasi Kebuli Again

When I have to entertain guests and I'm not in the rajin mood, then, Nasi Kebuli adalah pilihan utama untuk menu. Initially hubby suruh masak nasik minyak hujan panas. Tapi mood aku tengah dibanjiri kemalasan yang amat, maka, dari nasi minyak, menjadi nasi kebuli. Why nasi kebuli? It's so simple, main campak2 je, less than 1 jam, dah jadi menu yg lazat.

Hubby's bossom buddy, Faisal and his family, came over for lunch on Sunday. I think I did mention that briefly in my blog. When we were in Kota Kinabalu last year, we bunked in at Faisal's place. They were great hosts! Faisal siap ambik cuti to bring us places.

 Nasi Kebuli

Nasi Kebuli with Tomato Mint Sauce & Yoghurt

Nasi Kebuli

Bahan A
1 ekor ayam - potong 4
garam, kunyit

gaul ayam dengan garam dan kunyit, perap for 8 hours

Bahan B - blend
1 tsp ketumbar
1/2 tsp lada hitam
15 ulas bawang merah
5 ulas bawang putih
2 inci halia
4 batang serai (I letak 2 batang je, coz I dont like the overwhelming taste of serai)
1 tsp serbuk kunyit

Bahan C
4 pot basmathi
4 1/2 pot air
1 tbs chicken stock granules (optional)
1. basuh dan toskan basmathi
2. masukkan air dalam periuk, bersama dengan bahan A and B.
3. biarkan mendidih sehingga ayam 3/4 cooked.
4. keluarkan ayam, masukkan beras, garam and chicken stock
5. transfer the whole periuk masuk dalam rice cooker, masak hingga nasik empuk (i'm too lazy utk jaga api while masak nasik tu)
6. ayam yg 3/4 masak tu, goreng hingga garing, hidangkan dengan nasik.

Tomato & Mint Sauce
6 biji tomato - seeded and cut into cubes
a bunch of mint leaves
juice from 2 lemon
sugar and salt to taste
5-10 biji cili padi

1. blend all the above and served. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Missha M BB Boomer

 BB Boomer (40ml) - RM56.90

BB Primer which boosts the adherence and duration of BB Cream
and makes your skin look brighter with its pink pearl powder when
applied before BB Cream.

Whitening + Wrinkle repairing

Moringa Oil: moisture, Detoxifying and anti-pollution effects
Patent ingredient, Mannan and Olive ingredients : they create moisture shield and help to moisture on the skin, leaving it moisturized after makeup.
- Adenosine and Arbutin: it improves skin tone and fine lines.

- Before applying BB Cream, apply an appropriate amount evenly
over the face. Pat lightly until fully absorbed.

Can be used as a primer before foundation to give moisturized look ,and help to adhere face make-up

Chocolate Bottom Banana Square

I read K.Yani's status on FB, saying that she's baking the Chocolate Bottom Banana Square. All this while, while blog hopping, aku dah few times nampak fellow bloggers buat this cake. But, tak terbukak pulak hati nak buat, until I saw K.Yani's photos of the chocolate banana square. Kebetulan pulak kat rumah banyak sangat pisang (K.Min, jangan jeles ye.. hehe). I bought lots of pisang kat Jusco sebab it was selling at RM2.50 perkg. Lagi murah dari harga kat pasar malam.

I made the CBBS (sorry CS, tiru ur trademark pulak, main shortform :D ) on Saturday. It smells so good, that I cannot resist to take a bite. Nasib baik la makan semulut je. Seksa giler nak tunggu Sunday utk indulged in the CBBS. Memang menyesal la buat on Saturday coz aku kena menahan nafsu.. huhuhu.. sedih sungguh. But hubby tak tahan, dia makan 5 large squares. He came back late that day, at 5am, lepas his teh tarik session with his friends. Bila bukak peti, nampak the CBBS sitting in the fridge, terus dia keluarkan dan potong, and masuk mulut. Habis diet pakcik tu..

 Chocolate Bottom Banana Square

 With mashmallows. Why do people love mashmallows? I dont..

The recipe
Source : Tammy Recipes
As seen on : K.Yani's, Rima & many others

Description: Chocolate swirl banana bread squares topped with chocolate chips
Yield:  24 squares
Ingredients: (I made double the ingredients)
1/2 cup butter
1 cup sugar (I used 3/4 cup only sebab too sweet)
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 cups mashed banana (about 3 medium bananas)
1 1/2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup baking cocoa
1 cup chocolate chips
1. In mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar. Add egg, vanilla, and bananas, beating thoroughly.
2. In a separate bowl, combine flour, soda, baking powder, and salt. Add to creamed mixture and mix well.
3. Divide batter in half. Add the cocoa to one portion of the batter. Spread that portion in the bottom of a greased 9 x 13-inch baking dish. Spoon remaining batter on top, swirling gently with butter knife if desired, and sprinkle with chocolate chips.
4. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until batter tests done with a toothpick or fork. Cool and cut into 24 squares.

My haul during DKSH warehouse sale. I was lucky that day coz I got the last stock of extra virgin olive oil for RM20. My sister wanted it too, but it was all gone. 

Today I'm making another batch of CBBS for hubby's friend. He loves CBBS so much!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

What's Wrong With ME???

Scene 1 

We were on the way back to KL. Singgah kat Kuala Berang to refuel. Duit dalam wallet ada RM40 je sebab memang plan nak keluarkan duit kat Kuala Berang. Sampai kat Petronas Kuala Berang, hubby asked to withdraw money from his CIMB. He gave me the pin, I went in to the ATM. 1st time aku tekan the pin number, the machine displayed wrong pin. Pastu aku tried again, for the 2nd time. Then, sama jugak, wrong pin entered. I should have stopped and go out, reconfirm again dengan hubby his pin number. But NO, I told my self, maybe aku tersilap tekan pin. 3rd time, Kaboom! Wrong pin again! Nasib baik kad tak kena telan.

I went out, cakap kat hubby that I think he gave me the wrong pin number. Hubby bagitau balik his pin number, then I went in to try again. Guess what? The card has been blocked!!! Argh! Dah ler aku takde duit dalam maybank coz while I was at my mom's place, I dont bother to transfer money to the maybank account, thinking that I'll do it in KL. Normally, I will transfer some money in Maybank. Takut emergency ke apa, senang kalau ada few ATM cards with money.

Then hubby made a call to CIMB call center. Guess what? They cannot unlock the pin. Tu pun lepas dah mintak reconfirmation of personal details dari hubby, baru nak cakap that they cannot do it over the phone. Hubby kena pegi kat branch. Giler!! There we were.. stuck in Kuala Berang, with only RM40 in our wallet. Dah ler masa tu dah nak masuk maghrib. Bank semua dah tutup. Nasib baik la adik aku Izani baik hati, transferkan duit dia dulu dalam maybank. Hubby punya la membebel kat aku. But I was angry too. Sapa suruh dia bagi aku pin number salah and sapa suruh dia malas nak keluarkan duit??

Scene 2

We went to Adidas/Puma warehouse sale at The Mall. After selecting the shoes that I want and bought a pair of nike air for iffah, hubby went to the cashier. Cashier dah punch harga barang2 tu, then time utk bayar. Guess what?? I didnt bring my Maybank card!! I took it from my wallet the day before untuk keluarkan duit. Argh!! Again! Dah la aku dah transfer semua duit masuk Maybank. Hubby membebel panjang lebar. Nasib baik ler a friend, Meje, tolong bank in kan duit masuk dalam CIMB aku. Huwaaaaaaaaaaa.... sedih giler!! Something is definitely wrong with me. I think I'm too tired running here and there..

Balik rumah, I searched high and low for my Maybank ATM card, tak ingat kat mana aku campak. Guess where it was hiding?? Inside my wallet but kat compartment lain. Bukan tempat yg aku selalu letak my card.. huhuhu... I'm super depressed now.. I think I need a break.. Tomorrow, we're gonna entertain hubby's childhood friend kat rumah for lunch... *sigh*..

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Earth Hour

Tepat pukul 8.25pm, Iffah started the 5 minutes countdown. Iman went searching for candles, Mama sibuk ambik gambar her Chocolate Bottom Banana Square or kalau dialih bahasa berbunyi Coklat Bontot Pisang Bersegi.. hahahha.. Alamak! buruknya bunyi.. Sorry girls... Saje merapu dikala bilik gelap gelita, rumah pun gelap gelita, cuma ditemani oleh cahaya lilin. Earth hour in our house is being celebrated by only 1 girl, Iman. Iffah busy main game on laptop, another 1/2 hour to go before Earth Hour ends.

Sorry kakak.. Tonite mama is extra tired, and I dont feel like joining the earth hour. Next year la ye..

Red Velvet Cake and A Hectic Friday

Tadi kan, aku rasa letih teramat sangat. I woke up late, sebab malam sebelum tu tido lambat. Haaa.. Sila putih murnikan otak anda, it's not because of malam jumaat ye, but because my dearest hubby ajak keluar makan at 12.30 midnite. He came back late, and was very hungry. Maka, isteri mithali ni terpaksa la temankan dia makan.. Walaupun dah malas nak keluar, tapi, temankan jugak la.. kesian sangat kat dia sebab the whole day, dia cuma makan 1 meal je. He was too busy sampai tak sempat nak makan.

Dah la bangun lambat, terpaksa jugak exercise. And we did our lower body exercise with a mission, buat sampai rasa mcm nak mati. Urgh! Memang rasa macam nak mati. I was tired, sore all over, my legs hurting really bad and yet, I had to ikut hubby to The Mall untuk pegi tengok Adidas sale kat sana. Kasut Nike Air aku decided to tamatkan riwayat dia semalam setelah 10 tahun berbakti dengan penuh setia.

Aku terpaksa cari ganti sebab tomorrow aku nak kena berlari for my cardio kat gym. For the first time, I bought a pair of Adidas shoes. I'm very happy with my new shoes, sangat selesa. We bought Nike Air for Iffah walaupun takde niat utk beli kasut tu. It was selling at RM159 from RM289. Rasa rugi je kalau tak beli. Kasut Iffah tu lawa sangat. Kalau la kaki aku secomel kaki Iffah..

Balik from The Mall, we went to picked up the girls from school. Sampai rumah je, aku masak lunch for hubby and the girls. Then, at 2pm, adik ipar Korean aku tu datang pulak dah (dia bawak hotteok, gimbap and spicy rice cake. yay!). Masa tu aku tengah sibuk buat marble cake and red velvet cake for Ally. Terpaksa la adik ipar aku tunggu sampai aku siap masak. Then, lepas je habis masak, aku hantar the girls pegi KAFA and terus ke McD bawak my nephews and my SIL tu makan. Then at 4pm, aku dropped them kat their house in Ampang, terus pegi post office sebab nak courier sample Missha untuk dealer kat Penang.

Balik rumah, Shariff pulak menangis sebab aku tinggal dia.. Argh!! tension!! Stress! Belum sempat panaskan bontot kat kerusi, terpaksa pulak keluar, ambik the girls from KAFA. Pastu, I had to singgah kat Bagus to buy cake box untuk letak cake Ally. Ally came over to picked up her cake at 6.30pm. Lepas maghrib, hubby ajak jumpa his childhood friend yang datang bercuti from Sabah. His friend is staying at a hotel in Maluri. Terpaksa la kita orang redah the jam and kena ripped off pulak tu kat the cafe at the Hotel. Mineral water cost us RM6 sebotol!! Bengkak betul! Tu tak campur lagi dengan yang lain.. Grrr...

Actually, aku ada byk nak cerita lagi ni. Tapi jari2 aku yg gemuk ni, need to take a break setelah seharian bekerja :)

Red Velvet Cake

Recipe adapted from browneyedbaker 

Red Velvet Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting

For the Cupcakes:
4tsbs unsalted butter, at room temperature (60gram)
¾ cup granulated sugar
1 egg
2½ tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
3 tablespoons red food coloring
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
½ cup buttermilk (mix 1/2 cup of milk with 1/2 tsp of lemon or vinegar. Let stand for 5 minutes)
1 cup + 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon baking soda
1½ teaspoons distilled white vinegar

For the Cream Cheese Frosting:
4 ounces butter, at room temperature
4 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
2 cups powdered sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line a standard muffin/cupcake pan with liners.
2. On medium-high speed, cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Turn the mixer to high and add the egg. Scrape down the bowl and beat until well incorporated.
3.Add cocoa powder, red colouring and vanilla to the batter and mix on medium speed until completely combined. You may need to stop the mixer to scrape the bottom of the bowl, making sure that all the batter gets color.
4. Reduce the mixer speed to low and slowly add half of the buttermilk. Add half of the flour and mix until combined. Scrape the bowl and repeat the process with the remaining milk and flour. Beat on high until smooth.
5. Again, reduce the mixer speed to low and add the salt, baking soda and vinegar. Turn to high and beat for another couple of minutes until completely combined and smooth.
6. Divide the batter evenly between the cupcake liners and bake for about 20 minutes, or until a thin knife or skewer inserted into the center of the largest cupcake comes out clean.
7. Cool for 10 minutes and then remove cupcakes from the pan and place them on a cooling rack to cool completely before frosting.
8. To make the frosting: Using the whisk attachment, whip the butter and cream cheese on high speed for about 5 minutes, scraping the bowl down as necessary. Reduce the speed to low and slowly add the powdered sugar until all is incorporated. Add the vanilla and mix to combine. Increase the speed to medium high and whip for a few minutes until the frosting is light and fluffy, scraping the bowl as necessary.

*Note: This recipe can be doubled to make an 8 or 9-inch layer cake.

Friday, March 25, 2011

DKSH Warehouse Sale

Haa... pada yg suka rubbermaid boleh la pegi this warehouse sale. It's worth it! Aku tak penah lagi missed the sale so far sebab aku suka kumpul rubbermaid containers. Pastu the girls memang bawak rubbermaid water bottles to school. Kalau beli kat Jusco, it will cost more than RM15 per bottle. Kat warehouse sale tu, cuma RM5 je sebotol.

Kalau nak tengok complete list boleh click kat sini.

I'm going tomorrow! The truth is, aku rasa mcm dah nak pengsan ni. Dari pagi, tak berenti berjalan, ni baru dapat memanaskan bontot di kerusi depan pc. I'm dead tired.. My Red Velvet Cake is baking in the oven.

What's BB Cream?


What is BB Cream?

BB Cream stands for 'Blemish Balm' and originated from nourishing cream used for treating burnt skin or sensitive skin type. BB Cream was first used by Korean after they receive facial treatments. It has healing properties and also protect their skin from the harmful sun and environmnet.  Missha has taken benefits of Blemish Balm and turned it into a multi functional must have item!

Difference between BB Cream & Foundation

BB Cream have numerous skincare properties combined in just ONE PRODUCT
UV portection + Anti-Wrinkle + Wrinkle Improvement + Whitening + Moisturising + Skin regeneration + Control
In addition, they can also conceal pigmentation or discolourations such as acne makes, freckles and dark eye circle. However it is much lighter than foundation and simpler applying method than foundation. BB Cream also provide wonderful coverage without clogging pores. 

BB Cream greatly simplified our tedious makeup process. Futhermore, we no longer have to worry about wearing foundation for long hours fearing what harmful effects foundation brings to our skin. With prolonged usage, BB Cream can even improve our skin texture.

BB Boomer : BB Primer that makes your skin ready to absorb BB Cream
M Perfect Cover BB Cream (Shade 13/21/23/31): 4 in 1 BB Cream
Missha Dual Foundation and concealer Brush: Convenient brush that has councealer brush and foundation brush together

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pulut Kuning

Ada tak sesapa yang tak suka pulut kuning? I used to hate it. Bila mok buat pulut kuning, tension je rasa sebab aku tak suka. Then bila dah besar, bila aku start appreciating food yg mok masak dengan penuh kasih sayang, I started to fall in love with it.

To Iman and Iffah, nenek make the best pulut kuning in the world. Nothing beats pulut kuning nenek walaupun gulai tu, selalunya mama dia masak. I think what makes pulut kuning tu sedap is the right combination of pulut kuning yg lembut and also the right way of cooking the gulai. Kadang2, aku masak kerutup, which hubby loves so much.

Semalam kan, aku ambik Iffah very late from her KAFA. I totally forgotten that KAFA dia ends at 4.30pm every wednesday. Iman pulak pegi house training kat sekolah. Sekarang ni kan musim sukan, everyday ada latihan sukan for different rumah. Iffah will be on Monday and Iman wednesday. Sudahnya semlm, Iffah merajuk. I was 45 minutes late coz I thought the KAFA ends at 5.15pm. Pastu Iffah report kat abah dia. Hubby pun apa lagi, keluarkan syarahan panjang lebar.. bengang je.. ishk!

My pulut kuning yg dah berzaman masak tapi asyik lupa je nak upload gambar :D

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Missha BB Cream Promotion

BB Cream Promotion (Ends 1st April 2011)

Promotion ends 1st April 2011 - Missha Malaysia

                                                           Normal Price                 Promotional Price
BB Cream Vita                (20ml)            RM 39.90                       RM 33.90
BB Cream Shiny              (20ml)           RM 39.90                       RM 33.90
BB Perfect Cover no.21  (20ml)           RM 45.90                        RM 37.90
BB Perfect Cover no.23  (20ml)           RM 45.90                        RM 37.90
BB Boomer                     (40ml)            RM 69.90                       RM 56.90

Promotion Set of 1 unit of BB Cream & 1 unit of BB Boomer        RM 89.90

M Perfect Cover BB Cream (20ml)

M BB Boomer (40ml)

 M Shiny BB Cream (20ml)

M VITA BB Cream (Moisture) SPF 20 PA++ 20ml

Iffah & Her Love for Her Kakak.

When Iman was hospitalised 3 weeks ago, Iffah asked extra pocket money from Makcik Ton (No, not from Makcik Ton's own pocket ye. Ni duit yang mama Iffah bagi in advance for Makcik Ton to simpan and bagi the girls every morning before going off to school). Makcik Ton tanya dia nak buat apa, she said she wants to buy kertas. Kertas??

 Made by Iffah

Kakak happy dapat bunga dari Adik
Rupanya nak buat bouquet of paper flowers for her sister. Sweet Iffah.. Semalam, I was looking at photos of Iffah masa rambut dia still panjang, which was last year, and I realised that, she looks super cute with long hair. Need to grow her hair again, tak boleh potong dah lepas ni.

With her best friend Sophia, who is coming to KL tomorrow.

Cheeky Iffah

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lunch @ Korean Kopitiam, Ampang

Semalam I had lunch with my Korean SIL, Mina, and her 2 sons, Dzia and Nuri in Ampang. Patutnya, lunch pukul 2pm, tapi we had late lunch at 3pm sebab aku kena hantar Iffah to school 1st for her house practise. Ishk! boring betul la sekolah Iffah ni. Petang2, nak hujan pun, kena pegi house practise jugak.

Mina has just moved to Ampang Avenue sebab dia nak mengajar budak2 Korean piano. Dulu, before dia kawin dengan adik aku, she was a piano teacher kat Korea. Now, they are selling their house kat Opal Damansara and looking for apartment/condo to buy kat area Ampang.

The place that we went for lunch semalam, is a Korean kopitiam, nama Pak Kopitiam. This kopitiam ada certification halal from Jakim. InsyaAllah boleh makan tanpa was-was. The kopitiam is somewhere near galaxy ampang, near excella business park. Aku suka the ambience there, memang best. Food pun tak mahal sangat.

 Spicy Rice Cake

 Dzia and Nuri


Hotok. (Rasa macam apam balik but the skin rasa mcm roti canai)

PS : I saw this Hotteok recipe, will definitely try this. 

Monday, March 21, 2011


Almost every month, mesti aku akan balik kampung. Rasanya orang pun dah bosan dengan gambar2 yang aku upload. hehe.. sorry ye. This time, aku balik rumah my mom lama. In a way, aku bersyukur that I went back to my mom's place sebabnya, bila balik baru aku tau yg mok jatuh atas lantai while menyapu kat tepi kolah. Kaki belah kiri dia lebam and luka teruk sebab tersepak anak tangga. Pastu her chest was hurting pretty bad especially kalau dia batuk. Aku ajak pegi x-ray, dia takmau. Dah la dia nak kena masak everyday for tukang2 yang buat rumah burung walit tu.

Luckily, my SIL, Nora, ada kat rumah sebab it was school holiday. So, masa aku ada kat kampung, Nora will cook breakfast, and I cooked lunch. Rasa muak jugak bila everyday nak kena masak untuk ramai orang. Tapi memikirkan mok yang sakit, terpaksa la jugak. Then on Saturday, aku balik rumah my MIL kat Kuala Terengganu. I left the girls and Shariff kat rumah my mom in Jabi sebab dia orang taknak ikut, sibuk nak tolong their grandfather tanam cili. We went back for 1 night je kat KT. Thank you K.Ta, K.Nor, Suhaila and MIL sebab belikan so many gifts for the girls kat Vietnam.

Pagi semalam, hubby melantak bersungguh2 time breakfast coz it was our free day.

My favourite! Meehoon talam

 Rojok Katih (kaki lembu and lemak2)

 Jala mah (jala emas). Ni hubby's favourite.

Nasik Lemak Ikang Aye. Hubby's favourite too.

An American friend commented dalam fb, saying that this photo looks like New England. Ni gambar pokok2 getah lepas hujan lebat kat kampung my mum. Lawa kan?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Shopping Spree on Again!

People might think that I'm crazy. I think I am too.. hehe.. Semalam I did some shopping on Eh! bukan some sebenarnya, but a lot! For the past few days, aku dok spend on looking for items that I need, and some I dont really need, but because the urge to purchase was very strong, maka aku jadikan "that is what I need too".

The next shipment sebenarnya lambat lagi, in May. Tapi sebab aku nak balik kampung this school hols (macam la aku balik kampung 2 bulan), maka I did my shopping yesterday. Today pun ada lagi barang nak beli, but I need to make payment to the credit card dulu. It's easier that way, in order not to overspend. Use only money that you have to shop, never use credit money. Chewah! macam real je aku ni.. hahahha

SO, what did I buy yesterday? Jap jap.. aku tempek list. Tak jadi tempek list coz this post was written few days ago. Atfan just emailed the photo of my amazon stuffs

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Corelle, Corningware & Coach order


Dear friends and fellow bloggers, to those yang nak order Corelle, Corningware & Coach, can do so by emailing to Mr.

Some of the design, and many more. Just email en. Atfan at The price above is in Ringgit Malaysia, just ignore the "dollar" sign.

Happy Shopping! :D

Balik Kampung!

Balik kampung hari ni. Yay!! Eh! pesal aku tak balik2 lagi? hehe.. patutnya balik on Saturday, but hubby ada urgent meeting yg sepatutnya berlangsung semlm, tapi tak jadi. Pastu ingat nak balik semalam, tapi mak dia pulak datang KL sebab nak pegi Vietnam hari ni. Maka, today la kita org akan berangkat balik. So, for the next few days, aku takan masuk facebook dan update blog sebab takde internet kat rumah my parents.

Huwaaaaaaa... sedih la ni. Pesal la rumah parents aku takde internet. Kalau guna "berukband" pun, takan dapat signal. Punya la ulu rumah parents aku tu. Tapi, kalau ikut peta, takde la ulu sangat, kat Jabi je which is on the way to Jerteh kalau dari Kuala Terengganu. Erm.. tapi, tak tau la pesal internet takleh dapat kat situ. Telephone pun takde. Sedih kan?

Apa2 pun, kita jumpa lagi on Sunday or Monday ye. Unless tiba2 aku tergerak hati nak ke Jerteh untuk menggunakan pc kat cybercafe kat sana..

Monday, March 14, 2011

Homemade Akok

Semalam memang takde mood betul nak masak. Pagi2 lagi kita org dah keluar beli nasik lemak. Mula2 hubby nak makan kat luar je, I told him, beli makan kat rumah lagi selesa sebab we had to bring Shariff along. Lepas beli nasik lemak, kita org balik rumah. Makcik Ton dah siap goreng ayam and panaskan sambal pengantin that I kept in the freezer hari tu. Maka, pagi semalam, our breakfast turned out to be quite lavish la jugak.

Since pagi tu dah makan nasik lemak, tengahari aku malas nak masak. Pastu bila dah pukul 3pm, rasa bersalah pulak tak masak. Then, aku teringat that hubby wanted something manis. Nak buat cake, tapi memikirkan betapa malasnya aku nak keluar beli butter, terus aku cancel. Belek2 buku recipe aku yg dah koyak2 tu, ternampak recipe akok yang mok aku tulis. Terus bersemangat nak cuba buat akok sendiri for the 1st time.

Semua bahan dah ada kat rumah except santan! Huwaaa.. kena jugak keluar beli santan. Balik dari beli santan, aku terus memulakan projek membuat akok. Mula2 bakar, it doesnt taste like the ones yg jual kat pasar. Rupanya, half way through, kena balikkan the akok, then baru la jadi garing on both side. Hubby said akok aku sedap! tak tau la brapa bijik dia makan semalam.


Petang semalam, makan akok dengan a cup of tea from Harrod's, sedap.. (piring tu aku dapat masa wedding, a gift from keluarga angkat adik aku, Nazri, Japanese)

Ops! lupa nak tempek recipe.
Thank you mok for the delicious recipe

1 cup gandum
3/4 cup gula (kurangkan to 1/2 cup kalau tak suka manis)
8 biji telur
3 cup santan
1/2 tsp garam
3 keping kecik nisang
1/4 cup air

1. cairkan nisang dengan 1/4 cup air, sejukkan. (nisang yg dah cair should be about 1 1/3 cup)
2. dalam mangkuk besar, pukul telur sampai hancur, masukkan gula dan pukul lagi sampai gula hancur. 
3. masukkan santan, air nisang dan garam, kacau rata.
4. make a well kat tengah gandum, tuang campuran telur sedikit demi sedikit sambil kacau. make sure gandum tak berketul. setelah semua adunan dicampur rata, bolehla panaskan acuan akok.

Note : aku bakar akok guna oven, actually bakar atas dapur pun boleh. mula2, panaskan acuan akok, leserkan minyak. bila dah panas, then tuangkan batter ke adalam acuan. bakar selama 10 minit, kemudian, balikkan. bakar pulak for another 10 minit. bila nak bakar the next one, tak payar leser minyak anymore sebab santan dari batter tu, akan mengeluarkan minyak.  Skip all those, just bakar dalam oven 220 degree celcius, with api atas dan bawah for 20 minutes. Your akok will turned out perfect! I did that today and I was very happy with the result :)

Macam mana rupa acuan akok? Mine was given to me by mok, made from tembaga, memang berat. Err.. gambar aku akan upload later ye. I need to run now, nak exercise.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Berita Minggu Yang Biadap!

Dikala dunia masih lagi terkejut dengan Tsunami yang melanda Jepun, Berita Minggu dengan bangganya mempamerkan lukisan kartun Ultraman lari dari Tsunami. I dunno what the Editor-in-Chief was thinking, allowing such degrading karikatur di cetak dalam kesedihan dan kesengsaraan yang dihadapi oleh mangsa Tsunami. It's not funny ok!

The caricature sketch by the  insensitive cartoonist, Zoy. ( Hello! No one is laughing!!)

Semoga K.Hani, Ina, dan others yang berada di Jepun selamat. I read dalam status facebook K.Hani that kebanyakan supermarket dah habis bekalan makanan sebab orang berpusu2 stocking up food. Kalau la ada orang yang nak ke Jepun, mau je aku kirim maggi berkotak2 untuk K.Hani. Be strong K.Hani & Family! Semoga Allah melindungi kita semua.

Not So Wordless Sunday

Ju sms-ed and said that she's coming over to send some cake. I baru je nak bukak pintu, tengok2, kelibat Ju dah hilang. Nasib baik Ju turun semula dari kereta. Rupanya she was in a hurry, nak ke airport, untuk pegi menunaikan umrah. So, for the next few days, takde la orang yg nak bagi aku cake nanti.. huhuhu.. gonna miss you Ju!

Aku simpan cake yang Ju bagi dalam tupperware kat atas microwave. Tiba2, masa aku tengah tengok cerita Leap Year, aku nampak Shariff holding a huge cut of cake in his hands. Rupanya, dia ambik bangku kecik, panjat almari untuk dapatkan cake tu. Macam tau2 je dalam container bekas ice cream tu ada cake. Sambil makan, mulut dia cakap "Sedap!". Ishk! Shariff!!

The cakes. Kek lapis tu dibuat oleh Zarin. Merasa lagi air tangan Zarin :)

Comel tak mug tottoro tu? Lawa kan? Sadly, aku cuma ada 2 je.. huhuhu