Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Jap Chae for Dinner

My dinner last nite. 

I'm off now, going to the gym, as usual. It's my cardio day. Will continue once I'm back!


  1. Shidah
    Terlanjur ke gym tu, boleh tolong exercisekan I tak?? hehe..

    Jap Chae nih sama bunyi macam masakan chap chye ek?

  2. CS,

    I dah tolong exercisekan u tadi. rasa kurus sikit tak? hehehe

    chap chye tu apa?

  3. Shidah
    Berkesan, I dah boleh pakai jeans masa umur 21 thn, ahaks...

    Chap chai is Chinese mixed vege. My family's version: kentang, tauhu kering, so'un, cendawan hitam, bud bunga lily (takat nih aje yg I ingat, hehe). Soupy dish..
