Iman is asleep, I'm bored like hell. Apa aku nak buat sorang2 ni. Buku cite dah habis baca, surat khabar pun dah habis telek, erm.. should I sleep too? Rasa mcm nak gi beli magazine je, tapi kesian pulak kalau aku tinggalkan iman sorang2 dalam bilik ni. I know, I can always pesan kat the nurse on duty, to stay with iman for a while, tapi kesian kat dia. Nanti kalau dia bangun tido, and mama is not around, ada yang jadi bintang air mata pulak. As of today, Iman dah a bit better. At least dia cuma demam panas sekali je today. I guess the antibiotic yang doctor bagi tu is taking into effect. Alhamdulillah..
After the demise of Dr. Haliza, I've decided not to got to Ampang Puteri for treatment anymore. Bagi aku tak worth the time, dah la nursing care kat sana sucks to the core. Fezzy suggested Dr Adrian Goh of Gleneagles before, but aku pulak tak suka gi Gleneagles, mcm susah giler access the hospital, jalan Ampang tu busy sangat. So in the end, aku bawak iman to Tawakkal, jumpa Dr. Zarin. Before she was under Dr Kanchana's care but this time iman wanted Dr. Zarin. Tak kesah la, yang penting nursing care kat Tawakkal ni bagus, unlike Ampang Puteri.
Ni Mutton Meatball yang aku buat for the kids before Iman masuk spital.
After the demise of Dr. Haliza, I've decided not to got to Ampang Puteri for treatment anymore. Bagi aku tak worth the time, dah la nursing care kat sana sucks to the core. Fezzy suggested Dr Adrian Goh of Gleneagles before, but aku pulak tak suka gi Gleneagles, mcm susah giler access the hospital, jalan Ampang tu busy sangat. So in the end, aku bawak iman to Tawakkal, jumpa Dr. Zarin. Before she was under Dr Kanchana's care but this time iman wanted Dr. Zarin. Tak kesah la, yang penting nursing care kat Tawakkal ni bagus, unlike Ampang Puteri.
Ni Mutton Meatball yang aku buat for the kids before Iman masuk spital.
Mutton Meatball

1/2 kg minced mutton
1/2 cup of bread crumbs
1 egg
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 large onion, diced
1 bunch of coriander - potong halus2
2 tbs black pepper
1. dalam mangkuk, masukkan semua bahan, pastu gaul, and bulat2 seperti bebola.
2. then masukkan about 1/2 cup of olive oil dalam small pan, and goreng sampai masak.
3. hidang dan sedia dimakan :D
1/2 kg minced mutton
1/2 cup of bread crumbs
1 egg
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 large onion, diced
1 bunch of coriander - potong halus2
2 tbs black pepper
1. dalam mangkuk, masukkan semua bahan, pastu gaul, and bulat2 seperti bebola.
2. then masukkan about 1/2 cup of olive oil dalam small pan, and goreng sampai masak.
3. hidang dan sedia dimakan :D
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