Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Week 10 ~ Body For Life

This is my week 10 of Body For Life program. Rasa macam nak pengsan bila nak kena pikir apa nak makan etc. Normally we'll stick to grilled fish, tuna sandwich, or anything seafood. Hubby is blood type AB, so I cant prepare beef or chicken dish. Every 2-3 days, we'll have lamb sandwich. Yesterday aku pegi Jusco, hoping to get slice lamb at 50% off, tapi takde pun. Sedih je rasa. So semalam, aku beli paru je. Ingat nak masak sambal pengantin hari ni. Err.. tapikan, aku tak penah masak sambal pengantin. Mampu ke aku buat?

Back to my body for life program. Aku rasa aku takde vast improvement macam dulu. Dunno where I did wrong. Or maybe sebab I'm older now and with PCOS, the progress is much slower. Kadang2 rasa demotivated jugak bila tengok progress is not as what I expect it to be. Hubby dah kurus by a lot! He can wear seluar size 33 now. ME? err.. I think I'm still further away from size 28. Lemak2 di monggeng ku just refused to go away. Argh!

Starting from this week, hubby wants to add new exercise to our lower body exercises. Instead of just deadlift, squats, abs and claves, he'll add another exercise for inner thigh. Mampu ke aku nak ikut? On Monday I increased my lower body weights, sampai hari ni kaki aku sakit giler. Bila nak solat, punya la seksa.

Semalam, adik aku, Mas, bagitau that Sharp is going to have a warehouse sale on Saturday. To those yang nak beli barang Sharp at a very low price, sila la ke sana ye. My advise, those yang nak beli barang, be there at 7am sebab by 8am tu, dah penuh kereta especially tokey2 kedai letrik. Memang murah sangat barang2 Sharp time tu. And semlm, Mas email new staff price offer for month of March. Aku tengok 35L convection oven is selling for RM130. I think I wanna start baking kek lapis and macarons. So, I'll start with a small oven dulu. :)

Photo taken 2 weeks ago when I was in Terengganu. Ni baru balik from Cardio at TER. Muka je nampak kurus, so kena ambik gambar muka dulu :D


  1. Shidah,
    Dari muka turun ke boobs turun ke tummy turun ke vontot and then ke peha :-). First muka kurus, pastu lama2 vontot jadi kurus and va va woom, hehehe...

  2. kak.. aja aja fighting!! err.. what is the relationship btwn blood type & food intake? ada efek ke? saya pun AB jugak.. does it mean i shall avoid ayam & daging if i want to retain my current weight?

  3. K.Min,

    Tu yang tak sabar nak tunggu. Bila la the shrinking proses of my monggeng will take place. btw, love ur blog profile pic. so kelakar! hahaha.. awat muka Matt macam tu. :D

  4. Ju,

    hehe.. thank you. I kan, seriously kena avoid tgk ur blog. I'm so tempted to try everything! Argh! this is so not good.

    Some ppl say, if u eat according to ur blood type, then metabolic rate can be optimised and digestion will be better. If u want the list for AB, I can give it to u :D

  5. Shidah

    Dimanakah gerangan terletaknya warehouse Sharp itew??

  6. CS,

    I'm posting an entry for you. Jap yek.. I google map dulu :D
