Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tokay Gecko or Tokke

Suddenly tokke sekarang dah jadi femes giler. Dulu masa mula2 mok duduk kat kampung, which was 10 years ago, ada tokke besar yang duduk kat rumah tu. Mok punya la takut nak turun ke dapur kalau time subuh sebab tokke tu akan berbunyi "Tokke! Tokke!", thus the name tokke. But now, tokke dah takde. Pegi mana2 pun, takan jumpa tokke sebab dia diburu for the value. According to adik aku, Abe, people use it to treat AIDS. I read somewhere, that it's highly sought in Chinese traditional medicine.

I was very lucky to be able to tengok tokke sendiri. Abe caught the tokke roaming at rumah arwah ayahmat kat belakang rumah my parents. Well, takde la belakang sangat. It's about 10 minutes drive, masuk ke hutan. Since rumah tu dah lama ditinggalkan, maka tokke tu buat macam rumah dia sendiri. I read in National Geographic that tokke ni territorial, which means, sekor tokke per house.

comel tak tokke Abe?

Masa aku nak ambik gambar tokke ni, tiba2 je tokke ni melompat, semua orang menjerit. Aku memang geli yang amat sangat kalau tengok species mcm cicak ni, tak tahan!! Dah satu hal pulak nak masukkan tokke ni balik dalam bekas yang Abe simpan ni. Nasib baik tokke tu tak larikan diri. Kalau tak sure Abe marah coz it's valuable. Anyway, Abe memang takde intention to sell this tokke. Maybe just simpan kat rumah buat binatang peliharaan.. Aku memang akan ambik lajak ler everytime lalu tepi sangkar tokke ni, geli!!!

(I did some research, this species of gecko is called gekko siamensis, which is very rare)


  1. babe, seriously? mahal?

    wanna come over to my house? I think I have one zipping about under the microwave, next to my Kitchen Aid and it's wayyy too close for comfort.

  2. betul gart! it's so espensive! my friend cakap yg dotted red lagi mahal.

    err.. are u sure u have tokke kat rumah tu? takut datuk cicak je.. hehe
