My brother, Izani and his wife came for a visit. Maka aku la yang kena masak. Letih sangat sebab biasa la, time lunch aku very limited. Iman and Iffah keluar KAFA 11am, pastu gi potong rambut, then by the time balik rumah, nak kena prepare them utk pegi sekolah kebangsaan pulak. Time tu jugak la nak kena masak banyak2. My mum wasnt feeling very well yesterday, so dia mintak aku tolong masakkan for her house. Tu yang banyak keje... Takpe la, berbakti pada mak aku, bila lagi aku nak berbakti kan. Will up the photos of yesterday dishes tomorrow. Now aku nak sambung tido.. hehe
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Hair Cut Day
My brother, Izani and his wife came for a visit. Maka aku la yang kena masak. Letih sangat sebab biasa la, time lunch aku very limited. Iman and Iffah keluar KAFA 11am, pastu gi potong rambut, then by the time balik rumah, nak kena prepare them utk pegi sekolah kebangsaan pulak. Time tu jugak la nak kena masak banyak2. My mum wasnt feeling very well yesterday, so dia mintak aku tolong masakkan for her house. Tu yang banyak keje... Takpe la, berbakti pada mak aku, bila lagi aku nak berbakti kan. Will up the photos of yesterday dishes tomorrow. Now aku nak sambung tido.. hehe
UP - New Pixar Movie
Monday, March 30, 2009
A Busy Sunday
Semalam was a long day for me. Dari pagi sampai ke malam, aku tak habis2 jumpa kawan. Mula2 at 11am, aku jumpa Ani. Balik rumah dah almost 2pm. Baru je 2 minggu lepas jumpa Ani. Ani is my childhood friend, dulu duduk depan rumah aku. Kita orang mengaji sama, naik bas sekolah sama, even masa study dulu, she went to Tasmania. Mak dia an australian, datuk nenek dia duduk Tasmania. So she went to high school kat Tasmania but she went back to Msia just before aku sampai kat Tasmania. Masa jumpa semalam, aku ternganga jap tengok handbag, kasut and wallet LV dia. Peh! 10k for all those?? Err.. I would rather beli rantai emas... hehe
Then lepas jumpa Ani, I went home, siapkan karipap sardine Alie, another childhood friend. Dah la semlm Makcik Ton (my maid) balik kampung pandan for the weekend. Terpaksa la aku kemas dapur, masak etc sendiri. Lunch semlm aku masak Kerutup Ayam, will post about it later. Petang about 4pm, Nora came over to my house, nak ajak aku temankan dia pegi visit Zana. Nora sampai je, hujan lebat giler, so terpaksa la Nora berkhemah kat rumah aku and cancel nak gi visit Zana tu.
At 5pm, Nora balik, then at 6pm, Lily pulak datang nak ambik bags yang Anne belikan kat Bangkok. Pukul 8pm Lily balik, then aku mandi2, siap, terus keluar jumpa Alie kat Permata. Pastu Jida joined us, and aku balik rumah kul 12 malam. Kesian anak2 aku, tak sempat aku nak melayan dia orang, busy sangat melayan kawan2. Rasa bersalah jugak..
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Mee Rebus Mak (Mee Sup Sayur)
Mee Rebus Mak (Mee Sup Sayur)

Mee - 1 bungkus (boleh substitute dgn meehoon or kueyteow)
1/2 kg udang
100gm daging - potong nipis
fishball (optional)
250gm sawi
200gm kobis
1 carrot (julienne)
10 ulas bwg merah - mayang
4 ulas bwg putih - mayang
1 tbs beef stock granules
2 tbs sos tiram
1-2 tbs black pepper
1. Panaskan periuk. Masukkan 4 tbs minyak masak, tumis bwg yg dah dihiris hingga garing.
2. Bila bawang dah garing, masukkan daging dan udang.
3. Masukkan sos tiram, air dan stock daging.
4. Bila air dah mendidih, masukkan sayur2, black pepper dan mee.
Kalau nak simpan, it's best asingkan mee dgn kuah. Jadi mee tu takla kembang sangat.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Cheeky Iffah Is Not Feeling Very Well Still
Hari ni dia tak gi sekolah sebab dapat MC, maka dengan kakak sekali tak pegi sekolah. Lagipun kul 10.00am tadi aku dah janji dengan Anne nak jumpa dia kat Ikea. Apa la punya Mama, janji nak jumpa kawan, sampai sanggup tak hantar anak sekolah.. hehe.. sorry ye girls. Takpe la, missed KAFA today je.
I was a bit late sampai kat Ikea tadi. Patutnya kul 10.00am dah sampai, dah tu dok psycho Iffah je dah berapa lama, nak tunggu anak2 dara mandi lagi. Last sekali aku naik angin, aku cakap, sapa tak siap dalam masa 5 minit, Mama tinggal. Wah! cepat pulak anak2 aku siap. Next time can use the same tactic.
Lepas berborak and ambik barang from Anne (thank you Anne), aku terus ke rumah Dina, janji nak lunch kat rumah Dina at Kota Damansara. Kesian Dina kena melayan rombongan Cik Kiah.. heheh.. Ramai jugak yang pegi, aku, Mas, Sharif, Iman, Iffah and Dzia. Sampai kat rumah Dina, pak guard kat situ tegur kita orang, tanya Dzia tu budak duduk block B ke? Wah! famous gak anak sedara aku sorang tu. Memang dia duduk block B kat condo yang sama dengan Dina.
Kat rumah Dina, we all makan pizza. Alamak! lupa la pulak pizza apa yg kita orang makan, yang surenya, sedap sangat2! Sebenarnya taknak la susahkan Dina, dia pun tengah sarat pregnant, tapi sebab janji nak jumpa K.Nizah, kakak ipar Dina, kat situ. Dah lama aku tak jumpa K.Nizah, last was masa aku form 3, before K.Nizah pindah sekolah. That was ages ago.. takyah la cakap berapa lama ye, sebab nanti semua orang tau umur aku.. hehe.. Yang pastinye, tersangat la lamanya.
Ok, semalam aku masak Mee Rebus yang mak aku selalu masak masa aku kecik2 dulu. Tiba2 je teringat Mee Rebus ni lepas dok berdiscuss dengan Za kat dalam FB. Recipe aku akan tulis esok, ngantuk dah..
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Detox Juice
Pastu bawak gi klinik biasa. Doktor kata takde apa2 jugak, cuma her lymph node kat sebelah kanan swollen a bit. He precribed antibiotic for Iffah. Letih aku today, dah la karipap untuk Ella esok tak siap lagi.
Semalam I was feeling a bit hungry, pastu malas nak keluar beli makanan. Entah apa mimpi, aku terajin pulak nak buat detox juice. Aku ada tulis recipe for Detox Juice ni dalam one of the older entry.
bahan tumbuk
8 ulas bwg merah
4 ulas bwg putih
1 inci lengkuas
1/2 inci kunyit
3 tbs cili boh
2 btg serai - titik
1/2 kg santan pekat
1kg udang
1 helai daun kunyit - hiris halus
1. mula2 tumis bahan tumbuk dgn cili boh dalam minyak panas.
2. bila dah garing, masukkan udang, pastu masukkan santan, serai
3. bila udang dah masak, masukkan daun kunyit, garam and gula.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Abbas oh Abbas
Abbas : Aunty, kenapa aunty lalu kat kirkel?
Me : kirkel?? apa tu Abbas??
Abbas : Ala.. ni yang bulat2 ni..
Me : round-a-bout ni ke? u mean circle?
Abbas : ha-ah, kirkel
Iffah : Mama, Abbas eja rectangle REKTENGGEL
Me : ..........
Teringat anak sepupu aku sorang, Lutfan. Dulu selalu jugak bapak dia hantar rumah aku belajar dengan Iman and Iffah. Ada one day, aku buat spelling, suruh eja postman. Lutfan eja postman as BOSMAN.
Today still takde mood nak masak. Hubby is away, won't be back until tomorrow, so aku boleh la cuti masak. The kids tadi makan sup sayur again. Parents aku baru balik from Cameron, so peti sejuk kat rumah ni, penuh dengan sayur2. Tiba2 teringat Masak Lemak Udang yang mak mertua aku ajar.. errm.. sedapnya..
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Surat Layang
Iman was very angry with Siti coz she said she didnt write the letter, and why is Siti accusing her of doing something yg dia tak buat. So semalam, Iman finally found the culprit. It was written by Siti. Apparently Siti ada hati kat Amir, but dia takut nak mengaku. Maka Iman la yang jadi mangsa. Aiyo!! why so complicated one? Baru darjah 3 dah tulis surat cinta. Pastu siap boleh main tuduh2 lagi. What's happening to our kids? Maybe sebab influence from cerita Indon yang bersepah2 dalam TV kot.. *sigh*..
Anyway, mood untuk masak belum datang lagi. Semalam buat muesli for Hubby. Today cuma makan sup sayur je.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Beautiful Pashmina
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Mula2 nak buat barbeque, pastu balik dari tengok movie tadi, tengok Mas, dah beli 4 large pizza from Pizza Hut. So tak jadi la nak masak. Maybe will just cook pasta or something for the kids later. Tak tahu la pesal aku malas giler nak masak sekarang. Pagi tadi aku cuma buat sambal ikan for karipap. Ella wanted 400 biji karipap, terpaksa la reserve jari2 gemuk aku utk kelim karipap later.. hehe..
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Hot Air Balloon Fiesta
Pagi tadi plannya pukul 6.00am nak bangun, siap2, then terus pegi Putrajaya. Tapi mcm mana la nak bangun awal, aku tido at 5am, layan tengok cerita The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince. Aku kunci jam kul 6.00am, sedar2 dah almost 8.00am. Apa lagi, terjerit2 pagi tadi suruh budak2 siap, nasib baik last nite dah masak nasik lemak siap2. Pagi tadi just pack nasik lemak, ambik some muesli bars and masukkan teh O panas dalam thermos, terus pecut to Putrajaya.
I left home at 8.30am, sampai Putrajaya at 9.00am. hehe.. I know, I was driving very fast, tapi taknak miss beli tiket untuk naik hot air balloon tu. Sampai je, aku drop my hubby and kids, aku pegi isi minyak coz my car was low on fuel. Seksa giler nak cari gas station kat Putrajaya. Maybe jugak sebab aku tak familiar dgn Putrajaya. Anyway, lepas park kete je, aku cari Hubby. Pagi2 lagi, Hubby dah buat darah aku naik, dia tertinggal handphone kat rumah!! Seksa aku nak mencari celah2 orang yang ramai tu. Alhamdulillah jumpa, kalau tak, memang aku tinggal je kat Putrajaya, biar balik jalan kaki to Melawati!
Balik from Putrajaya, aku singgah kat Midvalley, jumpa Anne. Aku kirim Anne beli pashmina and Le Sport Sac bags (superb imitation.. hehe) kat Bangkok. Balik from Midvalley, dah almost 3.00pm. Aku on aircond, terus landing. Tadi masa aku bangun, tengok gelap kat luar, ingatkan hujan, rupanya dah pukul 8.30pm. Terkejut aku! Lamanya aku tido..
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Iman Crying.. Part 2
Ok, back to why Iman cried in the Hospital. I cant really disclose it here, it's quite personal. The doctor said she might need a surgery to rectify it. Tu yang airmata berjurai2. Puas la aku pujuk. Seribu satu soalan keluar termasukla why premature baby like her always have problems etc.. *sigh*.. susah Mama nak jawab tu. Doctor Anita, the attending doctor, was very concerned bila tengok Iman menangis. Bila Iman nangis, muka dia nampak kesian sgt. Mesti patients lain yg dok tunggu kat luar ingat aku abuse Iman. hehe.. kesian anak Mama. Don't cry sayang, Mama is here..
Iman Crying..

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Muesli Bars
Anyway, thank you so much K.min for the lovely Muesli Bar recipe. Aku add peanuts, sunflower seed, and few other seeds
The recipe aku copy from k.min's blog. Thanx again k.min
- 2 cups rolled oats
-2 cups cereal (aku guna rice bubbles, koko crunch duo, honeystar, trix)
-100 g nuts, chopped up a bit (pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, peanuts & almonds)
- 100g dried fruits (black currants, raisins)
-150g butter
-1/2 cup honey
-1/4 cup brown sugar
-Preheat oven to 180C. Line a lamington/slice pan (18cm x 25 cm) with baking paper and make sure the baking paper overhang a bit so senang nak angkat the slice tu nanti lepas masak.
-In a pot, add butter and honey (and brown sugar if using) and masak atas api sederhana hingga butter melted and sugar dissolved. Masak sampai menggelegak dan reduce kan api dan masak hingga butter mixture tu thickens a bit. Set it aside to cool down a bit.
-In a big bowl, masukkan rolled oats, cereals, dried fruit, choc bits and stir to combine.
-Pour the butter mixture into the oat mixture and stir until all combined and coated with butter mixture.
-Spread the muesli into the slice pan and tekan2 sikit bagi mampat and tak crumbly. Bake for 30 minutes and then cool completely in the pan.
-Bila dah sejuk, bolehlah masuk fridge dulu utk bagi dia firm sikit so senang nak potong. Kalau tak kisah the muesli a bit crumbly, boleh aje terus potong after dia dah cool down.
-Put the slice in airtight container so boleh lah tahan for a week.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Wanna share a good detox juice. This recipe I learned from K.Anum, a very nice old lady yang akan datang urut aku once in a while. I'll upload the photo tomorrow
Detox Juice
2 biji green apple
1 biji capsicum hijau
1 biji timun
3 biji peria katak
3 batang celery
1. semua bahan tu blend, then tapis
2. masukkan dalam glass, then boleh minum
5-Step Detox to Revitalize You
At the arrival of spring it is a natural instinct to cast off the winter blues and feel renewed. It is also a great time to eliminate the toxins that have been burdening your system, leaving you sluggish and fatigued. Make a clean sweep with the 5-step detox listed below!
Why you need to spring clean your body
Your body is naturally equipped with a self-cleaning process. But too much sugar, caffeine, processed foods, stress, and too little exercise can slow the body's natural detox function to a slow pace. And then your body can't clean itself when it is put up against the increasing number of harmful and toxic substances in the environment. Toxins come in many forms: pesticides in produce, formaldehyde in carpets and cosmetics, PCBs from plastic containers, dioxins from bleached paper products, and more.
Your body will process and eliminate some of the hordes of chemicals that enter, but overflow gets stored in the liver, lungs, kidneys, fat cells, intestines, blood stream, and skin—which can result in chronic illnesses down the road. When you undergo a detox, you get these toxins out of your system.
How do you know if you need a detox?
You know you're suffering from toxic overload if you are experiencing fatigue, memory decline, difficulty focusing, allergies and infections, irritability, anxiety and depression, difficulty with weight gain and weight loss, muscle and joint pain or weakness, skin rashes and outbreaks, recurrent yeast and fungal infections, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal bloating, and indigestion.
Most people report vast improvement in their symptoms after a detox. At first, you may feel a little fuzzy because of the toxins being released. However, when you stick with it, you will begin to feel more alert, energized, and full of vitality.
At-Home Detox
Start small! Begin with a one-day program and gradually increase to one week or more. Here are 5 steps to a daily detox that will gently cleanse your body:
1. Start the Detox Day Right
• First thing in the morning, drink one lemon squeezed in 12 ounces of warm filtered water. Lemon activates your liver to release toxins and helps to cleanse and move the roughage that stays behind in your intestines.
• Take acidophilus or a probiotic supplement. Acidophilus is one of the many "good" bacteria and yeasts known as the probiotics. Probiotics balance our intestinal functions, helping to break down food and control the "bad" bacteria that is also in your system—all of which optimizes the detoxification process. Always take probiotics on an empty stomach.
2. Your Detox Meals
These meals are designed to jump-start your body into becoming healthier.
• Breakfast: Eat oat bran cereal, brown rice, or any other whole grain cereal as long as it is unbleached and does not contain any added sugar or chemicals. Pair with unflavored soy milk.
• Lunch or Dinner: Eat any combination of beans, brown rice, oat bran, vegetables, and organic chicken, turkey, or soy-products. When you eat, notice how your food affects you. You should feel satisfied and energized. If you feel tired and sluggish, try eating smaller meals so that you don't overwhelm your digestion and interfere with the detoxification process.
3. Eat Green to Spring into Health
The green pigment in plants, chlorophyll, is structurally similar to the hemoglobin in the human body—the iron-containing element in blood. It increases red blood cell production and improves oxygenation, detoxification, and circulation. Be sure to eat several servings of fresh green vegetables every day during your detox. Try this super-cleansing broth and juice as a quick way to up your veggie intake.
Detox Broth: Add as many of these ingredients as you can into a large pot of filtered water: collards, Swiss chard, kale, mustard greens, cabbage, dandelion, Brussels sprouts, daikon radish, watercress, seaweed, shitake mushrooms, cilantro, garlic, leeks, fresh fennel, anise, fresh ginger, and turmeric. Boil until all ingredients are soft. You can make in a large batch and refrigerate for up to three days.
Detox Juice: Juice the following together: Aloe vera juice (which can be found in most health food stores), apples, asparagus, beets (including greens), cabbage, carrot and carrot greens, celery, cucumbers, and parsley. You can also purchase vegetable juice from the store, but be sure that it has no added salt or chemicals.
4. Supplement Your Detox
• Take a daily supplement of 1 tablespoon of flax seed oil, walnut oil, or deep-sea fish oil.
• Green Tea is a strong antioxidant, and a great beverage choice for your detox. Be sure to drink decaffeinated green tea.
• Dandelion and Milk Thistle both protect and restore the liver. According to Chinese medicine, the liver is most active in the detoxification process during spring.
• Ginger is a bowel and kidney cleanser. Make yourself tea from fresh ginger root during your detox.
A popular herbal formula among my patients is Internal Cleanse, a special combination of natural herbs to detoxify, calm nerves, clear the mind, promote emotional balance, and ease digestion. For more information, click here.
5. Take an Invigorating Herbal Soak
Soak for 20 minutes in a revitalizing herbal bath. Help draw out toxins by infusing your bath water with eucalyptus, wintergreen, peppermint, fennel, cinnamon, and epsom salts.
Spring may be the best time to cleanse your body, but you don't have to wait until spring to start. Detoxification and cleansing is a healthy maintenance program for all seasons.
May you stay healthy, live long, and live happy!
-Dr. Mao
Monday, March 16, 2009
Meehoon Goreng
Pukul 6.00am tadi aku dah bangun, buatkan air untuk Hubby then sambung balik tido. Today hubby pegi keje awal coz dia ada meeting at 8.00am. Pastu aku set alarm at 8.00am sebab nak hantar Nora pegi LRT station Wangsa Maju but unfortunately by 8.00am tu, masa Nora telepon, aku was too sick to get up. Kesian Nora, terpaksa mintak tolong As. Sorry yek Nora.
Ni menu untuk hari ni. Too sick to cook. Kesian anak-anak Mama today.
1 bungkus meehoon
1/2kg taugeh (aku tak letak today sebab malas nak drive gi kedai)
3 tbs udang kering
5 clove of garlic
3 biji cili merah
1 tbs cili boh
3 biji telur - goreng separately
udang, sotong or any seafood
2 tbs sugar
2 tbs salt
1. panaskan 4 tbs minyak, then masukkan garlic, udang kering and cili merah yg dah diblend
2. bila dah garing, masukkan cili boh & seafood
3. masukkan air about 1 1/2 cup, bila air menggelegak, masukkan meehoon
4. just before angkat meehoon, masukkan taugeh.
5. garnish dgn fishcake sheet yg dah dipotong nipis.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Boys Over Flower
Aku telah buat drama marathon. Semalam aku tido kul 6.30am pagi. Setelah 2 hari tengok drama tu, finally, habis. Err.. episode dia tak habis lagi, rasanya til episode 23. But dalam cuma ada til episode 19 je. Huwaaaaaaaaa... sedih.... Aku ada peneman setia masa tengok drama ni, Iman. Iffah couldnt be bothered.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Bubur Untuk Orang Sakit
Takyah cakap pasal doktor tu, buat sakit hati tu. My Hubby will say "nyekik". Since Iman tak boleh makan, aku terpaksa la masak bubur untuk dia. Oh ya! lepas balik from klinik semalam, about 11.30pm, aku bawak Iman pegi McD. I know, I know.. I shouldnt have since McD also contributes to the destruction of Palestine indirectly. But mana nak cari bubur malam2 buta? So nak taknak, terpaksa la pegi situ. I bought her an ice cream, and beli bubur ayam for her. Balik rumah, baru boleh tido. Kesian anak Mama...
Below is bubur daging yang aku masak untuk Iman. Actually nak buat bubur ayam, tapi sebab dah thaw daging untuk buat Bulgogi, maka guna je la daging tu sikit utk letak dalam bubur. Iffah sorang je kena pegi sekolah hari ni, so tu yang masak Bulgogi. It's her favourite.
Bubur Daging
1/2 pot beras siam wangi - cuci, masak dengan air yang byk sampai 3/4 pecah
250gm daging - potong nipis
4 inches halia - julienne or crush
3 tbs sesame oil
2 tbs beef stock
(daging boleh replace ayam, ikan bilis yg dah blend and campur sayur broccoli, carrot, sawi or any sayur yg kids suka)
1. Bila nasik dah 3/4 pecah, masukkan daging, halia, sesame oil, stock and garam
2. Hidang dengan bwg goreng, daun bwg.
Ayam Goreng Spicy

Ayam Goreng Spicy
Ayam 1 ekor – potong 24, clean, marinate dgn 3 tbs rempah kari and garam
4 tbs sos tiram
Bwg besar and cili for garnish
Bwg putih – 6 ulas, crush
1 tbs sugar
- Goreng ayam dengan minyak yg byk sampai ¾ garing
- Bila dah garing, buang minyak, just tinggal about 1-2 tbs dalam kuali
- Goreng bwg putih, pastu masukkan ayam dalam kuali
- Masukkan sos tiram, sugar, bwg besar and cili
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Banana Crumb Muffins
A- 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 3 bananas, mashed
- 1/4 cup brown sugar
- 1/2 cup white sugar
- 1 tbs vanilla
- 1 egg, lightly beaten
- 1/3 cup canola oil
- 1/3 cup packed brown sugar
- 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1 tablespoon butter
- 2 tbs Oats
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Lightly grease 10 muffin cups, or line with muffin papers.
- In a large bowl, mix together 1 1/2 cups flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. In another bowl, beat together bananas, sugar, egg and melted butter. Stir the banana mixture into the flour mixture just until moistened. Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups.
- In a small bowl, mix together brown sugar, 2 tablespoons flour and cinnamon. Cut in 1 tablespoon butter until mixture resembles coarse cornmeal. Sprinkle topping over muffins.
- Bake in preheated oven for 18 to 20 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into center of a muffin comes out clean.
Award - Part 2
2. List 7 things you love about your kids, you love doing with your kids, or that your kids love about you.
a) I used to chitchat with my kids before the fall asleep. Nowadays, I hardly have the time to do just that. So sad..
b) I'm so proud of Iman with her progress in her Maths subject.
c) I love Iman for her sweetness and gentleness & Iffah for her robustness and independence.
d) My kids love me for my ability to cook just about anything.. delicious somemore.. hehe.. I know I do sound a bit corky, but can't help it! :D
e) I'm not the best Mom in the world, but Iman and Iffah think I'm the best Mom in the world, which is what matter most :)
f) Iman & Iffah love to help me in the kitchen, which sometimes really drives me nuts . I will end up spending more time cooking. But I love it nontheless.
g) We (my husband and I) are very vocal people when it comes to Love. We show our love, we shout it, we communicate, we do everything possible to get the message across to our kids, and our kids reciprocate that. I'm thankful to Allah for that special gift.
3. Send this to other moms of the year that deserve a reminder that they too are the best moms that they can be. Remember to send them a note letting them know...
Monday, March 9, 2009
Terengganu Revisited
Since Mama malas nak layan, terpaksa la dia org merayu their aunt, Ami. Ami memang rajin melayan budak2. So tadi, Ami bawak Iman, Iffah, Siti & Sofea (my hubby's nieces) naik beca. According to Iman, dia org siap lumba lagi, beca sapa yang paling laju. The first beca, Iman, Iffah & Sofea. The 2nd beca, Ami and Siti. Since the 1st beca tu budak2 kecik je, maka definitely la the 1st beca won. Semput rasanya pakcik yang bawak 2nd beca tu nak kejar the 1st beca.
Lepas naik beca, Ami bawak the kids naik bot penambang pulak. To those yang tak tau apa bot penambang tu, boleh baca kat sini Not much info though, buang masa je baca. The kids naik bot tu ke Pulau Duyung, pastu pusing kat muara sungai, then balik semula ke jeti kat Tanjung. Seronok betul budak2 tu. Last time aku naik bot penambang rasanya masa iman and iffah kecik, maybe about 3 & 2 yrs old respectively.
Sadly, aku takde ambik gambar the kids having fun. What a loss!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Hari ni pagi2 lagi aku dah kena pegi pasar. Alhamdulillah Pasar Kedai Payang ni just 5 minutes walk from my MIL's house. So pagi tadi, masa Hubby nak keluar, aku tumpang dia, lepas dah habis shopping kat pasar, aku balik jalan kaki with Iman and Iffah. Oh ya! Iman kena sakit mata (pink eye/ conjunctivitis). Kesian anak dara aku, terpaksa jadi ahli Panca Sitara 24 jam sehari. Malam2 buta pun kena pakai sunglasses.

1/2kg santan pekat
250gm ikan bilis
6 papan petai - potong bersama kulit
10 ulas bwg merah
5 ulas bwg putih
3 tbs cili boh
2 inci kunyit
2 inci halia
1/4 cup air
1. bwg, kunyit, lengkuas - blend
2. masukkan bahan blend, cili boh ke dalam santan.
3. masukkan ikan bilis, biarkan mendidih.
4. once dah mendidih, masukkan petai, 1/4 cup of air
5. bila petai dah 3/4 masak, rasa dulu, baru tambah garam kalau tak cukup masin.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Daging Dendeng
1kg daging lembu - potong 6-7 bhgn, then rebus sampai empuk. air daging jangan buang. then daging yg dah empuk tu, ketuk2 sampai daging tu boleh dicarik2. set aside.
15-20 ulas bwg merah (kalau takde bwg merah, guna abt 5-6 biji bwg besar),
10 ulas bwg putih
3-4 inches halia
2 inches lengkuas
2 btg serai.
10tbs Cili boh
3-4 tbs kicap manis
garam, gula
1. masuk semua tu dlm blender. tumis cili boh/cili giling
2. bila dah garing, masukkan bahan yg dah blend. then tumis sampai naik minyak
3. masukkan daging and air daging tadi, kicap manis, garam and gula.
4. Biarkan sampai kering.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Iman & Iffah
Aku cedok from their aunt's blog, Aunty Mas. Sorry Mas, aku malas nak tulis blog malam ni sebab letih buat karipap.. hahahha
Tahun 2000, masa tu belum masuk UM lagi, Iman bersalin bulan 4. Masa Kak Dah kat Klinik Kohilal tu, aku ingat yang aku ada sekali kat situ. Akulah yang tukang inform kat mak aku (masa tu dia kat kampung) guna public phone depan klinik tu. Punyalah beriya2 aku cakap Kak Dah dah beranak and anak dia merah gila (masa tu aku terkejut+geli tengok baby merah) sampai abang kat sebelah aku tu senyummmmm je..heheheh...jakun jugak aku masa tu. Iman lahir tak cukup bulan, jadi dia kena dibawa ke hospital secepat mungkin. Jadi bila ambulan dah sampai, aku lah yang tukang pegang Iman dalam ambulan. Kitorang ke Hospital Ampang Puteri.
Masa dia baby, aku tak berapa berani pegang dia. Bila dia dah besar sikit baru berani (maklumlah baby tak cukup bulan, badan kecikkk je).Masa tu seronok gila sebab dah ada 2 orang anak saudara, sorang laki sorang perempuan.
Adik dia lak, Iffah lahir bulan 7 tahun 2001. Peristiwa kelahiran Iffah aku tak berapa ingat sebab masa tu belajar kat UM. Tapi Iffah comellll sangat masa baby. Muka dia macam muka yang sentiasa buat orang sayang. Tapi dia lambat bercakap,tak macam Iman, petah.Rasanya Iffah umur 3 tahun baru boleh bercakap.
Apa2 pun, anak saudara aku 2 orang ni lah aku sayang (walaupun auntie garang) sebab masa tu Kak Dah duduk rumah parents aku lagi, sekali dengan akulah..jadi tumbesaran diorang dapat jugak aku ingat banyak.hehehe..bila Kak Dah dah pindah, dan aku pun sibuk di UM, dah kurang tengok diorang...
Terharu aku...
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Today nak cakap pasal Iman dulu. She was born premature, at 33 weeks, but she was overweight for a premature baby. She was supposed to weigh around 1.4-1.5kg, but instead berat dia 2.3kg upon birth. Since it was unplanned delivery, maka aku tak sempat nak ambik injection (tak tau what it's call) untuk make her lung mature. So she ended up in NICU Ampang Puteri for 4 days, on ventilation machine and was transferred to the nursery for another 2 weeks. Kesian anak mama.
With premature delivery, ada high chances baby ada problem, the lesser time they spend in the womb, more health problem will bug them. In Iman's case, she is asthmatic, her nose bleeds easily (almost everyday now sebab panas sangat) and she's also dyslexic. She was a late boomer too. Masa she was about 6 mths old, she was still at 3 mths old baby milestone. I was worried, but alhamdulillah at 9 months she started talking. Lepas tu, dah tak boleh berenti bercakap. When she was 3 years old, her pediatrician noted that her vocabulary was at par with a six year old.
But, I realised that she's a bit slow when it comes to reading. I brought her to Dyslexic Center at Titiwangsa. She was diagnosed as mild dyslexic. Alhamdulillah she is able to read now, cuma masalah dia bila Math class. Susahnya nak buat Iman paham.
Anyway, semalam Iman cakap dia dapat no. 1. I was very happy for her, but Iffah was unhappy. Selalunya Iffah akan dapat nombor 2-3 dalam kelas, Iman akan dapat nombor yang corot. But now, Iman dapat no. 1, so Iffah takleh nak terima. Argh!! macam mana Mama nak explain kat Iffah that no.1 or no. 2 or nombor brapa sekali pun is just a number (Like Aunty As cakap).
Masa rehat semalam (Iman and Iffah rehat sama2 everyday, tu perintah Mama.. hehe)
Iman : Adik, kakak dapat nombor 1
Iffah : Ye ke? *skeptical*
Iman : Betul la adik.
Then kawan2 Iman datang, cakap kat iffah that Iman dapat no. 1. Guess what Iffah did?? She packed her stuff, then terus blah masuk kelas. So unhappy..
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Bubur Lambuk
ok, dah balik rumah. Phew! lega. Aku akan cerita kenapa aku buat bubur lambuk ni esok. Now just nak paste recipe je.
Bubur Lambuk (tak cukup daun ni)
beras - 3 pot
ikan kembung - 1kg (rebus, tumbuk isi)
daun2 kayu, daun pucuk paku merah, daun kesum, daun pucuk manis, daun kadok, dan mcm2 daun lagi
kerisik - dari 1/2 biji kelapa
santan - 1/2kg
lada hitam - 3 tbs
serai - 3 btg (ketuk)
bwg merah - 20 ulas
halia - 5 inches
1. masak beras sampai 3/4 pecah, ie bubur yg 3/4 masak
2. masukkan bwg & halia yg dah diblend, ikan tumbuk, air ikan, santan, kerisik, lada hitam and serai, garam
3. bila dah almost masak, masukkan daun2.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Monday Blues
Lepas lunch, kul 3pm, aku jumpa Anne and Nora kat KL Sentral. Anne baru habis kelas, nak balik ke Johor, so singgah kejap kat KL Sentral lepak and borak2 before pegi Pudu ambik Bas to Kluang. Anne bawak buku2 cerita dia yg berlambak2. This trip, dia bawak about 15 bijik buku. Maka for the next few days, boleh la aku melayan baca buku cerita, most probably malas nak masak.. hehe.. Makan paper la laki aku nanti :D
Today patutnya aku bawak Iman pegi jumpa ENT specialist kat Selayang Hospital, pastu about 10am tadi, rasa malas pulak. Biar je la dulu, tak sanggup rasa nak bersesak2 dengan orang yg ramai, pastu nak kena beratur berjam2. Letih tunggu je. Tau je la government hospital mcm mana.