Geram sungguh kat gym instructor tu. Tapi takpe la, memandangkan aku tak payah antar the girls to school, aku exercise la jugak. The girls didnt go to school yesterday sebab they were given 3 days break from school because of the Bat Camp. They spent the morning siapkan apa2 yang patut untuk bawak ke tempat camping. Actually, aku dah kemas dah all their stuff the nite before.
Lepas habis exercise, aku terus masuk gear 5 kat dapur. Mula2 half of the dough yang aku buat earlier, aku guna untuk buat cinnamon buns. Lepas habis buat the cinnamon buns, I baked Jam Slice as Ju suggested. Thank you Ju! I really love the Jam Slice. For someone yang tak suka dessicated coconut macam aku ni, memang pelik la macam mana aku boleh suka the Jam Slice. Aku pun pelik. Susah nak cerita how delicious it is, kena buat sendiri baru tau. :)
Lepas habis baking and cooked meals for hubby, kita orang siap2 untuk hantar Iman and Iffah to Yawa's Office at Ara Damansara. Berat jugak hati nak bagi dia orang join the camping trip. They didnt bring handphone, risau sangat sekarang, dunno how they are doing. Aku tawakkal kepada Allah je la. InsyaAllah everything is ok. They will be back on Saturday. Suhaila, Abbas and Zuleika pun ikut sama. They were very excited. Tak tau la pulak nanti kat sana macam mana. I really miss them now.
Huhuhuhu.. sedih ni.. Should I go into the kitchen and eat the Jam Slice again? :P
Jam Slice
Adapted from Modern Classics Book 2
125g butter, softened
1/4 cup caster sugar
1 cup all purpose flour, sifted
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 egg yolk
¾ cup raspberry jam
1/4 cup caster sugar
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 cup (90g) desiccated coconut
Preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF; line a 20x30cm (8x12in) slice pan* with non-stick baking paper.
Process the butter, sugar, flour and baking powder in a food processor until combined. I used hand to combine all ingredients instead of using food processor.
Add the egg yolk and continue to process until the mixture forms a soft dough. (if the dough is too soft, dip ur fingers in flour to press the dough into the baking pan). Press into the prepared pan. Bake for 12-15 minutes or until the base is golden brown. Allow to cool then spread with the jam.
To make the topping, combine the sugar, egg and coconut. Sprinkle over the jam. Bake for 25 minutes or until golden. Cool in the pan. Cut into slices.
Shidah dear,
ReplyDeleteHey, I pernah bake that jam slice along time ago! Memang sedap kan? Oh dear, lamanya tak bake ni...
Sunyi ek bila anak2 takde kat umah! Wait till they really leave our nests, lagi sunyi kot.. ;)
Hmm...I'm not helping eh? Hehehe
kesian Shidah.....
ReplyDeletebila takder depan mata rindu pulak dah!
wah best ni shidah,mmg kan bila tak dak budak2 tu rasa sunyi je bila ada tak habis2 ibu put gear 5 asyik bergaduh je heheehhe i ler tu
ReplyDeletewaduh.. mmg risau betul tu.. lgsg takleh contact. but i believe they should be okay.. lagipun ada geng..
ReplyDeleteekceli kan kak.. saya pun tak suka dessicated coconut. rasa mcm mengganggu perasaan enak pada lidah. tp bila mkn jam slice ni best jek :D
ReplyDeletehuwaaa.. rasa nak nangis la ni. really really miss the girls. cant imagine nanti bila dia org dah besar macam mana. I guess kena ada anak ramai mcm my mom baru tak rasa sunyi kot :)
k.lili bake la lagi jam slice tu. sedap! and i'll definitely bake it again and again and again.. hehe.. u know me. once dah suka something, akan buat sampai tak lalu makan :)
ReplyDeleteitu la.. bila depan mata, asyik gaduh and nak membebel je. bila takde, rindunya. this time lagi rasa rindu sebab takleh call dia org. they didnt bring handphone, and kat situ bukan ada public phone. a bit worried now.. i hope everything is ok with them.
ReplyDeletebukan u sorang, i pun sama.. hehe.. kalau dia orang ada, memang i masuk gear 5 manjang bab membebel tu. now i'm missing them a lot! terasa sunyi sangat rumah.
ReplyDeleteIn a way, menyesal jugak I tak bagi dia org bawak handphone sebab now takleh contact, memang susah hati. but tadi I sms one of the fasilitator camp tu, and he said semua ok. the kids are adapting well. alhamdulillah.
i think lepas ni, i'll try recipes with dessicated coconut pulak. i suka la :)
ooo tell me about it, bila ada mulut ni x berenti membebel bila takde mencari2 jgk. With this school d boys selalu jgk attend Kem Ibadah so i knw how u feel huhuh. Don't worry shidah, i bet there are having fun there dah tak ingat nak balik rmh :P
ReplyDeletesedapnya nampak jam slice u... agak-agak kalu i letak apricot jam ok tak? sbb i ada sebotol homemade apricot jam dari syria...
ReplyDeleteSame here.. but I really miss the membebel part. when they are not around, i cannot membebel to anyone. Luckily ada Shariff and Raina around. But still, tak sama dgn the girls.. huhuhu
Chik Na,
ReplyDeleteJam slice tu kan, once dah rasa, nak rasa lagi dan lagi. memang merbahaya kalau buat banyak2 sebab u'll tend to eat it all by urself. err.. that's in my case la :)
I think any jam yg rasa a bit sour sesuai. strawberry, apricol, peach, nenas, blackberry or apa2 je :)
ReplyDeletesemalam saya buat ni..
tapi jem dia skit je...sgt sikit..huhu rasa bersalah pulak...sbb tak suka manis2 sgt..and saya bagi 2 jiran saya..
cuma nak tanya...yang saya buat base dia tu sgt lembut/lembik...mmg macam tu ker? Sebb saya tengok versi lain, dia cuma guna 30 g butter (tepung sama)and dia jadikan doh dia keras...(tak pernah cuba lagi..hehe)
Yang saya buat tak secantik mcm puan buat...heheh...dan kesilapan saya tak tunggu sejuk betol sebelum potong..maklumlah..masa siap tu pun dah pukul 7.takut tak sempat hantar pada jiran untuk berbuka...:)
terima kasih
ReplyDeletesaya guna jem pun tak byk, just enough to cover the dough. memang base dough tu lembut sangat, tapi once dah bakar, the soft dough akan yield soft cookie. bila masuk mulut, macam cair dalam mulut. :)
ps : memang kena tunggu sejuk baru boleh potong so that the base akan firm sikit :)