Friday, January 23, 2009


Since last week, dah janji dgn Zana and As nak buat Vietnamese Roll. Patut today kul 10am, dia org datang rumah, buat the roll and makan sama2. But since last nite, I've not been feeling very well. So terpaksa la cancel dgn dia org. Sorry again Zana and As. Kita buat lepas CNY yek.

Bila dah sakit ni, nak makan tak lalu, masak tu jauh sekali. Pagi tadi at about 5am, Hubby came back from Johor, was too drowsy from medication to greet him properly. Kul 7.45am send the kids off to KAFA pastu sambung tido. About 11am, Hubby lapar, and takde apa2 kat dapur. *sigh*.. nak masak apa for brunch? Last sekali goreng mee and masak grilled lamb. Walaupun simple, tapi alhamdulillah, kenyang jugak.

Dah few days tak makan nasik sebab tekak sakit. Kids requested Mama to prepare sushi for their lunch pack to school. Dalam mata yang almost takleh bukak, terpaksa la masak sushi. Luckily my rice cooker ada setting utk masak sushi rice. So keje tak la susah mana. I omitted the step where u have to kipas the nasik sambil kacau tu. Tak kuasa la aku nak mengipas nasik tu :)

Oh ya! Tomorrow I'll be off to Terengganu for few days. Will be back on Wednesday. Happy holiday everyone :)

Sushi - dah muak dah nak makan ni.. but the kids love it!

Ni bukan lemang, but sushi rolls before dipotong dgn pisau

My sweet girls :)

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