Friday, May 27, 2011

From Bulat to Kurus

 Dec 2010

May 2011


  1. wowwwwwwwww unbelievable.....any tips sis?

  2. kak.. lainnya!!! teringat my hubby dulu.. mula2 rasa sedih sbb feels like am losing my teddy bear. tp lama2 dah biasa.. lani dah jadik bantal keras plak! hehe..

  3. beza sgt,taniah...all hard work paid off!!

  4. Shidah,

    ...Ntah...lupa dah nak komen apa sebab teR-ralip tengok gamVar di atas!!! hehehe

  5. zuwaidah,

    hehe.. kurus by a lot kan? we exercise 6 days in a week, and free day is only on sunday. angkat berat 3 times a week, cardio 3 times a week and the hardest part is kena makan ikut portion.. huwaaa..

  6. ju,

    i pun rasa mcm tu. dah biasa tido dgn lemak2 kat sebelah, tiba2, sekarang, tido dengan muscles as hard as granite. kadang2 macam tak percaya. kena gosok byk kali and tengok muka :)

  7. Ain,

    yes, alhamdulillah. and paling penting, he no longer suffer from hypertension :)

  8. k.lili,

    hahahhaha.. sakit perut i gelak. u ni, kelakar la k.lili. i like! :D

  9. O-M-G he lost so much weight...byk sgt ni shidah...!!!!zula shld ambik ikitibar ni hahahah

  10. salam shidah..

    berhasil sungguh.. TAHNIAH! segala usaha & penat lelah berbayar sudah..

  11. Shidah
    I tak nak jadi Lili, ahaks... Iman I masih kental nih, harharhar ..

    Apa pun, itu pose sangatlah mengancam, auww..

  12. Rina,

    banyak kan? tu la.. i told him, many times, he lost a lot of weight after almost 5 mths, but he thinks he's still fat. grrrr... bengkak je.

  13. k.madihaa,

    thank you!! but our perjuangan belum berakhir. huhuhu..hubby cakap, it's part of our lifestyle now, to exercise and eat rite and screw up only on sundays. *sigh*..

  14. CS,

    kalau i cakap kat dia, u cakap dia posing mengancam, harus dia suruh i ambik gambar and post in my blog lagi.. heheheh

  15. fuiyoo..mesti shidah pun dh kuruss bnyk nih..tunjuk aar gambo baru shidah lakss!! my hubby dulu bnyk tahun gak pi gym tp sejak setahun dua nih agak sibuk langsung x exercise dah..muscle dh jd lembik balik ..huhuu!!

  16. k.ina,

    maluuuuuuuuuu.. hhehehe.. tunjuk gambar kat fb boleh la sebab kat situ tak public. sini public, terus i jadi gadis pemalu :D

    my hubby pun dulu on and off pegi gym. so he;s always gemuk kejap, pastu kurus, pastu gemuk. so far this is the longest duration ever kita org exercise without quitting halfway :D

  17. shidah..laa gambar u mana? dah kurus pun malu lagi nak tunjuk gambar..:)

  18. k.siti, i maluuuuu... hehehhe.. kononnya la. nanti i ambik gambar tutup muka ye :D

  19. Shidah...Kurus betul yr hubby kan? Seriously, I tak pernah tengok dia sekurus ni even masa sekolah...well done to both of you...jealous pun ada ni hahahahah...

  20. maizan,

    sure kembang pakcik tu kalau i bagitau dia apa yg u cakap. the truth is, i pun tak penah nampak dia sekurus sekarang. :D
