Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Meal Plan for Stroke Patient

Since abah kena stroke almost 6 months ago, I did lots of reading on this. One of the task that aku kena buat is to educate mok on what abah can eat and what he cannot eat. Today aku nak buat meal plan for abah, tapi tak berkesempatan lagi. I googled, and found this website, Heart & Stroke Foundation.

Abah is always angry now. Yang jadi mangsa, Ayu and Mok. With stroke, it comes depression. I guess bila kita dah biasa boleh bergerak sendiri, and do everything on our own, tiba2 kena depend pada orang, of course it is so heart wrenching pada orang yang experience it and orang yg menjaga. Aku harap that Abah will cepat sembuh and Allah bagi kekuatan mental and physical pada adik2 aku, Mas and Ayu and also Mok. I couldnt help much walaupun rumah dalam 5 minit je to rumah my parents.

Esok ada appointment kat HKL lagi. Nak set a date untuk surgery to masukkan besi dalam tangan abah yang patah. Well! it's not besi, but titanium. The cost of the titanium will be around RM3k, which is just a fraction of kat private hospital. I am blessed to have an ortho friend kat HKL, so abah takyah tunggu lama for his appointment.

Suddenly teringat kucing ni yg aku jumpa kat bawah bridge at Chabang tiga, Trg


  1. hi kak, lama tak jenguk ur blog...penah jumpa u seklai dulu, beli missha bbcream...

    saja singgah nak cari recipe butter cake yang dengan susu pekat tu :) tak sangka pulak ur dad kena stroke...hope you banyak2 sabar kayyy... if u wanna try an alternative treatment for stroke patients - http://www.ismalina.com/2013/10/testimoni-bio-velocity-sleep-mate-2013.html

    hope he will recover soon!

    1. Isma, tq for dropping by. My dad passed away last month
