Sunday, February 13, 2011


My Saturday was packed with activities sampai tak terkata. I started my day with running at KKlub. Eh! before that, hantar anak2 sekolah dulu coz they had to go to school, ada kokurikulum activities kat sekolah. Hubby doesnt wanna run coz he's not feeling very well. So, I ran alone. It was a lonely run. Eh! not really coz ada makcik kat sebelah aku pun berlari jugak. Nasib baik masa sampai kat KKlub gym tu, orang tak ramai kat situ. Sometimes bila org ramai, I had to wait more than 1/2 jam to use the treadmill. Dah la treadmill ada 2 je. Tension je.

Lepas berlari, ingatkan aku boleh la balik rumah, siap2 nak gi Empire. Tapi tak coz hubby ajak temankan dia breakfast. Aku minum air je while I watched him eating nasik lemak. huhuhu.. jeles! nasib baik ler aku ni bukan fan of nasik lemak. By the time sampai rumah, dah 9am. Aku janji dengan Hazi to have breakfast with her at 10am, which memang tak sempat la. Aku keluar rumah at 9.40am. I reached Empire Subang at 10.10am. Nasib baik Hazi pun baru sampai. We went to O Brien for breakfast. Lepak kat situ dengan Hazi sampai pukul 11.15am. Then Anne pulak telepon. Dia baru sampai Empire, nak ambik her stuffs from me and aku pun nak ambik kitchen towels and pads from her. Yeah! I get my supplies of tissues, kitchen towels, pads and panty liners from her, murah at least 50% from luar. :)

Lepas jumpa Anne, aku terus pegi Chili's Empire. Jana and Nora dah sampai. They thought I was late. I told them that I was there since 10.10am. Aku pulak memang sengaja pegi lambat sebab ingatkan semua org akan datang lambat. Tak lama lepas kita orang duduk situ, Amy and Gee pun sampai. We had a great time gossiping and catching up. Amy is back for good from Perth. It's so happen that Amy berjiran dengan K.Min masa dia 1st year sampai Perth dulu. What a small world kan?

Pastu Islah came with her daughter Inaz. Inaz ada painting class kat Empire Subang. I think we were the loudest table kat Chili's tu. Nasib baik la semua masih kelihatan vogue, maka, takde la nampak macam makcik2 duduk bergossip.. hehe. Lily and Eli came very late. By the time both of them sampai, Gee dah balik coz she had another appointment at 2pm. I stayed on until 4.30pm. Aku, Lily and Eli were the last to go. Warque was not around coz he had to help his mom clean up their house kat kampung sebab banjir, but he instructed his manager to give us free dessert. Weeee... hancus diet aku... hahahaha.. Cheese cake tu memang to die for.. nasib baik tak mati je.

Balik rumah, dah almost 5pm. Iman, Iffah and Zuleika dah tunggu for their baking class. The baking class started at 6pm. My cousin, Wan, joined us too. Lepas siap baking, dah almost 8pm, Wan ajak pegi makan mee celup kat Keramat. I'll definitely go again few times this week. Memang sedap!!

 Cheese Cake yg sangat sedap itu

 Molten Chocolate, aku makan 1 spoon je sebab dah tak larat.



  1. Shidah,
    I saw Amina's photo on yr FB. I pun baru tersedar yg you 2 know each other from Ausmat, hehehe.I kenal dia like you said, from the first time we got to Perth and then found out that she knows Rod :-).
    Pastu, our kids became good friends until they moved house. lepas tu makin jarang jumpa :-(.
    We did manage to catch up before they went back last year :-).

  2. K.Min,

    I didnt know that Amy kenal K.Min, sampai la I nampak her fb photos yg ada gambar Alya. Baru tau K.Min and Amy kenal each other and Amy cite, quite close pulak tu. Tak sangka kan :D

    Amy cakap she'll be here maybe for 2-3 years, pastu maybe balik semula to Perth. Nanti boleh la K.Amy ada kawan bergossip balik :)

  3. Waaah Shidah, all the ladies anggun beramah mesrerr..

    Love that molten choc. esp makan ramai2 n berebut2... Berkat!

  4. CS,

    hehe.. I was the only less angun one. I waited for you tapi kan, takde pun lalu kelibat u depan chilis tu.. huhuhu

    I think ate too much of that molten choc in the past that I dah tak rasa kesedapannya. but the cheese cake tu, memang sedap! :D

  5. I think semua ladies ni anggun2x belaka! K.shidah , you pakai tudung pun muka dah anggun and berseri..what more to say kalau show and hias rambut!

  6. Thx Mel for the compliment :D

    Tapi masa I pegi lunch tu last weekend, terasa sgt that I was the less vogue among all. :)
