Normally they will sell daging/ayam yang lagi satu hari nak expired from the packaging date. For example, macam this chilled brisket slice, packaging date was 29th sept, expiry date is 2nd Oct. So on 1st Oct tu dah dijual at 50% off. Kenapa aku sayang sangat my freezer besar tu, is because, aku boleh sumbat banyak2 daging, ayam, seafood yang aku beli at 1/2 price. There is no problem kalau nak simpan this daging past their expiry date as long as masuk freezer. The expiry date is applicable to the meat yang atas chiller shelves.
Ayam Goreng Kari. Since dah selalu sangat ambik gambar, this time aku ambik from kuali. :)
Kobis Goreng Biji Sawi. Kalau pegi mana2 Indian restaurants, this is one of the sayur wajib yang dia org jual.
Back to Jusco bargain hunting. Kalau ada masa, pegi Jusco before closing. The seafood will be on 50% discount. Aku seldom beli seafood coz I get my stock from Terengganu. Aku tak lalu nak makan seafood yang jual kat sini, rasa sangat2 lain. But kadang2, kalau dah terpaksa, aku beli la jugak. Macam baru ni, I bought squids and ikan selar. Ye la, lepas raya baru ni, my stock barang mentah went from stock for few months, to stock for 0 hari. So boleh imagine tak betapa banyaknya stock dalam freezer tu?
Lagi satu, cooked food yang dijual kat section makanan panas pun ada discount jugak lepas 8.30pm. But cuma on 30% discount je. Kalau nak discount byk sikit, kena pegi kat MaxValue tepi Ampang Point. Dia org offer 50% discount. Sometimes, on days yg aku malas nak masak breakfast, aku akan beli kat situ, then masuk dalam freezer, the next morning tinggal reheat je dalam microwave.
Phew! sekian tips untuk berjimat cermat di dapur :D
I pun suka beli sale items. I pun suka my fridge n freezers. I pun suka stock up on things sampai penuh freezer/pantry/fridge.
ReplyDeleteEh...samalah kita! Hahahhahaha
ReplyDeletekita serupa.. hahahaa.. i think husband kita la orang yg paling happy dalam dunia sebab bini suka berjimat cermat (in my case, kononnya la.. hahahha). my mom everytime datang my house, mesti akan complain pasal perangai i yang suka stock up barang. tapikan, bila dia ada guest yg datang mengejut, i jugak yang jadi tukang masak instant dia sebab semua benda ada dalam my freezer. :D
ReplyDeleteIt's good to know that from 'feeling like crying' to going 'bargain hunting'; so it means you are happy now.
How's your hubby? Dah sihat ke? Dah keluar hospital lum?
ReplyDeletehehe.. actually the meat tu i bought before I felt like weeping 2 days ago. dah ambik gambar, pastu bila dengar cerita sedih my friend, terus takde mood nak tulis blog.
alhamdulillah hubby dah sihat, but he's still on MC until tuesday next week. :)