Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tiring Tuesday

I didnt sleep much last nite coz hubby had high fever. The problem with hubby is that, he's asthmatic tapi bila hisap rokok, tak hingat punya! I was so angry with him this morning. I told him, "you kan, dah la chronic asthma, tapi hisap rokok mcm memang dah taknak hidup, nak mati esok!!". Tu geram sebab tak cukup tido plus I was worried sick about him. This morning he woke up lembik, tak lalu makan (which is so unlike him), and having difficulty breathing. His symptoms memang shows that he's having another asthma attack, tapi yang peliknya, dia kata, dia rasa his lungs mcm berair. I thought it was just acute bronchitis, tapi rupanya, dia kena pneumonia.

This time around, he was admitted at Pantai Pandan Indah coz Ampang Puteri and Tawakkal semua takde single bedded room. Dia cakap with his condition, he refuse to share a room with another patient. So terpaksa la pegi jauh sikit, kat Pandan Indah. Aku memang bercinta la kalau nak lalu kat area Pandan Indah tu, jam dasyat!! But I have no choice. Kalau pegi Gleneagles lagi pengsan. Jalan Ampang tu almost 18 hours a day jam teruk.

Jap lagi lepas solat maghrib, I'll be visiting him. Aku letih sebenarnya, rasa mcm nak tido je. Tapi kesian kat hubby, takan nak biarkan dia sorang2. Lepas hantar dia kat spital tadi, I went to send Iffah to school and picked up Iman from school. Pastu ambik Mok and Makcik Salmi (tukang urut), bawak pegi rumah adik ipar Korean aku, Mina kat Kota Damansara. Dia demam, so mok was very worried. Dah ler adik aku, Maulud, takde coz he's in Korea. With 2 toddlers and a baby to take care of, memang sakit2 badan la jawabnya. From Mina's house, aku hantar Makcik Salmi then pegi ambik Iffah from school. I'm dead tired! I need to take a nap.. erm.. maybe later la kot..

Our dinner yesterday..

Ayam Goreng Kari Pedas

This menu is very simple but tasty. Iman loves this very much.

1 ekor Ayam - potong 24 (small pieces)
4 tbs rempah kari
5-6 tangkai daun kari.
10 biji cili kering - potong 4.
3 tsp salt

1. Ayam di bersihkan dan tos for at least 1/2 jam.
2. Gaulkan ayam dengan rempah kari dan garam
3. Panaskan minyak (guna minyak yg banyak untuk menggoreng), masukkan ayam, daun kari dan cili kering.
4. Goreng sehingga ayam garing (but not too dry), hidangkan.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Masuk cepatttt....TTM buat LUCKY DRAW!!

Since aku still takde mood nak update blog, I've decided to enter this lucky draw by topsyturvymum. I got to know about this lucky draw from MummyNana. Thx MummyNana. Hope I'm lucky enuff to win this... hehehe


16 Pc Dinner Set
Click on above image to view full picture

Syarat-syarat penyertaan:

1. Anda adalah seorang blogger. (InshaAllah lain kali aku buat lucky draw utk blogger dan reader pulak ye)

2. Beralamat/mempunyai alamat di Malaysia.(Bermakna yang berada di luar negara juga boleh menyertai kalau ada alamat di Malaysia.) 

3. Penyertaan mesti dibuat di dalam bentuk entry secara STICKY POST di blog anda. Caranya, copy je la entry ni.(1 profile cuma layak masuk satu penyertaan sahaja.)

4. Setelah siap buat entry, sila hantar link penyertaan anda di ruangan komen entry ini. (Nanti aku masukkan link blog anda kat entry ni)

5. Tarikh tutupnya adalah bila-bila masa sahaja dalam minggu ni(Sebelum Isnin depan 04/10/2010). Aku akan buat entry kalau dah tutup. Bila dah tutup, maka boleh hilangkan sticky post tu.

6. Pemenang akan dipilih DI SINI.


Friday, September 24, 2010

Dried Shrimp Fried Rice

Rasanya minggu ni dah 4 kali kita orang makan nasi goreng ni. Aku malas lagi nak stock peti, so bila masak, guna barang2 kering je. Since stock ikan bilis jepun aku yg 4kg tu dah licin dibuang oleh hubby, maka, terpaksa la guna udang kering je untuk masak.

Ni 1st time aku ambik gambar food yang aku masak menggunakan 50mm. Rasanya memang cun la! hehehe..

4 cups - Nasi yang dah dimasak semalaman -
1/4 cup - udang kering. Basuh, blend with dry blender
2 biji telur
6 ulas bawang putih - crushed
2 tbs cili boh
1 tsp stock ikan bilis (optional)
sawi yg dah dipotong (optional)

1. panaskan 6 tbs minyak, masukkan bwg putih & udang kering, tumis hingga garing.
2. bila dah garing, masukkan cili boh. tumis for few minutes.
3. masukkan telur, goreng lagi sampai telur garing. add salt and stock ikan bilis.
4. masukkan nasi dan gaul rata. biarkan diatas kuali for few minutes before hidangkan.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Post Raya Incident & Accident

Too busy with adjusting life after raya, sampai lupa nak tulis what happened after raya. Aku rasa this is part of incident before raya pasal strika panas tu. On Saturday last week, we decided to stay kat Awana Kijal coz hubby ada keje kat Kemaman plus wedding. Lepas checked in, hubby tinggal kita org kat hotel, and he went to do his work. Aku bawak the kids to swimming pool kat Awana. The kids love it! Memang lawa pun swimming pool kat situ. But that's it! Swimming pool je yg lawa, yang lain semua biasa je.
At about 6.15pm, hubby called cakap he was involved in an accident which involved 4 cars termasuk la kereta dia. Masa dia call tu, dia tgk contemplating samada nak claim insurance from the person yg kissed his car's butt ke tak coz he said pakcik yg langgar tu nampak kesian sangat, with anak2 crying, driving a beaten up proton saga. Alhamdulillah pakcik tu ada insurance. So claiming from him is not an issue anymore.

Then on Sunday, kita orang balik KL. Makcik Ton tiba2 called (yes, she's back!! yay!!) kata freezer and peti sejuk kat rumah bau busuk teramat sgt. Rupa-rupanya, sepanjang we all balik kampung, electricity tripped, thus, takde letrik the whole house for almost 12 days!! Argh!!! rasa nak pengsan bila imagine betapa teruknya bau rumah. When we reached rumah, nak masuk rumah pun tak lalu. Hubby cakap, he'll do the cleaning. Happy betul aku! Aku ni jenis penggeli yang amat. Memang kirim salam ler kalau nak bersihkan benda2 mcm tu, rela aku buang peti and freezer tu. Dah ler freezer aku besar giler, about 10 kaki panjang. Rasanya losses dalam RM600-RM800, maybe more considering that freezer aku tu half full.

While hubby busy membersih freezer with Makcik Ton, aku pegi dinner dgn the kids. When I came back, the house smell less fishy and nasty.. But 2-3 hari jugak la baru the nasty smell hilang. As it is now, both freezer and fridge aku still kosong. Rasa merajuk dengan letrik kat rumah ni, membuatkan aku malas nak stock up. Everyday the kids makan nasi goreng, roti with sardine, nasi with sardine. Kesian jugak.. Maybe today I'll go to Jusco kejap, beli barang utk masak dinner for today only. Dear CS, that's what happened to me.. sampai pening2 kepala and tak terjawab ur question.. hehehe.. ampun ye CS sayang :D

Thank you Mel for the lovely leggings. The kids love it so much! Next time boleh kirim lagi. .. hehehe

Lawa kan the colours? :D
The cars yang involved in the accident

Kesian viva ni. Dah ler registration baru, kena langgar dgn hubby

Hubby's car, kemik bumper depan and belakang. He hit the viva because the proton saga hit him from behind, then another car hit the proton saga.

proton saga ni langsung takleh gerak.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Birthday Cake

Iffah wants NY Cheesecake from Secret Recipe but nenek and baba tak suka kek kat situ. So mama decided to bake her own birthday cake. The result.......

Butter cake with buttercream frosting

Nampak tak edges yg comot tu? 1st time aku buat buttercream frosting... hehe.. not bad for a 1st timer kan?

Butter cake recipe boleh guna any buttercake recipe yang ada. Some suka sponge cake, but aku tak suka rasa gebu sponge cake, rasa mcm makan kapas. For the butter cream, aku guna this recipe which I found at Hana's. Aku suka the texture of the buttercream, tak muak. The most important thing is, tak cair at room temperature. As Wendy said, it's very stable.

Iman decorated the cake. Of course with mama's help. She was very excited to decorate it. Next project will be pirate cake pulak. Lepas ni nampaknya aku kena masuk Wilton class kat Bagus so that my cake wont look messy. For someone yg keras tangan macam aku ni, the jeans cake is an achievement.. hehehe.

For the decoration of the cake, you can watch this video at Betty Crocker.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy Birthday to ME!

I came home, login to FB and ada 30 new post on my wall, birthday wishes from family and friends. Tiba2 hari ni, aku rasa terlebih glamour.. hehehhe.. Ye la, lepas pukul 12mlm je, birthday wishes mencurah2. Aku bersyukur Ya Allah that aku masih lagi hidup dan diberi nikmat kesihatan yang baik. Alhamdulillah....

picture courtesy of En. Google. :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Advance Birthday Gift

Should I feel  happy or sad when hubby gave me my birthday gift 6 days before my birthday? I have a mixed feeling when I opened my birthday gift tadi. Sedih sebab it's a grim reminder that I'm almost 21 + 16 (in 6 days time, mind you.. :) ). Happy sebab dapat what I wanted, a 50mm lense. Though the lens takde motor, which means, for a D40 user like me, I'll have to play with the lens to get the sharpest image possible (ada indicator, but hard to take photos of moving objects), I still love it!

Yesterday, as I was browsing through Mizan's (my junior kat Tasmania) album on facebook, I fell in love with the photos that he took of his cats. Bila aku tanya, what lense he used, he said he used 50mm. Bila hubby dengar aku nak sgt the 50mm lense, terus dia pegi beli. ishk! The photos below semua were taken using 50mm

Thank you dear hubby! I Love you!! ( Melampau pulak rasa, bila dapat hadiah, terus cakap I Love You! hahahhaa

Anak sedara hubby, Shifa

Gula2 Kacang.. sedap! :D

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Accident & Secret Recipe, KT

Today aku janji dengan Rizal (my sister's x-bf) to meet up. Rizal cakap nak belanja makan. Since aku malas nak bersesak2 dengan manusia yang still ramai kat KT, I suggested to Rizal to meet up kat Secret Recipe kat Ladang. Rizal janji nak jumpa pukul 6pm, tapi dia datang dah almost 7.30pm (yes pakcik! u're soo late!!). Nasib baik la aku pegi dengan Sally, at least takde la kebosanan aku menunggu.

Rizal tak stay lama, he had to rush to Stadium untuk perlawanan bola. Aku and Sally stayed on til 9.30pm, camwhoring... hahahha..

Kita orang dgn muka tak malunya, bergambar bersungguh2... semua org keliling pandang. Malas aku nak peduli :D

Budak yang asyik nak berkepit je dengan mama dia.
On the way to Secret Recipe tadi, ada accident. According to Sally, a motorist was hit, tak sure dengan kenderaan apa but yang pastinya, motorist tu mati on the spot. Masa aku lalu dengan Sally, nampak kertas atas jalan, ada darah. Ngeri giler! Aku ambik gambar but tak nampak la kertas yang tutup darah tu..

Nampak tak orang kat tepi jalan yang ramai tu?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2010

Mula-mula, nak gantung kad raya K.Ina dulu. Sorry ye K.Ina, lambat pulak gantung kad raya ni.

Ok, now kita bercerita kesah hari raya tahun ni. Rasanya tahun ni la raya yang paling sedih bagi aku. I dont get to go back and see my parents on hari raya. Selalunya by 2nd day raya, aku dah ada kat rumah my parents. Tapi this year, oleh kerana dia orang beraya kat KL, maka aku takleh la jumpa dia org. Jauh nak drive from KT to KL, hubby pulak ada keje kat Kerteh/Paka lepas raya. Huwaaa..... aku sedih!!

So far, sepanjang aku kawin, 1st day raya aku akan spend kat rumah MIL sebab hubby anak lelaki tunggal. Kesian jugak kat dia kalau tak dapat beraya dgn mak dia. In my case, kalau aku tak balik, parents aku still ada my sisters yang lain termasuk la my brothers. Takpe la, bagi peluang kat hubby untuk berbakti kat mak dia. Walaupun aku sedih, tapi aku tabahkan jugak hati ni.. chewah! macam berdrama la pulak :D

Getting ready to go out beraya

Undecided.. nak pakai kasut raya ke nak pakai selipar

2nd day raya dah cari McD

Sian budak ni, suara serak sebab tonsil bengkak.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2010

Salam Aidilfitri untuk semua. This year aku beraya di Terengganu. I arrived in Terengganu this morning at 6am. We almost made a U-turn on Karak Highway because of the bad jam last nite, but alhamdulillah we continued our journey coz as soon as we reached Bentong toll, suddenly 90% of the traffic somehow vanished. Menunjukkan betapa ramainya rakyat Kelantan kat KL :)

Yesterday, Allah pelihara kami sekeluarga. The steamer iron which aku letak dalam bakul laundry was on for almost 12 hours. Pagi semalam masa hubby suruh gosokkan baju, aku bau baju yang hangit. Bila aku keluarkan iron from the laundry basket, few of the kids school uniforms dah selamat hangus. Alhamdulillah tak terbakar. I dont wanna think of the worst scenario that could have happened. It was my mistake, I admit it. Ye la, sapa suruh pegi letak iron dalam laundry basket. Iffah accidently switched on the plug yang connected to the iron. Itu yang tiba2 the iron boleh on. Alhamdulillah ya Allah, syukur takde apa2 yang berlaku.

Nasi Dagang specially for Uncle Lee :)

Homemade Nasi Dagang

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sekuk Raya

Finally... tiga jenis kuih semalam siap at 1am. By the time siap kemas dan mop lantai dapur, dah pukul 2am. Setiap jenis biskut, aku buat 4 acuan. Sakit pinggang makcik ni menggentel. Oleh kerana semalam aku kemalasan yang amat, aku ambik pendekatan theme Bulat Gette untuk biskut2 raya yang aku buat which means, semua biskut jenis yang dibulat2kan dan dipenyek.. hahahaha.. sangat sesuai dengan tuan rumah yg bulat ini :D

Biskut Suji (hubby couldnt stop muching it) - Bulat

Crunchy Oat Cookies (recipe ni aku dapat from Aunty Asiah Shamsudin) - Bulat, pressed with fork.

Biskut Cornflakes Rangup (recipe from nestle.com. tapikan aku check nestle's website, recipe ni dah takde. nasib baik aku printed out this recipe, 3 years ago) - Bulat, baked and nampak flattened sikit.

Ina, cookies mana yang berkenan dihati? Cepat! akak bagi 10 balang.. tapi, balang kosong je la yek.. hahaha.. just kidding :D

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

On Baking Mode

As I';m typing this, tangan aku penuh dengan tepung and butter. Hahahaha.. just kidding. Tapikan, ada sisa2 tepung still melekat at the back of my hands. Last minute aku decided to on my baking mode. Yes K.Min, saya nak lawan awak ni, jeles la tgk orang tu, dah lebih 10 jenis biskut siap. Ishk! mana K.Min dapat the energy nak buat biskut byk jenis mcm tu? Care to share it with me? I need some! 

So far, aku dah siapkan 3 jenis biskut, Biskut Suji, Cornflake Crunchy and Biskut Oat Rangup. Yet to materialise adalah Biskut Gajus. Nak ke taknak, aku kena jugak buat biskut gajus for mok. Dia peminat setia biskut gajus dan biskut tart nenas. But last minute mcm ni, tak kuasa aku nak buat biskut tart nenas. Biskut gajus je la ye mok. Tunggu next year, I'll bake some tart nenas for you. I love you mok! :D

Since hari ni aku busy membiskuti (memandai je aku reka perkataan, maaf zahir batin ye DBP), maka aku tak masak. Berbuka today, mok yang masak kat rumah dia. Sian jugak mok masak sorang2. But aku memang takleh nak tolong coz I'm so busy with Shariff (he slept over last nite, pastu ada ke patut, dia taknak balik rumah dia. Mengamuk2 tadi masa mak dia ambik.. ishk!) and sibuk membuat biskut. Mok masak ayam pedas, sayur air, tenggiri goreng and tempe goreng. Sedap!!

Aku nak wish selamat hari raya now ke? or should I wait til esok? Esok je la yek..

Kuey Teow Goreng  Ayam :)

Monday, September 6, 2010


Selalunya bila sampai bulan Ramadhan, peti rumah aku akan penuh dengan ne'bak yang belum disira. Hubby loves ne'bak. MIL selalu belikan for him bila bulan pose. But this time, ne'bak takde dalam iftar menu rumah aku until today. Maybe sebab the last two trip aku balik Terengganu baru-baru ni, aku tak singgah rumah MIL. So no ne'bak kering for me to sira for iftar. huhuhu... sebenarnya, aku rindu sangat nak makan ne'bak. Ni pun dah tak sabar2 nak berbuka, another 1 hour to go. Ne'bak yang aku sira today, MIL bagi about 2 months ago. Aku masukkan dalam peti, so that boleh tahan lama. Kalau tak, dah lama berkulat.

Hari ni aku masak elaborate sikit. Menu for iftar termasukla Nasi Minyak Hujan Panas. Mula2 nak masak nasi kerabu, tapi iman pulak request nak makan nasi minyak. Aku terpaksa masak for rumah mok sekali sebab for the past 1 week plus, aku berbuka kat rumah mok unless ada invitation for iftar kat luar. Aku start masak nasik minyak quite lambat sebab tengahari tadi aku pegi ambik duit raya yang Nito tolong tukarkan. Phew! alhamdulillah still dapat lagi tukar duit. On Thursday aku nak gi tukar kat bank2 kat Melawati, semua dah habis stock. Bengkek betul aku! Nasib baik teringat kat Nito yang keje kat RHB HQ. Thank you Nito, I lap you!! :D

Balik from ambik duit raya kat RHB jln tun razak, aku singgah kat Jusco AU2 untuk beli ayam and daging for nasik minyak. Sampai je rumah, aku terus rebus daging and goreng ayam for ayam masak merah. Letih! Tapikan, sempat lagi aku goreng kuey teow for Iffah. Ni tengah pikir, nak masak Apple Crisp ke tak.. Apple aku banyak and I'm going back to Terengganu esok. Takut nanti busuk dalam peti. Erm.. maybe I should do it tomorrow. Aku nak try Apple Crisp recipe dalam cookbook Oprah.

Ne'bak yang telah disira.

Yay!! This book is finally mine! Aku pegi bookxcess semalam to buy this book :D

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Iklan Raya TV3 2010 vs Iklan Raya Petronas 2010

The good thing about having a facebook account is, you get to know what's going on around you. For someone yang tak baca suratkhabar, tak beli suratkhabar, tak tengok tv selain channel 703, aku ni lebih kurang katak bawah tempurung. But with facebook, I get first hand info on what's currently irking the rakyat. In this case, iklan raya TV3. When I first saw it, I was like.. what the... Theme 1Malaysia? Aku rasa orang yang buat iklan tu failed to understand that, 1 Syawal disambut setelah sebulan umat islam berpuasa mengikut rukun Islam. Agaknya dia ingat macam celebrate new year gamaknya.

The controversial commercial by the ignorant Media Prima (pelikkan, macam mana the CEO of Media Prima, seorang yang beragama Islam, failed to see the sensitivity of this commercial)

Ni pulak iklan raya Petronas 2010. I love it!! ni la baru nama 1Malaysia.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


I wanna sleep, but somehow sleep eludes me. Baju dah dibasuh, dijemur, rumah dah kemas. Erm.. well, ada lagi tak kemas, but that is for later, when the kids wake up from their deep slumber. Semalam aku buat Tira-Mis-U (actually I made it on thursday, cuma semlm baru boleh makan. tiramisu kan kena let it set for at least a day). Alhamdulillah, this time, the tiramisu tak runny. I used the right whipped cream! Yay!! hehe.. Actually aku guna whipped topping powder that was given by Ina. Thank you Ina!! Aku suka sangat the whipped topping tu. Sedap!

I think this tiramisu nampak so comel.. hehe.. perasan tahap gaban. Nak potong pun senang :)

Dalam baking dish pyrex yang aku beli hari tu. 

Sedap!! Mula2 taknak makan, pastu couldnt resist.

The whipped topping yg ina bagi. Tak sure ina beli kat mana, maybe kat Sudan kot.

Hubby went to Johore this morning, maka aku terpaksa la berangkut to rumah mok petang nanti. InsyaAllah, I'll be breaking fast with Za and her kids kat Shah Alam. Dah lama nak pegi visit Za, tapi with aku not well for the past few weeks, terpaksa la tangguhkan dulu. Now that my tonsil dah ok, boleh la berjalan.

Semalam aku berbuka with K.Mei (hubby's eldest sister) and Zuleikha kat Lake Club. K.Mei, Abg Zainol and Zuleikha are spending the raya kat London then they will be heading to US for few weeks sebab Abg Zainol ada keje kat US (he gets to go to White House and jumpa Obama with Najib... huhuhuhu... jeles!!) . They will make a stop at few places termasuk la Disney World Florida. Bestnya!! How I wish I can tag along with the kids. Masa aku pegi Disneysea and Disneyland Tokyo few years back, Iman and Iffah still kecik, cant even remember the event. Hopefully next year, we'll get the chance to go to Disney World.

Once upon a time in Disneyland. They were both still kecik lagi.. and mama dia org pun still kurus.. hahahah

Friday, September 3, 2010

Caramalised Baked Chicken Wings

Semalamkan aku declare Hari Malas Sedunia remember? But unfortunately, aku terpaksa jugak merajinkan diri untuk memasak. But sesuai dengan theme malas, maka aku pun masak benda yang senang, tak menyusahkan diri, takyah duduk lama2 kat dapur. I made Baked Chicken Wings.

I'm trying to finish the stocks in the freezer. Tapikan, rasa macam mission impossible je. Freezer aku tu, kalau sumbat orang, boleh muat 10 orang yang kecik molek macam K.Min. Kalau bulat dan gebu macam aku, maybe dalam 5 orang. Freezer tu tersangat la besarnya. Baru semalam aku complaint kat abah that the cost of my electric bill for the freezer for 2 years, dah exceed harga freezer tu. Then abah cakap, freezer kat rumah mok tu, dah almost 20 years, bil letrik maybe dah triple the cost of the freezer. Duh! ye la.. tu dah 20 tahun. Freezer aku baru 2 tahun.. GRRR!!

Yesterday, masa aku tengah korek segala jenis harta karun dalam freezer tu, aku nampak chicken wings yang dunno brapa lama dah bertapa dalam tu. Since I'm out of daging and ayam, tinggal ikan je, maka aku pun buat ler baked chicken wings. I tried my best to minimised the time spent in the kitchen semalam, so my baked chicken wings ada baked chicken wings campak2. .. hehehe. But if u want the recipe, you can find it here.

Yummy! :D

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hari Malas Sedunia - Part Infinity

Dah lama aku tak declare hari malas sedunia. Maka, oleh kerana dah terlalu lama hari malas sedunia tak muncul dalam catatan blog aku ni, aku declare dengan sepenuh hati, hari ni adalah hari malas sedunia untuk rumah aku! But, before that, biar aku up dulu gambar Gulai Kawah Daging yang dimasak semalam. Aku masak 2kg daging, today tinggal ciput je. Hubby makan nasi tambah 3 kali masa berbuka tu. Punya la sedapnya... hahahha.. that was what he said :D

Aku malas nak makan dengan nasik, so last nite, aku cicah dengan roti bangla ni. Sedap sangat2! :D

To those yang nak masak menggunakan recipe aku, recipe ada di sini. Cuma this time, aku add 3 tbs of rempah gulai kawah lepas dah add santan and daging. Kalau kat kampung, orang panggil rempah mentah sebab tak tumis dulu. Actually bila masak gulai kawah kat kampung, dia org akan letak rempah masak and rempah mentah. Rasa gulai kawah memang lain. Lagi sedap kalau dah semalaman dalam periuk. 

Tomorrow aku akan upload gambar2 buah yang diambik masa balik kampung baru2 ni. Now, I wanna take a nap.. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Berbuka Puasa bersama Anak2 Rumah Al-Khadim

Semalam was the first time aku bawak Iman berbuka dengan anak2 yatim. Initially, Iffah was supposed to ikut, tapi last minute, dia ubah fikiran, nak ikut baba and nenek pegi berbuka kat rumah Ayah Harun (adik aku, Harun). Dia nak sgt2 ikut tu sebab nak main dgn my nephew Abbas.

Rumah Al-Kadim tu dekat je dengan rumah Roger, about 2 minutes away from her house. Roger ajak berbuka kat situ sebab dia buat birthday celebration her niece, Zahra, kat situ. Birthday niece dia falls on 31st August. Alhamdulillah, everything went well. Rumah Al-Khadim menyewa kat double story houses kat Maluri. Satu rumah for the girls and satu rumah for the boys. Aku pun tak sempat nak tengok keliling sebab by the time sampai, it was almost time to berbuka. Immediately after berbuka, Zahra potong kek, then we went back to rumah mak Roger to pray and eat.

Birthday girl tengah nak potong cake.


Roger and her mom.

 Some of the girls.