Dah lepas CNY ni, murah pulak limau lokam tu. It was selling at RM1.50 perkg tadi kat Jusco. I think that's the cheapest lokam u can get. An advise given by a chinese friend, dont eat too many of those limau, nanti sakit tekak and batuk teruk, mcm aku sekarang la. Maximum boleh makan cuma abt 3 biji seminggu. Aku tibai sampai 4kg dalam masa 2 hari. Hantu limau la katakan.. hehe
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Trip to Zoo Negara
Dah lepas CNY ni, murah pulak limau lokam tu. It was selling at RM1.50 perkg tadi kat Jusco. I think that's the cheapest lokam u can get. An advise given by a chinese friend, dont eat too many of those limau, nanti sakit tekak and batuk teruk, mcm aku sekarang la. Maximum boleh makan cuma abt 3 biji seminggu. Aku tibai sampai 4kg dalam masa 2 hari. Hantu limau la katakan.. hehe
Several Ways to Describe Ayam's Parts
Cashier : "Encik nak order apa?"
Customer : "Saya mahu snack plate 1, tapi hor, saya takmau itu (sambil gosok dada, and gosok punggung)".
Cashier : " ........... Encik tak mau itu dada dengan peha ke?"
Customer : "ya".
Scene 2.
Cashier : "Encik nak order apa?"
Customer : "Dinner plate 1. Saya tak mau bontot ayam. Itu bontot bau byk busuk (sambil tangan tutup hidung)".
Cashier : ".........."
Scene 3.
Cashier : "Encik nak order apa?"
Customer : "Saya mau snack plate tapi saya cuma mahu ayam yang boleh pegang saje".
Cashier : "....... drumstick ke?"
Customer : "iya".
Scene 4.
Cashier : "Puan nak order apa?"
Customer : "Saya mau snack plate. Saya tak mau itu.. (sambil tunjuk kat tangan, kepak2 kan tangan)... itu tangan ayam. Eh! bukan, sayap ayam.
Cashier : "Wings ke?"
Customer : "ya ya.. betul".
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Ice Cream!
Teringat masa zaman kecik2 dulu, aku suka betul makan ice-cream Tutti Frutti. Masa tu it was selling at RM0.40 sebatang. Now dah naik jadi RM1.00, pastu rasa mcm makan colouring je, tak sedap langsung, kecik pulak tu. Sakit hati je beli.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Sakit Kepala again
Hari ni Iman & Iffah mabuk Upin & Ipin. Tak habis2 dengan "Selamat Pagi Cikgu" nye intonation, yang telah diubah suai menjadi mcm2 version termasuk la "Selamat Malam Mama", "Selamat Petang Cikgu", "Selamat Malam Nekton" dan mcm2 lagi. Nak je Mama bertukar menjadi harimau, tapi kesian pulak, lately ni asyik kena marah je sebab Mama has not been feeling very well since last week.
Today Iffah jadi chef kat dapur dibantu oleh mama. Aku peeled the apples, Iffah siapkan the crumble. Nak sgt2 makan Apple Crumble/ Apple Crisp dgn ice-cream. But unfortunately, ice-cream takde.. huwaaaa.. sedey!!..
* 10 cups all-purpose apples, peeled, cored and sliced
* 1/2 cup white sugar
* 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
* 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
* 1 cup quick-cooking oats
* 1 cup all-purpose flour
* 1 cup packed brown sugar
* 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
* 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
* 1/2 cup butter, melted
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degree C).
2. Place the sliced apples in a 9x13 inch pan. Mix the white sugar, 1 tablespoon flour and ground cinnamon together, and sprinkle over apples. Pour water evenly over all.
3. Combine the oats, 1 cup flour, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda and melted butter together. Crumble evenly over the apple mixture.
4. Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for about 45 minutes.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Dinner Tonite
My SIL K.Nor, ajak breakfast nasik dagang. We all pegi Batu Buruk. Kat situ ada kedai nasik dagang tak sedap and mahal, tapi sebab takde choice, musim cuti mcm ni, dgn orang yg ramai, bangun lambat some more, maka terpaksa la duduk and makan kat tempat tu. Ingatkan pukul 9.30am tu awal lagi, rupanya tak. By the time we all nak order nasik dagang, dah habis. Sempat order nasik minyak 3 pinggan je, pastu habis jugak. Last sekali aku makan laksa kuah merah, the kids makan nasik minyak. My MIL makan nasik lemak.
Lepas makan, we all pun bertolak balik ke KL. Before balik, aku ajak Hubby pegi visit my dear friend Nora who lost her mother on sunday. Her mom passed away sebab cancer, meninggal kat KL and kebumi kat Terengganu, next to Arwah Ayah Nora. My deepest condolence to Nora and her family. Masa gi rumah Nora tadi, tak sempat nak jumpa dia, takde orang kat rumah, maybe pegi kubur agaknya.
From rumah Nora, we decided to lalu ikut pantai. Kalau ikut pantai, maknanya lalu the main towns mcm Marang, Dungun, Paka, Kerteh and Kemaman. Memang taknak lalu ikut Jabor pun sebab malas nak bersesak dgn lori2 yang besar. Oleh kerana kereta tersgtla byknya, maka we all tak berenti pun, except kat Kemaman. Hubby wanted to buy kopi HaikPeng for his sister, K.Mei.
Sempat jugak we all berenti lunch kat Kemaman. Then aku tak tau apa yg berlaku dalam kereta sebab aku tido all the way sampai Genting Sempah. Iffah siap complaint lagi that aku snored in the car. I was like.. zzzzz.. biar betul! Must be really tired coz the nite before aku balik rumah MIL kul 2am, pegi minum dgn my SILs kat Air Buah Gelas Besar somewhere dekat dgn Sekolah Ibrahim Fikri. Since KT takde pubs or clubs, we all terpaksa la lepak kat situ. As if aku ni pernah gi pubs or clubs.. hehe.. Tu kira girls nite out la tu, but Terengganu version :)
Dinner orang malas. What's so special abt jagung ni was that, aku grilled jagung ni dulu, then sapu butter, condensed milk and tabur garam. Peh!! best!!
BBQ Chicken. Another orang malasnya dish.
Tadi ada grill some lamb shoulder for Hubby, tapi tersgt la malasnya nak ambik gambar, nothing special pun :)
Friday, January 23, 2009
Today, my voice has decided to desert me. sob sob.. Serak giler suara, nak bercakap pun sakit tekak. Pastu tgh2 cakap, tiba2 suara hilang. I guess my voice pun decided to take a vacation too. I hope I'll get better by tomorrow. I seriously need a break... Aku nak balik kampung!!!!!
Ni gambar kat Beting Lintang, Tembila Terengganu. Bot2 kecik ni belong to nelayan2 kat situ. Everyday, dia orang akan ke laut, pastu by 3-5pm, balik ke pantai. Masa tu la boleh tengok ikan2 fresh. Peh! best makan ikan fresh. Bila dah biasa makan ikan fresh, ikan kat Pasar Borong Selayang or Pasar Tani boleh kim salam babai la. Dah quite few years jugak la aku tak makan ikan kat Pasar sebab takleh telan. Aku cuma makan ikan yang Mok or Abah beli kat tepi pantai sahaja. Cerewet kan? hehe..
Bila dah sakit ni, nak makan tak lalu, masak tu jauh sekali. Pagi tadi at about 5am, Hubby came back from Johor, was too drowsy from medication to greet him properly. Kul 7.45am send the kids off to KAFA pastu sambung tido. About 11am, Hubby lapar, and takde apa2 kat dapur. *sigh*.. nak masak apa for brunch? Last sekali goreng mee and masak grilled lamb. Walaupun simple, tapi alhamdulillah, kenyang jugak.
Dah few days tak makan nasik sebab tekak sakit. Kids requested Mama to prepare sushi for their lunch pack to school. Dalam mata yang almost takleh bukak, terpaksa la masak sushi. Luckily my rice cooker ada setting utk masak sushi rice. So keje tak la susah mana. I omitted the step where u have to kipas the nasik sambil kacau tu. Tak kuasa la aku nak mengipas nasik tu :)
Oh ya! Tomorrow I'll be off to Terengganu for few days. Will be back on Wednesday. Happy holiday everyone :)
Sushi - dah muak dah nak makan ni.. but the kids love it!
Ni bukan lemang, but sushi rolls before dipotong dgn pisau
My sweet girls :)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Chit Chat
Mama : Alaa.. biar je la
Iffah : Mama!!! Dia makan taik hidung dia.
Mama : What???????!!!!!!!!!!
How disgusting is that? Abbas is Giant (dalam cite Doraemon) in the making. Tiba2 teringat ada satu episode dalam cerita Doreamon, Giant korek taik hidung and kumpul sampai jadi besar mcm bola.. yuck!!
Sorry.. too tired, too sleepy, drowsy because of the cough syrup that I took earlier. Iffah chattering non stop, Iman tossing in bed, Mama feeling miserable without Abah around. What a day!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Hadiah From Makcik Sae Mi Mart
Glutinous Rice Cake - Deok
Gambar tu aku ambik from wikipedia. Sorry, terpaksa ambik gambar kat situ sebab by the time nak ambik gambar, tgk2, Iffah dah habiskan semua. Dia hantu rice cake mcm Mama jugak.
Today Iman & Iffah start exam. Aduh! sakitnya kepala. Baru masuk sekolah 3 minggu, dah ada exam. Tgk dalam list yg cikgu bagi, ni exam prestasi. Iffah mcm stress je duduk dalam kelas dia sekarang. ada 40 students, 18 pengawas. She was complaining abt how the pengawas2 tu manjang tulis nama dia, coz dia susah nak berenti cakap. Dia memang ikut Abah dia, bila dah bercakap, takleh berenti.
Iman pulak complaint that ada boy kat dalam kelas dia main tendang and tertendang kaki iman sampai lebam. Nak je jadi Mama Monster and karate budak tu. But nanti kena masuk balai pulak. I really dont understand kenapa cikgu tak boleh nak control budak2 kat dalam kelas. Argh! byknya masalah. Really wish Hubby is here..
Anyway, if you wanna read more on rice cakes or Deok, you can click here http://www.lifeinkorea.com/culture/ricecake/ricecake.cfm?Subject=types
How to Make Bibimbap
For 4- 6 servings.
- Cooked rice
- a package of bean sprouts
- a bunch of spinach
- 2 small size of zucchinis
- 5-7 Shiitake mushrooms
- fern brakes (kosari)
- 200 grams of ground beef (about half a pound)
- 1 small carrot, eggs
- soy sauce, hot pepper paste, garlic, sesame seeds, sesame oil, and vegetable oil
Arrange everything on a platter.
- Cook rice. You can use a rice cooker or a stainless pot.
- Next, you need to prepare a large platter to put all your ingredients on. Rinse your bean sprouts 3 times and put them in a pot with a cup of water. Add 1 ts of salt and cook for 20 minutes. Drain water and mix it with 1 clove of minced garlic, sesame oil and a pinch of salt.
Put it on the platter. - Put your spinach in a pot of boiling water and stir it for a minute. Then rinse it in cold water a few times and squeeze it lightly. Mix it with a pinch of salt, 1 ts of soy sauce, 1 clove of minced garlic and sesame oil. Put it on the platter
- Cut 2 small size zucchinis into thin strips, sprinkle them with a pinch of salt, and then mix them together. A few minutes later, sauté them in a pan over high heat. When it’s cooked, it will look a little translucent. Put it on the platter.
- You can buy soaked and cooked “kosari” at a Korean grocery store. Prepare about 2 or 3 cups of kosari for this 4 servings of bibimbap. Cut it into pieces 5-7 cm long and sauté in a heated pan with 1 ts of vegetable oil. Stir and add 1 tbs of soy sauce, 1/2 tbs of sugar, and cook them for 1-2 minutes. Add sesame oil. Put it on the platter.
- Slice shitake mushrooms thinly and sauté with 1 ts of vegetable oil. Add 2 ts of soy sauce and 1 or 2 ts of sugar and stir it for 2 minutes. Add some sesame oil, and put it on the platter.
- On a heated pan, put some oil and 200 grams of ground beef and stir it. Add 4 cloves of minced garlic, 1 tbs of soy sauce, 1/2 tbs of sugar, a little grounded black pepper, and sesame oil.
Put it on the platter. - Cut a carrot into strips, sauté it for 30 seconds and put it on the platter.
- prepare eggs with sunny side up.
- Put your rice In a big bowl, and attractively display all your vegetables and meat. Place the sunny side up egg on the center.
- Serve it with sesame oil and hot pepper paste.
- Lastly, mix it up and eat!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Tiring Day
Actually dulu masa belajar takde la bulat camni. But with PCOS, I'm gaining weight even though I eat sikit sgt. Tu yang frustrating. One of the symptoms of PCOS is Obesity. sob sob.. sedih sedih. But my friend As commented that dalam ramai2 kawan dia yg ada PCOS, I'm the slimmest. hehe.. ye la tu.
Aku just nak upload gambar some of cucu2 Mok. Aku ciplak dari blog my sister
Mas, sorry, gambar engkau kena cedok :D

My lunch today. (Sorry dear, I makan sorang2, U telan air liur je la kat Johor ye)
Sayur & Lamb
Ni dah campur dgn nasik, telur goreng, hot paste sauce (Gochuchang) & seaweed
Monday, January 19, 2009
Body Odour
Tadi I arrived at my work place a bit early, about 4.20pm. Masa tu Ju Hee, my student was there alone, watching movie in the computer room. Then tiba2, bau perfume yg tersgt la kuat and busuknya menusuk hidung. OMG!! bau tu stay from friday until today?? Lama giler!!.
Ever since the new teacher, Mr. F (No no.. It doesnt stand for F**ker) datang mengajar kat situ, the whole place smell like him.. huwaaa... it's soooo busuk. The kind of smell that makes u wanna hold ur breath sampai muka jadi hijau. I can't stand the smell!!!!! Argh!!! How to tell him??? One of my student did cakap kat dia that she cant stand his BO. Guess what he did?? He sniffed his right armpit, then left armpit, pastu pusing kat student tu, cakap takde apa2 pun. Ada jugak cikgu mcm tu.
Teringat pasal another teacher, Mr. J. Lepas dia quit mengajar last year, the students dok bercerita abt his behaviour dalam kelas. Normally dia akan scratch his chest, pastu sniff his fingers, then scratch his armpit, then sniff again. I was like.. WHAT THE ...!!! Dia boleh buat mcm tu depan students.. zzz.. Sometimes he will scratch his crotch, pastu sniff lagi.. zzzz... Rasa mcm nak pengsan dengar. And dia akan burp (belch) depan students. Kalau kebetulan dia makan something yg bau kuat, maka satu kelas la berbau... Tension budak2 tu.
I know, it's bad to talk abt other ppl. But today, memang takleh tahan. Selalunya, 99% of the time, I'd avoid talking bad abt ppl. Hari ni dah tahap tak tahan lagi dah... *sigh*.. sorry..
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Kayuh Basikal
Since budak2 ni takde basikal yg suitable for their age, terpaksa la Hubby adjusted saddle basikal dia org masa they were abt 3 yrs old. Hehe.. dont fret, basikal tu actually besar jugak. I was able to ride on that bike, demonstrating my riding skill to my kids and they were laughing like hell... zzz.. they said Mama looks so funny riding a small bike. Yeah! I know, nampak lemak2 dari sisi, bila kena duduk atas saddle yg kecik. Sakit bontot bila bangun dari saddle tu. I need an extra padded saddle for my big butt!
Iffah naik sekali je, terus dah boleh paddle the bike, but Iman needed more time to practise. As of now, Iman still not successful with her attempts. Kesian Iman, maybe she needs Abah to help her. Abah is always patient with her, Mama as usual, Singa Betina.. hehe.
Tiba2, teringat pulak masa Iman and Iffah still kecik. We bought Iman her bike when she was abt 3 1/2, Iffah's when she was 2 1/2. Iffah pandai kayuh basikal dulu dari Kakak. So Kakak was very sad abt it. Today pun sama, Iffah dah ok, iman still takleh lagi. Kesiannya anak Mama.. Tunggu Abah balik la ye sayang.
Liza and Eddie (Hubby's frens) came over for lunch. Since today mcm malas nak masak, so I cooked Bulgogi, Potato Salad and Vietnamese Rice Paper Roll again. Nora and As came a bit later. Nora bagi her homemade Sardine Roll. Thank you Nora! Susah payah engkau drive from Ampang semata2 nak hantar Sardine Roll tu.
Dalam one of my posting, aku dah bagi recipe apa yg patut ada dalam vietnamese rice paper roll. Today just ambik gambar je. :)
Red, Green, Yellow Capsicum, Bwg Besar, Tomato, Canned Pineapple
Lemon, Limau Kasturi, Fish Sauce, Cili Padi, Crushed garlics
Bulgogi again.
Sumo Baby - Part 2
Oleh kerana Hubby needs a car to go to work, and I need a car to send kids to school, maka kena pinjam kete adik. Lepas hantar kete semlm, sempat la jenguk Sumo Baby tu. Yesterday dia dilanda angin kuskus, very moody. Maybe sebab nak tido kot. Bila kiss pipi dia, marah sgt2. hehe. .. lagi la aku suka mengusik. Masa sampai rumah my mum, Mummy dia baru je lepas mandikan.
Muka tension je. Pakai bengkung pun sampai kat dada. Ni bengkung size XL
Senyum bila Mummy dia panggil.
Lengan ni dah mcm kek lapis. :)
Aunty, go away pls. (muka stress sebab dapat Auntyrazzi, tak habis2 ambik gambar dia) hehe..
Saturday, January 17, 2009
A Busy Saturday - Part 1
Before aku mempamerkan semua yg tersebut kat atas tu, nak tunjuk budak manja menangis. Dia sibuk sgt nak tolong grate carrot for spring rolls, tapi oleh kerana dia ni a bit tebolah (ni bahasa terengganu. maksudnya careless kot, nanti akan aku tanya apa maksudnya), maka terkena la jari. Melalak la pulak kat dapur. Ish! dah la hari ni panas, buatkan aku lagi panas. Kakak is trying to pujuk Adik without realising that she's wearing seluar yg koyak.. hehe.
Iffah a.k.a Adik (Dia memang rajin, suka tolong kat dapur)
Masa ni ok lagi, tgh tunjuk skill. Omit pemandangan keliling yg tak menyedapkan mata tu.. hehe. Dapur mmg selalu semak :)
Saat-saat jari berdarah. Kuat sgt2 dia menjerit.. sakit kepala Mama dibuatnya
Setelah puas nangis, baru nak check jari still intact ke tak.. hahaha. Tu nampak kaki Kakak kat belakang, berlari2 dari depan TV nak tgk, apa dah jadi dgn Adik yang dok melalak2 tu.
Berusaha keras nak pujuk adik. Teringat gambar masa dia org kecik, kat A Famosa, sama scene :)
Adik menangis, Kakak pujuk. (A Famosa when Kakak was 5 yrs old, adik was 4 yrs old)

Yesterday for their lunch, I prepared this, I used imitation crab meat and cucumber.
Vinegar & Mayo that I use
Siap ada instruction kat bawah packaging, cara2 nak bukak the wrapper.

The kids love tuna mayo filling. Balik M'sia, asyik nak Onigiri, but mana nak cari. So everytime their uncle balik cuti, kirim la berpuluh2 onigiri, pastu sumbat peti. Now that their uncle dah balik M'sia, kim salam ler nak makan onigiri. Even Isetan pun takde jual.
Here's a few I checked out recently.