Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Marble Cake

Hari ni aku sakit kepala teruk sangat. So mood untuk blogging hilang ditiup angin. I'll just update gambar marble cake yang aku buat over the weekend baru ni. Dah 2 hari aku tak masak sebab sakit kepala. Hopefully esok aku will not suffer from this weather induced migraine. Bila panas yang amat macam sekarang ni, my migraine attack is more frequent and it just refused to go away.. huwaaaaaa... Aku nak pindah tempat yang ada snow sepanjang masa. Maybe I'll apply for a citizenship kat North Pole. Ishk! rasa melampau la pulak.

Marble Cake

Actually marble cake ni sama macam yang aku buat before this, cuma this time rajin pulak nak memarblekan dia dengan warna merah. Bila tengok, lawa jugak.. hehe..

Recipe Marble Cake

250gm butter (golden churn/anchor or any pure butter)
300gm castor sugar (hari tu takde castor sugar, I used brown sugar, the cake turned out fantastic! )
350gm self raising flour
2 tbs vanilla essence
1 tbs condensed milk
4 eggs
1 cup of fresh milk

1. cream butter and sugar til light and fluffy
2. add condensed milk and vanilla.
3. add eggs, beat for 1-2 minutes
4. alternately, fold milk and flour into the batter.
5. beat for another 1 minute.
6. pastu tuang dalam baking dish/pan, alternate between the vanilla and the one yg dah dicampur cocoa powder & red colouring.
7. baked for about 30-45mins, 180 degree celcius.


  1. hi sis! just found out yr interesting blog.. i stay in melawati too.. ntah2 penah terserempak kat mana2 kedai kot kan? salam kenal.. :)

  2. salam mrs plain-june,

    thank you for visiting. laa.. duduk melawati jugak ke? if ur kids go to school kat sktm 2, then maybe kita pernah terserempak. nice knowing u :D

  3. my kids go to school in ampang. alamak. segan la nk reveal much in here.. i email u ye ;)

  4. lol.. sure.. my email is shidah219@yahoo.com :D
