Sunday, February 21, 2010

Coffee Break @ Petronas

After 9 days of holiday, I'm back in KL!! feels so good to be back. Letih jugak balik kampung, sebab kat rumah mak aku or my mertua, aku jadi tukang masak sepenuh masa. Don't get me wrong, I love to cook, but kalau time cuti pun kena masak, rasa teramat la letihnya.

On the way back today, kita orang stopover at two Petronas station to refuel. And guess what?? Aku dapat free coffee and munchies!! It's part of the Coffee Break promotion kat Petronas stations all over Malaysia.

Petronas Kuala Berang, Terengganu

Kebetulan pulak, Petronas stations yang aku berenti tu ada that promotion. Aku pun pulun la minum kopi and juice free. Kat Petronas station Kuala Berang, the kids dapat 1 kotak milo 125ml, 1 kotak Kellog's cornflakes and 1 bungkus roti vanilla from Hi5. They served Twister orange and apple juice and also nescafe. Pastu kat LPT pulak, the kids dapat byk Milo 125ml drinks, cornflakes and Milo wafers. Kebetulan masa kita orang sampai kat that Petronas station, dia orang dah nak tutup the booth. So dia orang bagi in large quantity. Thank you Petronas. Lepas minum nescafe kat Petronas LPT tu, terus hilang mengantuk, sampai la sekarang. Now dah 4am. Argh!!

Gambar akan ku upload esok :D


  1. Salam siz...

    aunty plak lepas minum air dr booth tu terus ngantuk...ayaq dia cayaq da.... hehehh QJ.

  2. salam QJ,

    semlm punya kopi, pekat kaw-kaw punya. jimat duit,takyah beli nescafe dalam tin.. hehehe
