Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Claypot Chicken Rice - The recipe

As promised to Ermayum, here's the recipe. Basically this is campak2 recipe, I dont have a specific recipe for this.

1 ekor ayam - cubed (mine potong 24)
250gm dried mushroom (rendam overnight, drain and reserve the juice), potong 2
8-10 ulas bwg putih - crushed
2 tbs minyak bijan
1 cup of air plus the juice from the mushroom
1 1/2 tbs of cornflour - bancuh dengan air
4 tbs kicap pekat
4 tbs kicap manis
garam, gula
ikan kurau - potong kecik2, goreng garing

1. tumis bawang putih dengan sedikit minyak sampai garing. Masukkan ayam, kicap manis, kicap pekat, air dan mushroom.
2. apabila ayam dah masak, masukkan minyak bijan, garam, gula and cornflour. renihkan sampai kuah pekat.
3. panaskan oven 200 degree celcius, glaze baking dish dengan minyak bijan. Masukkan nasi, topped with ayam beserta kuah. bakar for about 15-20 minutes.
4. hidangkan bersama ikan kurau goreng.

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