Today dah ler bangun lambat, semangat utk exercise dah hilang ke mana. I wanted to continue with my bodyforlife program. For those yg nak tau apa program ni is all about, boleh tgk kat Dah la semlm aku missed upperbody nye exercise, hari ni terkial2 nak continue.. fast forward, lepas bertungkus lumus exercise, rasa penat yg amat dan malas teramat sgt nak masak. So lunch kat kedai mamak.. *sigh*.. mcm mana la nak kurus.
Lepas lunch, picked up my kids kat rumah my mum, pastu pegi ke carrefour wangsa maju. Hubby wanted to buy harddisk for one of the pc at home, tapi teramat mahal la pulak. Ended up buying veges je. Dah ler orang ramai yg amat kat carrefour. Balik carrefour, I fell asleep. Bangun2 je dah pukul 6pm. Hubby dah complaint kata lapar. Masak burger, pastu I started dinner preparation. Dok pikir apa la aku nak masak today, last sekali, masak Butter Rice, Ayam Stick and acar mentah. Akan ku upload gambar esok.. now too sleepy
Lepas lunch, picked up my kids kat rumah my mum, pastu pegi ke carrefour wangsa maju. Hubby wanted to buy harddisk for one of the pc at home, tapi teramat mahal la pulak. Ended up buying veges je. Dah ler orang ramai yg amat kat carrefour. Balik carrefour, I fell asleep. Bangun2 je dah pukul 6pm. Hubby dah complaint kata lapar. Masak burger, pastu I started dinner preparation. Dok pikir apa la aku nak masak today, last sekali, masak Butter Rice, Ayam Stick and acar mentah. Akan ku upload gambar esok.. now too sleepy
4 cups of basmathi rice - wash and drain
5 ulas garlic - ketuk
1/2 cup of butter
1 cup of chicken stock
3 1/2 cups of water
1/2 cup of fresh milk
1 inci kayu manis, 5 clove, 4 cardamon, 2 star anise
1. mula2 tumis bawang putih dgn butter, and rempah kasar kat atas tu
2. then masukkan chicken stock, water
3. bila dah boil, masukkan susu, 3 tsp garam
4. then tuang semua dalam rice cooker, masukkan beras yg ditoskan.
5. masak. voila!! siap butter rice :)
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