Monday, March 7, 2011

A New Kind of Sandwich

I'm writing this with a sore throat and a runny nose. Maka, tak boleh la nak tulis panjang lebar. Lagipun lepas ni nak exercise dan start spring cleaning the house. Hubby wants our room to be dust free. Boleh ke? ermm.. Iman came home yesterday still wheezing. Her wheezing didnt go away even after 7 days at the hospital. So we will have to make sure the environment kat rumah ni, as less allegen as possible.

Since we embarked on the low calorie diet (thank you K.Min), we're becoming sandwich people. Nasi dah jarang makan sebab makan sandwich lagi senang. Aku suka coz it's so easy to prepare. 2-3 kali seminggu, hubby akan makan sandwich kambing. Kalau dengar, mcm gross je bunyi kan? Tapikan, the filling yang aku buat tu, sedap! kalau tak makan, memang menyesal. Especially bila letak a bit of chili sauce and mustard. How did I prepare my kambing? Aku guna the exact recipe as the Tavuklu Pide toppings.

The filling

Makan dengan pita bread

The sandwich! sedap!

The Recipe ada kat sini

Filling ingredients
1/2kg of lamb, minced roughly.
2 medium size onions. Chop roughly.

4 clove garlic. finely grated/ chopped.
1/2 bunch chinese celery. roughly chop.
1/2 tbsp Cayenne pepper
1 tbs black pepper
2 tsp salt
2 whole tomatoes - roughly chopped
1 red Chili - roughly chopped
2 tbs Olive oil
1 dried basil leaf - crushed
Mix well the ingredients

1. Heat the skillet with 2 tbs of olive oil, masukkan semua filling and fry til dry.


  1. shidah
    my hb suka ths kind of sandwich tp my hb mengada dia nk mkn ngan pita bread yg i buat sendiri. takmo yg instant pita bread tu. sebab i malas nk wat pita bread sendiri maka kena pi makan sandwich kambing kat kedai lah gamaknya hikhik

    btw, i amik recipe ni, mana tau kot kot i rajin, buleh ler i buat fillings ni

    on iman tu, why not u letakkan air purifier kat rumah so that kurangla dust tu
    dulu masa my dotter kecik, her paed suh taruk menda alah ni kat rumah sebab wheezing teruk

  2. Kat sini panas memanjang wlpong berangin sepoi2 bahasa gitu...sampaikan tak berapa lalu nak makan nasi except ratah2 lauk, so this recipe you gave, is a refreshing change for my lunch menu. Will try soon! Thanks, Shidah...

    About Iman tu, slowly lah kot dia akan beransur pulih. Memang sakit ni datang macam ribut...nak pergi macam kura2 jer lambatnya. :)

  3. kak.. i heard abt rainbow system.. some sort like air purifier.. which is good at eliminating dust.. but not sure abt the cost.
    pst: kalau ada offer itu kamben tlg beli boleh? ;)

  4. zarin,

    waa.. rajinnya u buat pita bread sendiri. Ni yang buatkan I bersemangat untuk buat pita bread sendiri ni. The truth is, I suka makan roti yg dibuat sendiri. Selain dari sebab takde org yg nak menghabiskan, I love the smell of fresh baked bread dalam rumah :D

    kat rumah dah ada air purifier, but i think the culprit is chuppy yg iman adopt tu.

  5. K.Lili,

    it's definitely something different. Bila time panas macam ni, memang sgt2 tak lalu nak makan nasi. Tapi hari ni, my hubby ambik 1 day off, dia requested nasi with grilled dory. Kejap lagi kena start masak. malas sungguh rasanya..

    dr zarin pun cakap mcm tu. it will take time before iman fully recovers from this, maybe 6-8 weeks. bye bye gold coast. memang tak jadi pegi la nampaknya.

  6. Ju,

    rainbow system? macam mahal je. Pengsan kalau nak beli brg mahal2 ni. my hubby bought 2 honeywell air purifier dulu, masa dia keje honeywell. tapi sampai sekarang tak beli lagi filter baru. ishk! dah ler mahal benda tu.

    nak kambing brapa byk? i was thinking of looking for kambing tomorrow. nanti I belikan for u ye :D

  7. ermm yummy!!sandwich like this memang best..
    i like..tapi penduduk rumah mesti nak cari nasi juga..huhu how is ur girl?..dah ok dah?..

  8. Ayu,

    bila makan sandwich mcm ni, teringat sandwich turkey yg i beli masa i was a student dulu. pergh! memang sedap! my hubby sekarang kalau tak makan nasik pun takpe. which memang menyenangkan keje i :)

    iman is still wheezing. so now, she has to take nebulizer every 4 hours for the next 3 days. pastu 6 hourly for another 3 days, then 8 hourly for 3 days, 12 hourly for another 3 days and maybe continue til next mth. =.=
