Sunday, October 11, 2009

Picnic @ Taman Tasik Ampang Hilir

Asyik tengok K.Min berpicnic, teringin jugak nak pegi picnic. Kebetulan masa gi KLCC last week, lalu kat jalan Ampang Hilir, and I saw this one new gorgeous park near the MRR2 highway. Dulu, kolam tu used to be a mining pool, if I'm not mistaken. Pastu it was deserted for few years, siap ada orang jumpa mayat lagi dalam pool tu. DBKL has given it a new life, refurbish the place and turned it into a beautiful park where everyone can enjoy. The park is called Taman Tasik Ampang Hilir.

I went there semalam dengan Nora. Mula2 plan nak pegi pukul 8am. Aku being aku, memang sah2 takan bangun pagi. Bila sedar, tengok jam dah 9am. Tapi sebab dah janji dengan Nora, maka aku gagahkan jugak untuk pegi. I cooked kuey teow goreng and nasik goreng for the picnic on saturday. Pastu bawak some sausages for the kids. Makcik Ton made some fresh coffee and Vico. Memang best la picnic tu except for the fact that it was already quite warm. Iman and Iffah tak nak main, they just sat beneath a huge pokok sena (i think) and chit chatting, while Mama and Aunty Nora busy gossiping.. hehehe

Nora tengah makan nasik goreng + kuey teow goreng :)

Iffah and Iman enjoying their cold barley tea

Looking for fish?

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