Monday, April 20, 2009

Soy Chicken with Veges

Recipe ni senang sangat, ala2 masak kicap, but kicap tak byk pun letak. Dalam gambar ni veges over cooked sebab aku tak ingat nak snap pic lepas masak.

Ayam 1 ekor - aku guna chicken wings
8 clove garlic - crushed
3 inches ginger - either julienne or crushed
2 tbs oil
4 tbs oyster sauce
2 tbs sweet soy sauce/dark soy sauce
1 tbs corn flour
garam, gula
baby corn, sweet pea, carrot - aku ran out of sweet pea, so aku guna kacang panjang, but tak sesedap sweet pea

1. tumis bwg putih, add water and chicken
2. pastu masukkan halia, masak ayam til fully cook.
3. then masukkan sos tiram, soy sauce, corn flour, veges, salt & sugar
4. bila agak2 veges dah 3/4 cooked, then boleh la hidangkan.

senang rite? ni recipe 2 in 1, protein + carbo :D

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