Thursday, April 22, 2010

Jusco Wangsa Maju Member's Day - The Real One

Haaa... this time, the real sale. No more mistaken date/day. Beria2 pagi ni nak pegi sale tu, sampai sanggup tak hantar Iffah KAFA. Iman pun tak pegi sekolah. Err.. I didnt purposely NOT send her to school ye. She was having a severe stomach cramp, maybe due to wind ke apa ke, tapi sakit perut sampai kena diarrhea. Kesian anak mama sakit perut. Tapi dalam sakit perut sempat lagi main wii fit dengan Iffah and Abbas. Mula-mula, plan nak pegi Jusco pukul 9.30am, kononnya taknak bersesak2 dengan orang lain. Tapi 12.30noon baru sampai Jusco, lepas hantar Iffah and Abbas to school.

Sampai je Jusco, aku rasa macam nak pengsan tengok lautan kereta yang parking kat luar Jusco Wangsa Maju tu. Banyaknya kereta!!! Abah cakap awal2, kalau takde parking, dia nak balik sebab dia tak kuasa kalau nak kena parking kete jauh, letih dia nak berjalan kaki. Alhamdulillah, ada parking, but kat 4th floor, open parking. Bila turun elevator, terkejut aku tengok manusia macam semut. Ramainya!! Kepala aku dah start pening. Aku tanya mok, what she wants to buy. Since dia takde plan nak beli kain baju, so we went to supermarket section. Erm.. aku rasa murah kot sebab aku tgk ramai tokey2 kedai runcit borong barang sampai 5-6 trolley. Ada yang borong coffemate, nescafe 3 in 1, ribena 1 litre, susu dugro, shieldtox, maggi, and sunquick.

Selalunye, what I do is, aku akan tengok apa yg tokey2 ni borong, then I'll go and check the price for those items. Memang murah la. Coffemate was selling at RM4.50, normal price RM6.50. Pastu susu Dugro pulak RM18.50, normal price RM22.90. Barang2 yang lain aku tak check sebab malas nak cari. Some items takde kat shelf pun, dah habis. Wan kirim belikan Dugro. When I went to the aisle yang jual susu, tengok takde Dugro kat shelf. Pastu kebetulan ada promoter kat situ, dia tolong ambikkan susu kat dalam store. Agaknya dia simpan susu, tak letak kat luar, so that tokey2 yang borong tu tak borong semua. Ye la, kesian kat orang lain, tak dapat nak beli.

Balik dari Jusco, aku sakit kepala giler. Rasanya dah tak sanggup nak pegi Jusco sale ni. Aku somehow prefer Jusco AU2, more organised, pastu tak sempit. Next sale is going to be on 7th May kat Jusco AU2. Every first Friday of the month, Jusco AU2 ada Jusco Fiesta. Yeah! I'm definitely going! hehehe...

Oleh kerana hari ni aku pegi Jusco, I only cooked Nasi Goreng Sotong for lunch. Aku tak ambik gambar sebab M.A.L.A.S.. hehe.. sorry ye.

Dadih Mango for the kids' lunch boxes.

I'm missing my other half, my Resident Evil combat partner... huwaaaaa. He sent me sms today "I miss the girls, I miss shooting zombies with you". Duh! He misses me only in Resident Evil.. =.=


  1. bestnya sale..brg murah n yg tak bestnya lepas sale mesti sakit kepala...mgkn air tk circulated dgn betul kot dlm shopg mall tu..yala ramai org n everybody breathing the air n imagine the CO2 yg org ramai keluarkan..emm...patutla pening kan?

    shidah..wii memang best kan?i imagine to have one one day ni...harap2 di approve olh banker lah kan...hehehe...

  2. Hello Sizuka, hope your daughter is okay now.
    Can see from the pics dia ada her mother's beautiful eyes, *wink*.
    I think she'll break a few hearts when she reaches 18, ha ha.
    Love the pics here.
    Have a pleasant weekend, stay beautiful, Lee.

  3. k.siti, betul tu. lepas sale je, memang sakit kepala. actually bosan dah nak pegi sale yg bersesak2 mcm tu.

    you should buy wii! boleh ber exercise dgn wii fit. nanti boleh la kita main sama2. hehe

  4. hi uncle lee,

    iman is better now. thank god for that. lol.. everybody said she's a reflection of me. but aiyo.. sakit kepala la uncle lee. we're constantly fighting. maybe becoz we're so much alike.

    i think the father is going to have tough time fighting suitors. hopefully the suitors wont ask for ur advice coz if they woo women like you did, lemah lutut perempuan nanti :D

    have a great weekend too! :D
