Wednesday, April 6, 2011

To those yang malas nak keluar pegi shopping or beli groceries, boleh la beli kat I haven't try out their service yet. But kawan aku Dina, had use their service before. Some SAHM, without the help of a helper at home, memang susah nak keluar pegi beli groceries, macam aku yg forever free ni.

Barang-barang yang on Hot Deals memang murah. But barang lain, a bit pricey compared dengan supermarket or hypermarket. But I guess, kalau busy, takde masa nak beli groceries, but still nak masak kat rumah, apa salahnya cuba their service kan?

Sesapa yang interested tu, boleh ler click kat their website here.

ps : kalau beli kat doorstep, takleh dapat ayam, lamb, mutton, beef at 50% off macam kat Jusco :D

Since I'm a cheapskate mom, of course aku prefer pegi beli barang sendiri..Kitty 1

1 comment:

  1. Laman web kami baru dilancarkan dimana adna boleh membeli barangan runcit dalam talian. jom kunjungi kami di
