Monday, July 18, 2011

Al-Fatihah buat Arwah YB Dr Lo'lo' Bt Mohd Ghazali

Terima kasih yang tak terhingga buat arwah Dr. Lo'Lo' sebab tolong sambut Iman masa Iman dilahirkan di Kohilal. While Dr Amir sibuk berentikan my excessive bleeding, Dr. Lo'lo' tolong bundlekan Iman dan hold Iman in her arms. While aku was pregnant with Iman, every month during the medical check up, aku akan jumpa Dr Lo'Lo'.

The initial plan was, to deliver dengan Dr Lo'Lo. Tapi sebab aku dah start ada contraction at 5 mths, aku decided to deliver dengan Dr. Amir Farid, gynae kat Kohilal. Masa deliver Iman, Dr. Lo'Lo' was there. She was the one yang pegang the oxygen mask kat muka Iman masa nak transfer Iman to Ampang Puteri Hospital. Thank you again. Semoga segala kebaikan yang telah Dr. Lo'Lo' buat dimuka bumi ini, menjamin kebahagiaan di akhirat untuk Dr. Lo'Lo'. Amin.


  1. Al-Fatihah..dr Lo'lo juga yang buat DNC when i misscarriage my 1st baby...

  2. Anonymous,

    I think, because of Dr lo'lo', ramai ibu2, yg bersalin kat kohilal. i'm thankful for that.

  3. Selalu p jummpa dia d Pusrawi Permata sbb my eldest dulu asma. She is a great person..AlFatehah.....

  4. peppermint zing,

    she was a great person. masa i pregnantkan both my daughters, i buat check up dengan dia. she'll be sorely missed. al-fatihah.
