Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Iffah Demam..

Dah berapa hari tak update blog. I was in Besut, balik kampung, takde internet service kat sana. Now still kat East Coast, in Kuantan, will be back in KL tomorrow. At least duduk kat bilik hotel ni, boleh la jugak access the internet. Kalau ikut plan, nak balik KL on thursday, but sebab iffah demam, terpaksa cut short, kena balik esok jugak. Iffah demam since semalam, her temperature was 39-40 degree celcius. Aduhai! sakit kepala aku, takleh tido, kena berjaga satu malam, sponging her. Even as aku menaip ni, she's still down with high fever, dok merengek je. Lagi sakit kepala coz Hubby is not around, dia keluar for a meeting, will be back late tonite. And I'm hungry, iman is hungry too, should I order room service? erm...

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