Friday, January 31, 2014

Homemade Salted Caramel

Super duper easy but super duper leceh too! Aku buat salted caramel without using thermometer. Mungkin cerewet sikit dan kena be extra careful not to burn the caramel, but it's all worth it. Rasanya sungguh heavenly. Sekali makan, boleh licin periuk dijilat. hahaha.. I am not exaggerating ye. Ni kisah benar :D

Sila ambik perhatian, kalau taknak gain weight, JANGAN BUAT! sebab akan menyesal.. huhuhu.. macam aku ler. Aku akan makan sampai habis, lepas tu baru la terduduk dan termenung memikirkan betapa banyaknya calorie aku dah consumed in one seating.

Tips :

1. Guna saucepan yg besar
2. Make sure, bila keluar je asap, immediately add butter. Not before, not after few seconds.

step by step boleh tengok kat browneyedbaker

 I love the colour!

Homemade Salted Caramel
by browneyedbaker


2 cups granulated sugar
12 tablespoons unsalted butter, at room temperature, cut into pieces
1 cup heavy cream, at room temperature
1 tablespoon fleur de sel (or any other flaky sea salt)


1. Add the sugar in an even layer over the bottom of a heavy saucepan, with a capacity of at least 2 or 3 quarts. Heat the sugar over medium-high heat, whisking it as it begins to melt. You'll see that the sugar will begin to form clumps, but that's okay. Just keep whisking and as it continues to cook, they will melt back down. Stop whisking once all of the sugar has melted, and swirl the pan occasionally while the sugar cooks. 

2. Continue cooking until the sugar has reached a deep amber color. It should look almost a reddish-brown, and have a slight toasted aroma. This is the point where caramel can go from perfect to burnt in a matter of seconds, so keep a close eye.

3. As soon as the caramel started to smoke, add the butter all at once. Be careful, as the caramel will bubble up when the butter is added. Whisk the butter into the caramel until it is completely melted.

 4. Remove the pan from the heat and slowly pour the cream into the caramel. Again, be careful because the mixture will once again bubble up ferociously. Whisk until all of the cream has been incorporated and you have a smooth sauce. Add the fleur de sel and whisk to incorporate.

5. Set the sauce aside to cool for 10 to 15 minutes and then pour into your favorite glass jar and let cool to room temperature. You can refrigerate the sauce for up to 2 weeks. You'll want to warm the sauce up before using.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Daiso Avenue K

Ages ago.. I cooked this Lemon Chicken. Bila? Seriously I cant remember. Dalam folder on my desktop terlalu banyak gambar makanan that sometimes makes me wonder, bila aku masak semua tu. Hey! I did cook all those dishes tau.. :D

Today aku bawak mok pegi Daiso kat Avenue K. Woah! That Daiso is HUGE! First time aku pegi sana was last week, lepas lunch dengan Lily kat KLCC. I didnt know about that Daiso. Lily yang bagitau. Dah la masa aku lunch dgn Lily tu aku bawak Raina. Tengah sibuk aku shopping kat Daiso, dia nak pegi toilet pulak! Grrrrr.. really make my blood boil (sila translate bahasa melayu.. hehe).

The best part about shopping kat Avenue K ni, orang tak ramai. Pegi Daiso tu, aku boleh bilang dengan jari brapa orang yg ada kat situ. Kalau nak golek2, nyanyi lagu hindustan pun boleh. hehe.. Hubby drove us and waited inside the car kat tepi jalan. Lega! Tak payah la aku bersusah payah nak drive or take LRT. Mok shopping banyak giler barang. Macam2 dia nak beli, termasuk la alas kaki! Adoi! memang boleh giler kalau masuk Daiso.

Balik from Daiso, we sent mok home then terus pegi kedai Berkat Madinah kat Ampang Putera. Hubby bought air zam2. Kat situ, 10 litre air zam2 is RM90. Kalau beli kat tabung haji, rasanya dalam RM140. Dulu aku selalu beli kat pasar payang, RM120. Boleh save a lot of money beli barang kat kedai arab tu. I bought peaches too. Lupa nak ambik gambar lemon kat situ, RM1.50 tapi besar giler. Twice the size of the ones selling kat mana2 supermarket/hypermarket kat KL ni.

 Lemon Chicken 

Raina dah besar dan sangat mengada. Dia tanya hubby, "Uncle Sham, Uncle Sham sayang kita tak?". Oit! Uncle Sham mama punya!! :P

Lemon Chicken
by Ina Garten

1/4 cup good olive oil
3 tablespoons minced garlic (9 cloves)
1/3 cup dry white wine (ganti chicken broth)
1 tablespoon grated lemon zest (2 lemons)
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 1/2 teaspoons dried oregano
1 teaspoon minced fresh thyme leaves
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
4  chicken legs
1 lemon


1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.

2. Warm the olive oil in a small saucepan over medium-low heat, add the garlic, and cook for just 1 minute but don't allow the garlic to turn brown.

3. Off the heat, add the broth, lemon zest, lemon juice, oregano, thyme, and 1 teaspoon salt and pour into a 9 by 12-inch baking dish.

4. Pat the chicken legs dry and place them skin side up over the sauce. Brush the chicken legs with olive oil and sprinkle them liberally with salt and pepper. Cut the lemon in 8 wedges and tuck it among the pieces of chicken.

5. Bake for 30 to 40 minutes, depending on the size of the chicken legs, until the chicken is done and the skin is lightly browned. If the chicken isn't browned enough, put it under the broiler for 2 minutes. Cover the pan tightly with aluminum foil and allow to rest for 10 minutes. Sprinkle with salt and serve hot with the pan juices.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Tuna Buns

Mood meroti masih lagi ada. This time buat tuna buns. The girls suka sangat tuna buns. In order to get the girls makan apa yang aku masak, I have to masak according to what they like or what they might like. Both iman and iffah are like me, we are not nasik people. Tak makan nasik few days pun takpe. We can live on roti!! Roti rules in this house. Tapikan, hubby lagi suka makan nasik dari roti.. :(

Hari ni iffah dah boleh pergi sekolah. Alhamdulillah she has fully recover from the allergic reaction towards HPV vaccine. She will not continue to take the 2nd and 3rd dose. Too risky for me to take chances walaupun Iffah beria2 nak sebab dia baca the benefits of the vaccine. She said the pros outweigh the cons. Apa2 je la adik.. I will not allow that to happen.

Tuna buns

Basic Sweet Bun Dough
Recipe by Isma Maisarah

500gram high protein flour
2 1/2 tsp instant yeast
1/4 cup castor sugar
1/2 tsp salt
2 tbs milk powder
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp bread improver (boleh omit)
1 tbs water roux
1 biji telur - dipukul
200-220 ml ice cold water aka air sejuk dari peti
30gram butter (room temperature)

Water roux 
1/4 cwn tepung gandum
250 ml air

To make the water roux, just add flour to the water, cook under low heat until it thickened. Cool it.

Tuna Filling 
2 can tuna in olive oil
1/2 cup mayo
1 tsp serbuk lada hitam

Masukkan tuna kedalam mangkuk, campur mayo dan serbuk lada hitam. kacau sebati


1. Masukkan semua dry ingredients tepung, yeast, sugar, milk powder, salt, bread improver dalam mixing bowl. Buatkan lubang, masukkan air suam, telur, water roux, butter.

2. Uli sehingga dough tidak melekat pada jari/dough hook. (maybe dalam 15-20 minutes)

3. Tutup dough dengan cling wrap atau kain lembab. Biarkan dough naik sekali ganda.

4. Apabila dough dah double in size, tumbuk keluar angin. Celup tangan dalam tepung, bulat2 kan dough. Berat setiap dough adalah 40gram.

5. Masukkan filing tuna kedalam dough roti, bentukkan dan biarkan naik sekali ganda. Roti dibakar pada suhu 180 degree celcius selama 25-30 minutes depending on suhu oven.

6. To glaze the buns, just campur sebijik telur with a little bit of fresh milk and water. pukul and gunakan berus untuk disapu ke atas roti sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam oven.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

HPV Vaccine

Mommies yang ada anak umur 14 tahun this year will know that since last year, our government has made it compulsory for 13 year old in schools to get the HPV vaccine. Iman took hers last year. In total, ada 3 jab for the whole year. Iman cakap it was very painful. Some of her classmates siap nangis. To iman, that was nothing sebab dia dah biasa kena cucuk since kecik.

This year, it's iffah's turn to get her jab. Last week, on 23rd Jan, iffah took her first dose. Unlike iman, it was quite a bad experience for iffah. Balik from school, muka iffah started to look puffy and she had small rashes all over her body. Iffah complaint of body ache, and malam tu she started to experience headache and she was also feverish. She also complaint of difficulty in breathing.  Selepas aku consult with en. google, rupanya iffah falls in the very rare category.

source nhs
Rare side effects

Around one in 10,000 people who have the Gardasil HPV vaccine experience an itchy red rash (urticaria, or 'hives')

Very rare side effects Fewer than one in 10,000 people who have the Gardasil HPV vaccine experience: restriction of the airways and difficult breathing (bronchospasm)

A doctor friend suggested to monitor her over the weekend. Pastu on Monday, aku tengok muka iffah still bengkak. I called an oncologist friend. She suggested to immediately bawak iffah to a nearby clinic. She said I should have brought iffah to a clinic on Thursday lagi. Sigh... dah terlambat. Anyway, iffah was given steroid to help with her allergy. Alhamdulillah hari ni dah ok. Last nite I lodged a report on the adverse reaction of HPV vaccine to BPFK and emailed it to Mr Tan Ann Ling, the Director of National Pharmaceutical Control Bureau. This morning I received a reply from him and a phone call from his department. That was fast!! Thank you Mr Tan Ann Lin for the immediate action. According the officer from the department, the vaccine given to Iman and the vaccine given to iffah is manufactured by different company. Maybe sebab tu ada effect pada Iffah kot coz Iffah jenis sensitive to foreign allergen.

To read more on HPV Vaccine, you can go here HPV Vaccine

Note : The vaccine, in 3 dosage, cost more than RM300 at private clinics and hospitals. School going form one in government schools are given it foc.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Kerutup Itik

Itik?? Yes! Itik! Suprisingly itik is really delicious. Kalau bandingkan itik and ayam, itik is way better. The meat is dark, macam turkey. I bought my itik kat Giant. Sekor cost me RM25. Itik takes longer time to cook dari ayam. So kalau nak masak itik, kena make sure, at least 1 hour atas dapur, api yang slow.

Hubby loves kerutup itik. iman and iffah refused to eat itik. Tapi semalam, bila dah makan, dia org suka pulak. Masa masak kerutup itik tu, aku masukkan itik dalam periuk with the rempah, and biarkan masak for 1 hour dulu baru masukkan santan and simmer another 1/2 hour or so. Itik tu will be super juicy and tender.

Kerutup Itik

Kerutup itik
1 ekor itik - potong 16
kerisik - from 1/2 biji kelapa
santan 1/2 kg
2 asam keping
1 keping nisang sederhana
garam, gula
5 tbs rempah kerutup.
rempah kasar (kayu manis, bunga lawang, bunga cengkih, pelaga)
2 btg serai - ketuk
bwg besar - 3 biji, just belah sikit je kat atas and bawah bwg tu.
cili merah - 4 biji, potong panjang

Bahan Blend 
20 ulas bwg merah
10 ulas bwg putih
3 inci halia
2 inci lengkuas
6-8 tbs cili boh

1. panaskan minyak dalam periuk, tumis rempah kasar.
2. then masukkan bahan blend, goreng sampai garing.
3. masukkan cili boh, tumis sampai garing, then masukkan rempah kerutup dan sedikit air. then masukkan kerisik, asam keping, nisang and garam.
4. once rempah dah garing, masukkan itik. Simmer for 1 hour.
5. Kemudian masukkan santan pekat, serai. Let it simmer for another 1/2 hour or sampai kuah jadi pekat.
6. Then masukkan bwg besar dan cili merah for about 10 minutes, then boleh la tutup api.

Kerutup ni kalau dah 2-3 hari, lagi sedap. I love to eat kerutup with pulut kuning.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

FRIM on 14th January

One of the few photos that we took. Mula2 plan nak pegi FRIM with few of my sspian friends tapi last minute, ramai yang cancelled. So tinggal la kita orang berempat je. Dah lama tak berjalan, rasa macam nak pengsan.. We managed to scale the small bukit leading to the canopy walk. Kita orang tak beli pun tiket nak naik canopy walk tu. But along the way, masa tengah semput2 panjat bukit tu, tiba2 ada a group of uni students turun, and tanya kita org, whether kita org ada tiket tak. When we said no, dia orang terus bagi their tickets. Dia org tak sempat nak naik canopy walk coz they have urgent things to attend to. Alhamdulillah... Tiket free lagi.. hehe

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Basic Sweet Bun Dough

Sejak dua menjak ni, I am a bit rajin untuk meroti. Maybe sebab the girls pun dah taknak makan nasik sangat. Kadang2 kesian jugak bila asyik beli roti kat kedai je. Roti kat kedai, to me, less nutrition. Bila buat roti sendiri, we can add anything to it to make it more nutritional for our family. Most of the  the time bila aku buat loaf, i will add habatuss sauda to it. Buat sweet bun ni, memang tak boleh la. kang pelik pulak rasanya.. hehe

This recipe aku ambik from group roti dalam facebook. The recipe was shared by Isma Maisarah. I made few changes to the original recipe termasukla mengurangkan gula.  Thank you Isma.

 Sardine buns for iffah

Butter and sugar buns for hubby. He ate 4 pieces of this in one go! 

Basic Sweet Bun Dough

1kg high protein flour
5 tsp  instant yeast
1/2 cup castor sugar
1 tsp salt
4 tbs milk powder
1 tsp baking powder
2 tsp bread improver (boleh omit)
2 tbs water roux 
2 biji telur - dipukul
440 ml warm water
60gram butter (room temperature)

Water roux
1/4 cwn tepung gandum
250 ml air

To make the water roux, just add flour to the water, cook under low heat until it thickened. Cool it. 

1. Masukkan semua dry ingredients tepung, yeast, sugar, milk powder, salt, bread improver dalam mixing bowl. Buatkan lubang, masukkan air suam, telur, water roux, butter. 

2. Uli sehingga dough tidak melekat pada jari/dough hook. (maybe dalam 15-20 minutes)

3. Tutup dough dengan cling wrap atau kain lembab. Biarkan dough naik sekali ganda.

4. Apabila dough dah double in size, tumbuk keluar angin. Celup tangan dalam tepung, bulat2 kan dough. Berat setiap dough adalah 40gram. 

5. Boleh buat macam2 roti, samada menggunakan inti, gula, sausage or crab meat. Setelah dough dibentukkan, biarkan naik sekali ganda. Roti kemudian dibakar pada suhu 180 degree celcius selama 25-30 minutes depending on suhu oven.

6. To glaze the buns, just campur sebijik telur with a little bit of fresh milk and water. pukul and gunakan berus untuk disapu ke atas roti sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam oven. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Victoria Sponge Cake

Hubby suka sangat this cake, and this particular recipe. He will request for this cake at least every 2 weeks. Sometimes bila malas, aku jadikan sheet cake je, senang. Tapi ni dikala rajin, maka aku buatkan jadi kek. For the filling, aku tak guna strawberry jam but instead I used forest berries. Boleh beli the jam kat cold storage. Small jar will cost around RM15.

He ate almost 1/2 of this 9" cake!! 

Adapted from Jamie Oliver
Ingredients for the sponge

250g salted butter, at room temperature, plus extra for greasing (Use only pure butter)
250g self-raising flour, sifted, plus extra for dusting
250g caster sugar
4 large eggs, preferably free-range or organic

250g fresh strawberries
1 vanilla pod
150g good-quality strawberry jam
150ml double cream
1 tablespoon caster sugar icing sugar, for dusting


1. Preheat the oven to 180ÂșC.
2. Beat the butter and sugar together with a wooden spoon, until very light and fluffy (i use mixer). Add the eggs one at a time, beating each one in well before you add the next.
3. Sift in the flour. Finely grate over the lemon zest then fold it into the mixture (halve the lemon and save it for later)
4. Divide the cake mix into the prepared tins and spread it out using a spatula. Bake in the hot oven for around 20 minutes, or until lightly golden brown and risen.

For the filing
1. Slice your strawberries . Carefully score the vanilla pod lengthways and scrape out all of the seeds.Gently warm the jam in a pan over a low heat
2. Remove from the heat and stir in your sliced strawberries. Add the cream to a bowl with the sugar and vanilla seeds, and squeeze in the juice from your zested lemon. Whip until you have nice soft peak.
3. Smear over the jam and strawberries on the first cake, then spread the sweetened cream over the top. Place the second cake, with the pretty side facing up, on top and dust it with icing sugar

( instead of using jamie's recipe for filing, i whipped 250gm butter, 100gm icing sugar and spread it on top of forest berries jam that i have spread )

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Red Velvet Cake

Dah banyak RVC recipes I've tested in my kitchen termasuk la the one by joy of baking, mccormick etc, this recipe by browneyedbaker/joythebaker still is the best for me. I love the richness of the chocolate taste and the moistness of the cake.

This time I baked this cake untuk my sister Ayu. Dah lama tak buat RVC, terlupa betapa lazatnya kek ni. Aku makan 5 bijik cupcakes ni... huhuhu... aku sangat berduka cita sekarang sebab dah tak tau brapa kilo I have gained from that cupcakes.

 sangat menyentuh kalbu.. 

 dari kacamata sebuah telepon

 tengok la macam mana makcik ni melahap beberapa bijik cupcakes. model - Ciksu

teddy bear pun nak jugak makan cupcake ni

Photos courtesy of Iman - love you kakak!

Red Velvet Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting 
Adapted from Browneyedbaker

For the Cupcakes:
250 gram salted butter
2 cup granulated sugar
4 egg
5 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
6 tablespoons red food coloring
2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cup buttermilk (mix 2 cup of milk with 2 tsp of lemon or vinegar. Let stand for 5 minutes)
4 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
2 teaspoon baking soda
6 teaspoons distilled white vinegar

For the Cream Cheese Frosting: 

250gram butter, at room temperature
500gram cream cheese, at room temperature
1 3/4 cups powdered sugar
2 tablespoon lemon juice

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line a standard muffin/cupcake pan with liners.

2. On medium-high speed, cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Turn the mixer to high and add the egg. Scrape down the bowl and beat until well incorporated.

3.Add cocoa powder, red colouring and vanilla to the batter and mix on medium speed until completely combined. You may need to stop the mixer to scrape the bottom of the bowl, making sure that all the batter gets color.

4. Reduce the mixer speed to low and slowly add half of the buttermilk. Add half of the flour and mix until combined. Scrape the bowl and repeat the process with the remaining milk and flour. Beat on high until smooth.

5. Again, reduce the mixer speed to low and add the salt, baking soda and vinegar. Turn to high and beat for another couple of minutes until completely combined and smooth.

6. Divide the batter evenly between the cupcake liners and bake for about 20 minutes, or until a thin knife or skewer inserted into the center of the largest cupcake comes out clean.

7. Cool for 10 minutes and then remove cupcakes from the pan and place them on a cooling rack to cool completely before frosting.

8. To make the frosting: Using the whisk attachment, whip the butter and cream cheese on high speed for about 5 minutes, scraping the bowl down as necessary. Reduce the speed to low and slowly add the powdered sugar until all is incorporated. Add the vanilla and mix to combine. Increase the speed to medium high and whip for a few minutes until the frosting is light and fluffy, scraping the bowl as necessary.

 *Note: This recipe can make 4 layer of cakes using a 9-inch layer cake.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Country Seed Bread

Sejak dua menjak ni, makin rajin aku meroti. Alhamdulillah. Abah sangat happy bila aku buat homemade bread. This time, aku cuba recipe dalam Hubby telah dipaksa menjadi driver aku untuk ke Bagus Melawati. Bagus Melawati tu kalau takde drebar, memang boleh nangis sebab takde parking. Huhuhu... punya la ramai manusia parking kat area tu.

When it comes to buying seeds and grains, kat Bagus tak banyak option. One of these days, kena ajak hubby temankan aku pegi Bake With Yen kat Chow Kit. Last I went there was with Nora. Err.. sangat tak sesuai dua orang makcik yang berjubah pergi tempat tu without mahram sebab on weekends, you can see kupu2 malam berterbangan.. Sekali pandang, peh! lawa giler.. Dua kali pandang, jantan rupanya.. Nak tergolek kejap makcik ni akibat terkejut yang amat sangat. 

Anyway, back to the recipe. I tripled the recipe sebab nak bagi some to abah and keep some for 2-3 hari. 

Country Seed Bread
Adapted from


2 1/4 cup water
4 teaspoons honey
1 tablespoon molasses
4 teaspoons canola oil
1  teaspoon salt
4 cups bread flour
2 cup whole wheat flour
6 tablespoons flax seed - toasted and grind
2 teaspoons nigella seeds (optional)
4 teaspoons poppy seeds
2 tablespoon sunflower seed
2 tablespoon pumpkin seed
3 tablespoon whole flax seed
4 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast


1.Tip the flour, ground flax seeds, seeds, yeast and salt into a large bowl.

2. Mix the water, oil, molasses and honey in a jug, then pour into the dry mix, stirring all the time to make a soft dough. If it feels sticky, sprinkle in a little more flour.

3. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 5 mins, until the dough no longer feels sticky, sprinkling with a little more flour as you need it.

4. Oil two 1.2-litre loaf tin and put the dough in the tin, pressing it in evenly. Cover with a tea towel and leave to rise for 1 hr.

5. Heat oven to 180C/gas 6.  Bake for 30-35 mins until the loaf is risen and brown. Tip it out onto a cooling rack and leave to cool.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Biskut Cream Cheese

The truth is, aku ngeri jugak nak buat dessert macam ni sebab rasa macam extra sweet and sangat berlemak. Kalau buat once in a blue moon, ok la. To those yang on calorie counting, please jangan buat sebab 3 keping biskut lemak dah almost 150 calorie, tak campur dengan cream cheese and susu pekat lagi. Makan sekeping kecik tu mau la nak dekat 300 calorie kot.

Tapi takpe, kadang2 kena jugak menggembirakan lemak2 dalam badan ni kan. Kalau tak, kesian jugak, asyik go on low calorie diet je.. hehe..

PS : bila buat dessert ni, make sure terus bahagi2 kan kepada jiran2 dan ahli keluarga yang lain sebab once makan, maybe susah sikit nak stop. Jadi, baik jangan simpan dalam peti


500gram cream cheese - room temperature
3/4 tin susu pekat

1 packet of biskut hapseng or any biskut masin (maybe kena guna 1 packet lebih sikit)
1/2 cawan susu segar

1/4 cup nestum
2 tbs oat

1. Sediakan loyang false bottom size 9 inci, alas dengan baking sheet.
2. Pukul bahan A hingga kembang. Ketepikan
3. Sapukan bahan A pada sekeping biskut, celup 2 saat dalam susu segar, susun dalam loyang. Setelah biskut disusun selapis, tabur bahan C.
4. Ulang step 3, sehingga selesai.
5. Cling wrap loyang dan sejukkan dalam peti selama 4-5 jam. Hidangkan

Monday, January 20, 2014

Seed and Grain Loaf

I am in love with homemade loaves! Especially the healthy ones. Hubby pun sangat suka homemade loaves. Selalunya  bila buat loaf, I would send some to abah coz abah tak makan roti biasa. He is now on pantang from telur. So anything yang ada telur, dia tak boleh makan. Abah kena pantang until tangan kanan dia baik sepenuhnya. As it is now, patah tangan kanan tu belum betul2 baik lagi.

Normally, hubby akan request olive bread, tapikan, boring la asyik buat recipe sama je. So tadi, aku google, and found one yg sesuai dengan barang2 yang ada dalam pantry. Today I am a bit busy, memang takde masa la kalau nak keluar beli barang. My junior, Aton, ordered Red Velvet Brownies and Congo Bar. Kena siapkan order dulu baru boleh bersuka ria.

Seed and Grain Loaf
Adapted from GoodFood


400g wholemeal flour
100g high protein bread flour
1 tbsp nigella seeds (habatussauda)
1 tbsp poppy seeds, plus extra for topping
3 tbsp pumpkin seeds
2 1/2 tsp dry yeast
1 tsp salt
350ml hand-hot water
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp clear honey


1.Tip the flour, seeds, yeast and salt into a large bowl.

2. Mix the water, oil and honey in a jug, then pour into the dry mix, stirring all the time to make a soft dough. If it feels sticky, sprinkle in a little more flour.

3. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 5 mins, until the dough no longer feels sticky, sprinkling with a little more flour as you need it.

4. Oil a 1.2-litre loaf tin and put the dough in the tin, pressing it in evenly. Cover with a tea towel and leave to rise for 1 hr.

5. Heat oven to 180C/gas 6. Make eight slashes across the top of the loaf, brush with water and sprinkle alternately with poppy and sesame seeds. Bake for 30-35 mins until the loaf is risen and brown. Tip it out onto a cooling rack and leave to cool.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Nordic Pans - arrived

To those yang ordered the nordic pans, dah sampai ye. In syaa Allah, boleh collect starting the pans. Some dah ambik, some belum

I am falling in love all over again..