Sunday, March 25, 2012

Piyee off to Japan

Aku bangun as early 5am today. I ha to rush sebab nak kena pick up the girls and hubby kat hospital then terus ke KLIA. MIL kat rumah, that's what I had to sleep kat rumah last nite. Kalau MIL takde, memang I would lepak kat hospital with hubby and kids.

Piyee will be studying in tokyo for the next 2 years. Bye bye Piyee, study smart! Moga sentiasa dibawah pelindungan Allah. Oh ya! Piyee is hubby's eldest :)


  1. shidah
    thursday friday i pulak x free :(

    to piyee..take care of yourself n study smart ye ;-)

  2. Shidah
    Bolehlah you bercuti kat Jepun pulak :-)

    Piyee is your hubby's eldest nephew kah??

  3. all the best piyee...

    u pi tganu tak singgah kerteh ke..

  4. zarin,

    piyee baru je register masuk uni last week. happy sgt dapat pegi jepun :D

  5. CS,

    hehe.. that's the plan. to go there while piyee still kat sana. piyee is my hubby's eldest son. :)

  6. mulan,

    this time balik trg, tak sempat nak ke mana2. insyaAllah i'll be going to KT lagi during school holiday. nanti kita gi makan2 yek :D
