Friday, November 6, 2009

Recipe Ayam Penyet

I used Rose's recipe. I dont really like the taste though, for me, the best is still recipe from my friend Emil, Ayam Bumbu. Rasanya Ayam Penyet ni, ayam tu tak penting sangat, yang penting is the sambal. So, rasanya kalau just goreng ayam with kunyit and garam, maybe add a little bit of rempah kari pun, sure sedap.


6 large chicken legs, deboned
2 stalks lemon grass, crushed
2 bay leaves (daun salam)
1 tbsp coriander seeds (ketumbar)
1/2 tsp ground cumin (jintan manis)
2 tbsp thick coconut milk
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp cooking oil

Ingredients to grind:

120g lengkuas, peeled and sliced
1 red chilli, seeded
2 cm knob tumeric
4 slices ginger
3 cloves garlic
3 candlenuts (bush keras)


1. Fry coriander seeds over slow fire till fragrant then grind coarsely.
2. Wash chicken and drain well. Prick chicken all over with a fork.
3. In a mixing bowl, combine ground spices with ground cumin, coriander, salt, sugar, coconut milk and crushed serai. Add chicken and mix thoroughly. Leave to marinade for 30 minutes.
4. Grease base of cooking pot with some cooking oil. Arrange chicken in pot, add crushed bay leaves. Cover pot and cook over moderate heat for 8 minutes. Turn chicken over, cover pot and continue to simmer for another 10 minutes or until almost dry. Remove chicken and drain off excess liquid.
5. Grill or roast chicken on high heat, 250 deg C until golden brown on both sides. ( I fried the chicken)

Ada 2 type of sambal yang aku buat, both menggunakan recipe makcik ton. I think I need to taste the best ayam penyet 1st in order for me to buat sambal yg sedap. Aku tak pernah rasa ayam penyet, so a bit difficult to gauge whether my recipe ni is a success atau tak. But dear hubby said, sedap! Dia selalu makan ayam penyet whenever dia pegi Indonesia or Johor.

Sambal Masak
Bahan2 (semua bahan dicincang kasar)
2 biji tomato
10 biji cili masak
30 biji cili padi
10 ulas bawang merah
5 ulas bawang putih
1 tbs belacan
garam, gula merah

1. panaskan about 10tbs of minyak dalam kuali
2. masukkan bawang dan belacan, goreng 1/2 garing
3. kemudian, masukkan tomato, cili, goreng for about 5 minutes, keluarkan.
4. masukkan dalam blender (atau boleh guna lesung), add salt dan gula merah, tumbuk sampai lumat.

Another version of sambal

10 biji cili merah
30 biji cili padi
1 tbs belacan - bakar
garam, gula
2 tbs asam jawa - ambik air

1. tumbuk/blend semua bahan diatas sampai lumat.
2. masukkan air asam jawa, kacau hingga sebati.

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