Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy Birthday to ME!

I came home, login to FB and ada 30 new post on my wall, birthday wishes from family and friends. Tiba2 hari ni, aku rasa terlebih glamour.. hehehhe.. Ye la, lepas pukul 12mlm je, birthday wishes mencurah2. Aku bersyukur Ya Allah that aku masih lagi hidup dan diberi nikmat kesihatan yang baik. Alhamdulillah....

picture courtesy of En. Google. :)


  1. Allah selamatkan kamuu..
    Allah selamatkan kamu..
    Allah selamatkan kakshidah cantik!
    Allah selamatkan kamuu.... aminn..

    hihihihi.... epi besday kak! mudah2an diberi kesihatan yang berpanjangan..len taun leh la danial kongsi kek ngan auntie! mama takyah buat! kekekekeke...

  2. Salam Shidah,

    Happy Birthday to you! Earlier this morning, I called my niece to wish her on her birthday too.
    Wow, now I have three birthdays to look forward to. Oh, another, is my friend's daughter who is also sharing the same date. :)

    Semoga Shidah diberkati Allah dengan usia yang panjang, amalan baik yang diredhaiNya, dan rezeki yang murah. Ameen. <3

  3. ina, thank you. nasib baik suara sedap, kalau tak, mau ribut taufan kat melawati ni.. hehehe. time kasih for the warm wishes :)

    ok! next time, everytime bday daniel, aunty shidah will belanja kfc! :D

  4. salam k.lili,

    thank you for the warm wishes. ramainya yg lahir on this date. few of my friends pun share the same birth date with me. glamour jugak ye 21st sept ni.. hehehe.. take care! :D

  5. happy birthday..semoga bergembira selalu....

  6. Shidah
    Happy birthday ... sweet berapa? Apa pun, u r still young my dear. Best gak dpt bday gift in advance (lelap tidor kekdahnya, haha).

    How's your esbok? You dah mandikan dgn apa? Lepas basuh bersih, you lumurkan dgn vanilla..

  7. salam shidah
    selamat hari lahir...semoga diberkati olehNya

  8. salam shidah..hepi besday dear! moga panjang umur diberi keberkatan & kesejahteraan spjg umur..aminn! mana kek..cepat potong..x sabor nk ngap!~ hehe..

  9. salam yati,

    thank you for the warm wishes :)

  10. salam k.ina,

    thank you! kek dah tinggal separuh. mula2 ingat nak beli secret recipe je, but iman wanted to decorate cake for mama. maka terpaksa mama buat cake.. huhuhu... makan cake buatan sendiri hari ni :(

  11. Shidah
    Nape u tak jawab komentar I? sob3..

  12. alamak cs!! sorry sgt... i dah jawab dan dah post, pesal tak appear? ishk!

    freezer tu sham bersihkan mlm kita org arrived from trg. he had to dragged the 10 feet freezer keluar rumah, and basuh mcm basuh kotak. alhamdulillah makcik ton dah balik. so she helped to mop the floor. lega rasa.. i went to my mom's to lepak2 while sham do the cleaning. isteri mithali kan? hahaha.. miss u cs. lama tak nampak on fb :)

  13. Shidah
    TQ. Warga emas nih mmg manyak cerewet ek?
    fb? I low profile kejap.

  14. CS, ishk! takpe.. I would wonder too if someone tak reply what i've written. cerewet pun still I sayang. I lap u CS! :D

    I want to menyepikan diri dalam fb too, tapikan, teramatla susahnya.. kalau senyap few days, kawan2 akan sms, tanya kenapa senyap, sakit ke? etc..
