Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Iffah & Her Love for Her Kakak.

When Iman was hospitalised 3 weeks ago, Iffah asked extra pocket money from Makcik Ton (No, not from Makcik Ton's own pocket ye. Ni duit yang mama Iffah bagi in advance for Makcik Ton to simpan and bagi the girls every morning before going off to school). Makcik Ton tanya dia nak buat apa, she said she wants to buy kertas. Kertas??

 Made by Iffah

Kakak happy dapat bunga dari Adik
Rupanya nak buat bouquet of paper flowers for her sister. Sweet Iffah.. Semalam, I was looking at photos of Iffah masa rambut dia still panjang, which was last year, and I realised that, she looks super cute with long hair. Need to grow her hair again, tak boleh potong dah lepas ni.

With her best friend Sophia, who is coming to KL tomorrow.

Cheeky Iffah


  1. That was so sweet of Iffah to do that. Iman sure terharu sgt2 kan dpt the flowers :-).
    How come the youngest aka the second always ingat kat Kakak dia in anything and everything she does but Kakak dia selalu terlupa kat Adik dia in everything? hehehehe.
    I have that problem with my girls lah, don't know what to do....

  2. so sweet of iffah :-)
    ha ah she look so chomel with long hair...i pun tgh nak grow hasya punya hair tapi dah lama dah i tengok her hair tak grow grow pun...mengerbang ada lah :D

  3. craetive jugak iffah......muka je mcm brutal skit...heheheh


  4. K.min,

    Sweet kan? bila I tengok dia bawak the paper flower bouquet, rasa nak menangis pun ada.

    Our problem is the same la k.min. Iman pun macam tu dengan Iffah. Iffah is the last person yang dia ingat agaknya. but yang adik ni, kakak is everything to her. pening kepala dibuatnya.

  5. Zarin,

    I think kan, Iffah tu macam I, sweet je.. hahahah.. jgn muntah. sediakan baldi sebelum hujan .. hehe..

    I think Hasya punya rambut, bukan tak panjang2, but it's curling up. Comel sangat2. I suka budak2 rambut curly, especially mcm anak k.min, zahra :)

    Lepas ni memang i takleh potong rambut iffah dah :)

  6. Emy,

    Ada macam k.shidah zaman sekolah dulu tak? hehe.. my friends cakap, whenever they see Iffah, they see me masa zaman sekolah. But I think, i'm less brutal now, sebab dah dewasa kan :D

  7. Shidah..

    So sweet of Iffah. If I were there witnessing her bringing the paper flowers to her sis, I'd cried too. Ni pong dah genang2 ayaq mata...hehe

    Make sure you let Iman grow her hair long again. Long hair girls are very feminine kan? :D

  8. K.Lili,

    hehe.. I think the sweetness tu came from me. kalau sourness, tu their abah la tu :D

    yes yes, definitely will let them grow their hair pass shoulder length :D

  9. Shidah
    Very thoughtful of Iffah. BTW, Iffah or Iman yg Cancerian??

    I nih pulak suka budak2 sekolah rambut pendek cos I was 'drilled' from then on not to have long hair (psst.. masalah rambut sebenarnya yg wavy2, auwww); so I pun did the same to my doter. I cut her hair sampailah dia masuk primary school. Now dia dah besar, I tak masuk campur .. it's all up her :-)

  10. CS,

    bila u tanya about Cancerian, I kena google. Nasib baik pakcik wikipedia baik hati bagi info. I tak tau pun the girls bintang apa :D

    Iffah is a cancerian. cancerian memang baik hati yek? i bukan cancerian.. huhuhu..

    masa i kecik2 dulu, my mom pun potong my hair pendek mcm budak lelaki. the reason being, she has 7 children to care for, so kalau kena sikat rambut i hari2, memang tak sempat la anak2 lain nak gi sekolah. nasib baik lagi 2 org adik2 i lahir bila i dah sekolah menengah. kalau tak, mau la i berambut pendek sampai masuk uni :D
