Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Exam coming..

Bila exam dah dekat, the girls sibuk kena paksa study. Actually kan, aku ni takde la kiasu pun. For me, I want them to experience hidup sebagai seorang kanak2 before dia org masuk ke alam teenager. Aku ingat lagi, masa kita org kecik2 dulu, mok and abah tak penah peduli kita org study ke tak ke, keje kita org main je. But alhamdulillah, we're successful in our own ways.

Parents sekarang terlalu kiasu when it comes to their children. Anak2 at an early age, dah dihantar tuition. Bila masa budak2 tu nak jadi kanak2? Tak sampai hati aku kalau nak hantar Iman and Iffah tuition. Both of them, balik from sekolah rendah at 1pm, mandi, pakai baju KAFA, lunch, solat, terus pegi KAFA which starts at 2.15pm. Iffah finishes KAFA at 5.15pm but Iman habis at 6.15pm. By the time Iman balik KAFA, dah nak maghrib. Nak main pun tak sempat. Kesiannya kalau aku antar dia pegi tuition pulak malam.

Sekarang ni, everyday, lepas dia orang habis KAFA, aku akan bawak their swimming suit, tukar baju dalam kete, terus pegi pool kat KKlub. Balik rumah 7.30pm. It's tiring for them, but I want them to exercise. Risau aku tengok Iman yang makin montel. She's now 42kg. I was 43kg when I was 18 years old, waiting for my SPM result. Itu pun berat sebab aku dok cycle everyday dengan x-boyfriend aku. Berat muscle tu.. hehe..

By the way, semalam lepas the girls habis study, I made them Milo Dinosaur. Kat Uncle Chua Kopitiam in Kuala Terengganu, memang femes betul air milo ni.

Milo Dinosaur with Hershey's Choc Chips.

I made I litre of Milo Dinosaur instead of just 2 cups. In the end, aku tergoda dan terminum.. huwaa... hancus diet aku.

Adapted from

12 tbs Milo powder
1/2 tbs condensed milk
100ml hot water
900ml iced cold water
crushed ice
Hershey's Choc Chips

1. Mix Milo powder and condensed milk with hot water. Senang nak larut
2. Add cold water and crushed ice.
3. Served with heaps of Milo powder and Hershey's Choc Chips.


  1. kesian kan kanak kanak zaman sekarang. skolah, then kafa then tuition...kita dulu memang tkde tuition tuition pun kan!
    itu milo dinosour eh? ingat milo ais tabur tu je.. :D
    memanga mengancam kalau i pun mesti tergoda nk minum jugak...

    mlm td tk jd makan dory laaa

  2. Zarin,

    Kalau I jadi budak2 zaman sekarang, mau mereng I dibuatnya. I love my childhood experience, wouldnt trade it with anything else. Kesian budak2 zaman sekarang, takleh experience what we did dulu2.

    Milo tabur? entah la.. kat Uncle Chua Kopitiam, it's called Milo Dinosaur :D

    ps : I think I'll have another round of Dory today :D

  3. Shidah ... n Zarin
    Betul tu, kita berjaya dgn cara masing2. Alhamdulillah.

    I tak pegi kindy pun. My kindy is Sesame Street on tibi, hehe.

  4. betul kak.. saya pun tak sanggup antar bebudak tu g tuition.. balik petang saya paksa diorang main basikal kat luar lepas tu by 7pm kalut jerit suruh masuk mandi :p
    btw, 1st time saya jumpa milo dinasour was in village park - chinese muslim resto in uptown. and he's from terengganu. i'll go there to get my dose of nasik dagang ;) and yes.. the kids called it milo tabur. mana diorang dapat ntah..

  5. Salam sis..

    setuju..kesian kat budak2 skrg..dahlah beg sekolah berat macam pikul batu giling...sekolah pg ptg lg...sbb tu, kalau kat rumah (terpaksalah ngadap homework depa jugak kalau ada - setakat bantu mana perlu), bila dah siap akak tak kacau lg dah..watlah apa sukaria..

    dulu mak dia, balik sekolah jer campak beg kebabom! cukup taun naik pentas gak amik adiah..heh3..

  6. Shidah,

    Seronok sekolah zaman kita2 dulu kan? Main and belajar kita balanced!

    *wow, tak boleh tahan...sebut cycling dgn x-boyfriend..I loike, betul! ;)

  7. CS,

    betul tu. I dont remember balik sekolah with homework. selalunya memang tak penah ada homework. alhamdulillah, bila besar, jadi jugak orang :D

    ps : i tak ingat tgk sesame street but i remember cite land of the giant, charlie's angel etc :D

  8. Ju,

    I tengok budak2 sekarang yg ramai montel, termasukla my children, I jadi risau. I think it's the kids' lifestyle nowadays, lack of exercising, byk sgt tgk tv, spend too much time depan buku or too exhausted to do anything else.

    it's good that ur kids naik basikal. my hubby paranoid sikit, tak bagi naik basikal, risau kereta laju etc. so now, i make it a point bawak the girls pegi swimming or skating.

    eh! bila kita nak naik basikal sama2 ni? :D

    ps : i think milo dinosaur tu is terengganu thing, yes? no? :)

  9. QJ,

    Iman and Iffah, so far, kalau balik sekolah, tak penah lagi takde homework. Selalunya iman la yg byk homework. Iffah tak turun makan during rehat to finish her homework so that bila balik rumah, dia tak payah buat homework.

    lol.. sama la mcm I masa kecik2 dulu. balik je rumah, campak bag, terus pegi main. baju sekolah pun tak tukar. balik dari main, selalunya dah pukul 7pm. teruk betul I masa kecik2 dulu :D

  10. K.Lili,

    Masa I kecik2 dulu, I main je, belajar takmau. Pegi sekolah dgn ponteng sekolah, lagi banyak ponteng sekolah.. hehe.. alhamdulillah jadi manusia jugak :D

    ps : that x-bf kan, I jumpa almost everyweek kat sekolah sebab anak2 dia sama sekolah dgn iman and iffah.. hehe

  11. kids nowadays tight wth homework, tuition, kafa, koko etc kan.. kesian depa..

    ohh ohhh... cannot tahan tengok itu ketupat sotong..

  12. Mulan,

    my girls, almost every alternate saturday, kena pegi sekolah for kokurikulum. Argh! rasa mcm nak pengsan I. Iman complained, cakap she's tired, her weekend tinggal sehari je. how lucky we are to live life as we did masa kecik2 dulu.

    ps : musim candat sotong is coming, boleh la makan ketupat sutung hari2 :D
